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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

M-aggie Chronic Depression
  • replies: 0

My name is Maggie I am 22 and have had depression for years and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like it's getting worse at the moment probably because I'm looking for a job after Uni and keep getting rejected. I feel like a weight on society ... View more

My name is Maggie I am 22 and have had depression for years and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like it's getting worse at the moment probably because I'm looking for a job after Uni and keep getting rejected. I feel like a weight on society and don't have any skills or qualifications to contribute. There is no need for me in society.

Levelup Re: Older Male depression, Any ideas how to how not to handle it?
  • replies: 7

Hi I am thinking of going to a psychologist or counsellor for depression. They might ask 'what brings you here today'. This is my query. Is it better to talk of the issue, the real world face, the manifestation, what appears to be a trigger or the de... View more

Hi I am thinking of going to a psychologist or counsellor for depression. They might ask 'what brings you here today'. This is my query. Is it better to talk of the issue, the real world face, the manifestation, what appears to be a trigger or the depression?

GreenEgg Lying in bed awake, sad, when I should be feeling more positive
  • replies: 1

It’s been a little while. A lot has happened since I last visited here, I’ve been coasting along a bit. I think that’s what my life is mostly - like I’m cruising, not really there. Not happy, but often not totally miserable either. I blink and a few ... View more

It’s been a little while. A lot has happened since I last visited here, I’ve been coasting along a bit. I think that’s what my life is mostly - like I’m cruising, not really there. Not happy, but often not totally miserable either. I blink and a few months pass, but nothing really changes. And then it’s not ok, it’s really not. Sometimes it’s fleeting - a day spent crying, agonising. Filled with dread and sadness. Sometimes it’s much longer. It feels like nothing sticks. I want to feel genuinely connected to people, but I don’t really make effort. I want to be more involved with my family and check in more, but I don’t. I want to start doing more exercise, but I don’t. I want to pick up a hobby. I want to volunteer. I want to change jobs. I want to move. I want all of this stuff but none of it I follow through with - sometimes I’ll even get to the point of being sooo close. Other people often seem from the outside to have such energy, motivation. They just decide and do it… Anyway, I’m not sure there’s much of a point to this post. I feel bad, like this is another way I don’t have much consistency

indigo22 Following the breadcrumbs to improve mental health
  • replies: 65

Hi everyone, The last few months have been somewhat confusing as I have discovered more about my mental / physical health and how it has all been connected. I had not put the pieces together, I am not sure why, it seems so obvious now. I have dealt w... View more

Hi everyone, The last few months have been somewhat confusing as I have discovered more about my mental / physical health and how it has all been connected. I had not put the pieces together, I am not sure why, it seems so obvious now. I have dealt with Dysthymia since about 12 and Major Depression since about 14 but was not diagnosed until my 40s and had no idea that had been the problem all along. I knew I wasn't like everyone else but thought I was just born that way. Back then mental health was not a subject that was openly discussed and the signs mostly went unrecognised and untreated. I had about 10 years of talk therapy with a social worker that helped immensely. I have had a sensitive digestive system for a good portion of my life, not so much that I sought treatment, just things like indigestion with certain foods, bloating and the like. I suppose I thought everyone had those types of issues. I have also had nervous system reactions over the past 15 years, like involuntary shaking in certain situations, that I had put down to getting older and being less resilient having been through a lot of difficult challenges. I have been seeing a psychotherapist who also does somatic work (turns out you were right mmmekitty, I did need some more help). The first session of somatic work, in this case EFT (tapping), brought up a deep and long standing belief that I did not deserve to be helped. The emotions were buried so deep that I was not even aware of them. After that session things went haywire physically for a few days and took some weeks to start to settle. Being the type of person who needs to have an understanding of what is happening and why, I have been reading many books on the symptoms I have had. That is when I began to join the dots about how interconnected by mental and physical health actually were. It has required a lot of processing on my part, and an acknowledgement of what I have been consciously unaware of, but it has been necessary to finding a way forward. This will be an ongoing journey as new symptoms show up that need to be looked at. I know now that there is a lot of unreleased trauma in my body that is a contributing factor in not healing mentally or physically and I know now what needs to be done to improve. There is only so much that the medical profession can do, I believe the rest of the responsibility lies with us in digging deeper to find the causes and the answers. In many ways, that in itself becomes empowering. Take care all.indigo

Jaibigrone907 My third last post too...
  • replies: 2

My parent's, I consider them so dumb. Their not realistic, they have given up on their kid's, they don't normalise us to have a future, or be active and live life. They cause argumentative issues for me, social countertransference's. My father is sel... View more

