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Hello Robynn and welcome to the forums.
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with this. This is just a suggestion and it's up to you of course, but have you thought about trying to tell your parents/guardians, and a GP about how you're feeling, and the scratching of the skin? I ask this because maybe you could get assessed to see if you have depression or something like that. Of course I hope that you don't have any mental illnesses, but it's just a friendly suggestion.
Sometimes talking to people, professionals or not, can help. I like you, and I don't think you're weird, but if it makes you feel any better, I feel that way all the time too, I think it's a common feeling.
Please stay safe, and I hope you enjoy yourself here and find some support and connect with people. Take care.
I'm here always if you would like a chat or just someone to listen.
- Tayla.
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Welcome to our friendly online community. We're sorry to hear that you've been isolating yourself. If sounds like you've been going through a really hard time, and we hope that you know that there is support available to you - you're not alone. If you don't mind us asking, what kind of situations are you finding yourself that are causing you to feel this stress?
If you feel it may be helpful, you are always welcome to get in touch with Kids Help Line. They are a confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged 25 and under.
We're also sorry to hear that you're feeling that people don't like being around you. It sounds like you're having some unhelpful thoughts that are causing you some distress. You might be interested in reading our page “Four tips to handle social anxiety in the moment”- https://www.beyondblue.org.au/personal-best/pillar/supporting-yourself/four-tips-to-handle-social-an...
Thanks again for reaching out here. Please know that this is a safe space and you can feel free to share what you're thinking and feeling here when you feel up to it.
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Hi Robynn,
Welcome to BeyondBlue.
Do you feel confused about life? Like everything is just becoming overwhelming and you are slowly losing your connection to anything in the world?
I understand how you feel about separating yourself from others. It is a really weird feeling because sometimes you don't even know why you are doing it.
I do the same thing when I am in stressful situations, I scratch my skin and I know this is weird but I bite my nails too.
What is making you feel stressed? (You don't have to answer that if you don't want to 🙂 )
It is really hard to know what others feel about you and it is stressful because you never know if they like you or not. But I just wanted to say, I don't think you are weird.
Are you in school? I am in year 9.
I hope you are doing well and to talk some more. 🙂
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Hi again Robynn, and hello Sophie_M.
I agree with the suggestion of Kids Helpline, I use their webchat often. The wait times can be a bit long, that's the only issue. But it depends on the time and day. You can also try eHeadspace, they have web chats weekly I believe, one each day of the weak, from 6:30pm-9:45pm I think it is? And they have group chats also often, about certain topics.
You can also try Lifeline, they're all good.
- Tayla.
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hi and welcome to beyond blue.
the feelings and thoughts you mentioned in your post are similar to me with depression - isolating from other people, the thought that nobody likes you or thinks you are weird. I would get a hot or tingling feeling. Now, I am not suggesting this is what you have from your post, only that I can relate to what you are saying. Some of these thought can be our mind playing tricks on us,
There are plenty of things you can do from self-education to apps on your phone. Perhaps the best starting point would be...
or you could have a chat with your GP. Also know it is possible that people you know have similar thoughts and feelings but they dont talk it. Sometimes talking to someone or writing here can be helpful. I would be interested in hearing more of your story.
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Hey again
I just don’t really know what the point is of life currently is as everything is overwhelming. I just feel like everybody else’s personality’s are covering me over because I am not confident enough or strong enough to come out of my shell. My school life is so stressful sometimes I have breaks downs over doing study for my tests. I really don’t want to be sad but ever since year 6 I have just been going down a rabbit hole. Year 7 was especially hard as I was bullied by my friendship group. They sweared at me and said that I was not good enough to play handball with them. I don’t want to talk with my parents because they will make things weird. That what happened when I was getting bullied.
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Hi Robynn,
Welcome to the forum and thank you for being so brave and sharing what's been going on for you. I'm sorry that things feel rough for you at the moment. If you'd like to, you're very welcome to continue sharing here about how you're going.
Although Year 7 feels very long ago for me, I remember being incredibly stressed over school and tests too. As someone who is much older now, I just want to share that nothing is more important than you being happy, healthy and safe. While grades are important, please take care of yourself and take study breaks too. There are so many ways to reach your goals in life.
It can be difficult to talk with your parents, especially as parents can sometimes make things feel weird and worse. As everyone above has so helpfully shared, Kids Helpline may be a great place to start talking to somebody. At some point if you feel you might want to talk to your parents but are unsure how to start, maybe you can show them this post? (Just a suggestion, you don't need to if you don't feel comfortable). As you've shared so well what's going on for you now and it might help save you the struggle of saying it out.
I'm sorry that your peers haven't been very kind to you and you feel your personality is overshadowed. Finding your place within friendship groups and finding the right fit with friends can be really difficult, and how you're feeling now is completely valid. In my own schooling experience, I've found that just being me, being my unique self has worked for me and I've found friends who accept me for the way that I am. I hope that you do too, but I know how challenging and tiring it might feel in the meantime. I urge you to hang in there and be true to yourself.
Take care Robynn, we are here for you.
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Hi Robynn,
I understand how you feel, life is scary, you don't even where you are heading until you reach there. It is overwhelming.
I think you are really strong to come here and to talk about how you feel deep down.
Do you feel like everyone else's expectations are covering the real you? Like you want to come out of your shell and be who you really are, but something stops you within because of fear of being judged or something else.
School life is really stressful. Does your school emphasise the importance of tests all of the time, whilst also saying that tests aren't important and you should take risks, but then hand you test and saying its important? My school does that and that makes it worse. Do you make a timetable for studying? I feel like for me when a test comes no matter how much I study I feel like I am missing something. Do you feel like this too?
I am really sorry that your friends swore at you and not good enough to play handball with them. You did not deserve any of what they said. Its just horrible what people say. I understand how you feel, its really hard to forget and the things people say. I remember being bullied in year 6 and was called things like "fat", "ugly", "forehead" (because I have a big forehead) and swear words, I still haven't been able to forget about it.
Is there a school counsellor or teacher in your school that you feel comfortable with and maybe talk to? Parents can be hard to talk to because they see things with a different perception. But maybe you could give them another chance and tell them how you feel and say that you don't want to make things weird at your school?
How are you? How is school going?
I hope you are doing well.
Hope talk some more. 🙂
- Neerja
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Hello Robynn.
Just checking in to see how you're going? No pressure for you to reply, I'm just letting you know that I, and others here, are here for you to chat and listen, if you wish to check in. We care. Be safe & take care please.
- Tayla.