My parent's, I consider them so dumb. Their not realistic, they have given up on their kid's, they don't normalise us to have a future, or be active and live life. They cause argumentative issues for me, social countertransference's. My father is selfish, and his pathetic, but keeps to himself, behind the T.V.. His a useless tyrant parent. He contributed against my creativity, since 2009. I love my Mother absolutely, but my Dad's careless, and self centred. I have no work direction. I am 29 now, and I have no suitable work direction, or any great opportunities. I don't want entry job's, like retail, sales, factory, hospitality. I don't want to work a construction, do a apprenticeship, traineeship, any TAFE certificates either. I don't have any University careers I'm interested in. I am not a study person, and I don't have a Year 12 VCE and a ideal ATAR too.I never wanted to do construction, any apprenticeships, or traineeships, and I knew that, even when I was a 8 year old, it's not my breed of masculinity, and I don't like their tradie personality, values, and character. The government also only encourages the courses, that most don't want to do. If they offer any free ones, their only for the shitter qualifications, that no one wants. I never had my driving too, and we had just one vehicle at home, that only my mother was using, and that car was nearly too screwed to drive back then, and not worth spending money on it's frequent maintenance repairs, that my father was barely affording. My mother couldn't guarantee, if she could take me to any job's, the cost of petrol, and wither she needs to use the car, if my brother needed it too. I never had a resume written and solid help with that.

bubba Feel so lost
  • replies: 3

Hi, Am a complete newbie here, so forgive me if Im not posting in the right spot. F48 married and no kids.The last few months have been a complete struggle and I don’t know whats wrong. Am not happy with my life at the moment. It’s a bag of mixed emo... View more

Hi, Am a complete newbie here, so forgive me if Im not posting in the right spot. F48 married and no kids.The last few months have been a complete struggle and I don’t know whats wrong. Am not happy with my life at the moment. It’s a bag of mixed emotions and I ride the waves of ups and downs everyday. I have told no one I have been feeling this way. Not even my best friends, husband or my own family. I wake up when hubby goes to work, and when he leaves I can easily sleep another couple of hours. I currently don’t work. When I do wake up, it feels like it’s a real struggle. The house is a mess, it’s not a huge mess but could def be better, but I just feel so overwhelmed I just leave it be. I’m bored at home, but then I have always liked my own company too. I may go out and get a few needed essentials, but just come home again and lay on the bed, and be on my phone, probably sleep again another couple of hours before hubby comes home from work. All of my closest friends are interstate or overseas. I can’t seem to “gel” with anyone local. And once I do find someone who could be friends… they say they are leaving soon to travel around Oz, or are just too busy to meet up. i miss having deep and meaningful conversations with people about anything. (Other than my husband) And ones I feel drawn to are of the opposite sex and married or long term relationships but then that makes it awkward too. But I have no desire to cheat etc.. I just miss connecting with people. I have no friends locally. Not a single one. We are in a social club and I’m on the committee because I have nothing else do to. And I just simply did it, as I have all the time the world to help out. I feel it’s the only thing that gives me purpose in life at the moment. i keep cancelling upcoming medical appointments probably for the last 6mths. I just can’t be bothered with anything. Its making me more sad, as I realise I need help, but don’t know who to ask, what questions to ask, and I really dont want to be put on medications. i suppose you could say fear of the unknown. I just feel, sad, down, depressed, overwhelmed, lonely, lost just about every single day lately. And I hate it. I’ve lost the old me somewhere along the way and I want and need it to change. Or is it just simply perimenopause lol… far out 🤦‍🤷‍thanks for reading.

Grxmloid Paralyzing anhedonia
  • replies: 2

For the last 2 years I have had anhedonia which started at the time my chronic health issues began. I've determined it's origin is in my gut problems (at least mostly) and I am working with a naturopath & still waiting to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy... View more

For the last 2 years I have had anhedonia which started at the time my chronic health issues began. I've determined it's origin is in my gut problems (at least mostly) and I am working with a naturopath & still waiting to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy with the hospital gasteoentorologist which is the only thing I can afford right now. I tried to manage it myself because I thought i knew what it was (the initial chronic fatigue and sickness was caused by a catalyst) I was also struggling to work, but now I've had to borrow money, because it became a matter of life and death (I became so suicidal). I feel so upset I let it go this long and get so bad before I caved in and realized I couldn't do it on my own. What I was doing was making it worse or not helping. I've been getting treatment for only 2 months now which I can't believe. I've become more impatient than ever. 2 years of my life gone to this.I've done so many tests, and now awaiting on results from yet another, being heavy metal toxicity (could be highly likely considering some of the causes leading up to everything). I now need to move house as the property owner who inherited the house doesn't want to pay capital gains tax. I am only just starting to feel some improvements from the gruelling process of trying to get the right measurements of probiotics etc (which were giving me extreme side effects in the beginning) and now I'm facing the loss of a familiar, safe house and suburb plus one of my housemates is leaving for new Zealand instead of coming with me and my other housemate to the next house. Meanwhile I've been so isolated because how this has all been impacting my brain function, and my mood, has made it virtually I m possible to socialize. But I'm trying to so hard, nonetheless, however I'm able to. But I have drifted significantly from the people in my life. When I am with others most of the time I feel boring because the anhedonia means to creative thought, no excitement, no natural vibrancy. It's destroyed my self esteem which now thst my brain is working better I am trying to do mindful practise on. The housemates rightfully so organized a house cooling party which at this stage I am dreading. 4 of my friends are away travelling and I don't know how who will come of my invites, nor how I will cope being at a party (I've tried a few this year, normally I'm a party person, but they were so difficult) because it feels like I'm just acting. Because I don't feel any joy and my mind isn't working lile normal, every thing I do is in memory of who I was. I am doing things because "that is how that's done for this reason" not out of a natural momentum. It's bad to not try but its also bad to just be faced with the fact that I still just feel so numb and dissociated from myself and the world. I'm glad it's improved to the point of crying some days but I just dont feel human and I am so sick and tired of being in survival mode for 2 years. I am an optimist but this will push anyone the the edge. I don't want to die I just want to be better and this has got to be the hardest thing I've ever done

passingthrough Depression and negative affirmations
  • replies: 20

Hi all, I'm not sure how to use this forum to get help, and feel that I have nothing to offer fellow participants, but I need to try something at this time. I'm 34M, probably somewhat autistic (but undiagnosed) and been struggling with what I roughly... View more

Hi all, I'm not sure how to use this forum to get help, and feel that I have nothing to offer fellow participants, but I need to try something at this time. I'm 34M, probably somewhat autistic (but undiagnosed) and been struggling with what I roughly call depression. I'm currently taking SNRI antidepressants and attending therapy. Other than that it's hard to say what's going on with any clarity. I regularly tell myself these things, usually in threes and always including the last two:“I can’t do anything right”“I can’t do it”"I can't do anything"“I hate myself”“I’m a loser”“I deserve to die” I believe that this is causing me to feel worse, and creates negative feedback loops. I just want to know if anyone has any suggestions for how to either stop or ignore this behaviour. I've tried contradicting it ("I'm doing my best, and I deserve to be happy") and tried logically dismantling it ("Loser? I didn't realise this was a competition", "Deserve to die? Everyone dies!") but so far nothing has really worked. It's mainly triggered by rejection or criticism, either by my partner or me, for example criticism of my work performance or behaviour. I've talked to my therapist about it, but we haven't really discussed any strategies. I'm happy to read other threads, just don't know where to start. Thanks.

LoneWolf Dysthymia, PTSD
  • replies: 9

Hello Good People, I am 78 and a hyper-sensitive male struggling with dysthymia and PTSD for the last 68 years. (A victim of a very immature narcissistyic father!) I tend to pick up on every subtle nuance in my surroundings. I play the game of life, ... View more

Hello Good People, I am 78 and a hyper-sensitive male struggling with dysthymia and PTSD for the last 68 years. (A victim of a very immature narcissistyic father!) I tend to pick up on every subtle nuance in my surroundings. I play the game of life, get hurt then socially isolate for several months. Fortunately I am blessed with musical and artictic talents which appears to soothe the savage beast. What I would like to know from other sufferers: Is it normal to run and hid for for such a long time or should I be seeking help? I am already on prescription medication! Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Hazels Parents and depression
  • replies: 2

I'm 16 and have been feeling depressed for a long while now and my parents don't care, I try on many occasions to bring up the topic because I'm at the point where I'm having suicide thoughts but they just add more fuel to the fire and I can't take i... View more

I'm 16 and have been feeling depressed for a long while now and my parents don't care, I try on many occasions to bring up the topic because I'm at the point where I'm having suicide thoughts but they just add more fuel to the fire and I can't take it any more I'm trying ways to try and cope