
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Guest_81507572 I hate being a burden call for help
  • replies: 2

I see how much hurt I cause others for having this mental illness. I try so hard to pretend I'm better so my partner doesnt have to worry but it doesnt work. If I accidnetly let on that I'm not okay then I'm reminded about how much pain I cause him s... View more

I see how much hurt I cause others for having this mental illness. I try so hard to pretend I'm better so my partner doesnt have to worry but it doesnt work. If I accidnetly let on that I'm not okay then I'm reminded about how much pain I cause him soon enough. I live for others because I'm not well enough to live for myself, but if all I am is a burden, I'm loosing that reason more each day.

Ash_music 24/7 sadness
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Hi I'm Ash Noir and I struggle with anxiety, social anxiety and a few others. I have recently been feeling really sad, like everyone in the room has given there sadness to me. My chest feels heavy and I start crying for no reason. I don't know what's... View more

Hi I'm Ash Noir and I struggle with anxiety, social anxiety and a few others. I have recently been feeling really sad, like everyone in the room has given there sadness to me. My chest feels heavy and I start crying for no reason. I don't know what's going on. I just can't seem to pick myself up and carry on. As much as I try, and as much as I want to, I can't be happy at the moment. This has been going on ever since my coach said it was inappropriate for me to correct people on my gender as I am non-binary. Also I have been told to stop drawing on myself even though I use it as a substitute for self-harm. And ever since then I have felt...... Wrong. I feel more misunderstood then usual. I have been more anti-social then usual. And I'm just struggling. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you, Ash

Valentina Smiling Depression
  • replies: 10

I don't know if I actually have depression but I am showing all the symptoms of smiling depression. Looking at myself from a third person lens, I can not tell or even imagine me being sad. I am perfectly healthy and fit individual, but deep down when... View more

I don't know if I actually have depression but I am showing all the symptoms of smiling depression. Looking at myself from a third person lens, I can not tell or even imagine me being sad. I am perfectly healthy and fit individual, but deep down when I sit with my own thoughts alone, I have been feeling hollow and empty. I have been feeling nothing, and that nothingness is filled with some sort of sadness that I can not really expain. I do not like to be the negative person in the room, I am known to be a very moody person and I do not like that image of me generally speaking so only thing I really know is to isolate myself and process my thoughts and emotions till I feel better. I used to do journalling but I have been caught up in an irrational fear that my new boyfriend is going to read my journal and will know how I feel deep down and he is going to leave me because I am an emotional mess and difficult to deal with. Always known to be a troublemaker for having a voice or an opinion and hence I have transformed myself to be someone who is nice, gentle, sweet and easy to approach. I have not been very sucessful in doing that but that has been my intention, which looks like is not me but someone I want to be percieved. And hence my original feelings are so highly masked that I do not really know how I actually feel deep down. One day when I was high on pot, I suddenly realised that my showing behaviour is so different to my behaviour when I am alone. I am generally clean, healthy eating, fit person who knows what to do and is very clear in head, but when I am left unsupervised I am chaos. I would not brush nor take shower till I can procastinate, miss lunch or dinner meals and survive off smoking ciggertes and salty/sweet snacks, not do anything out of my to-do list and procastinate till a point I can no longer push it. I thought I am just lazy, but I feel its more than lazy and has deeper meaning to it. It takes me a lot more effort to do simple tasks on day to day basis till I can no longer push it back and do it very last minute. This bothered me a little, but what bothers me the most is that nobody atually really cares about me. My mum and dad don't often check on me and care about my wellbeing, while I do care about them deeply. I feel I have lost my family and I have grieved about them in the episodes I have had before. I do not want to live the life I am living.

Guest_45320514 Adult son with depression
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I feel like I'm at my wits end. My son is 20 and has been battling depression since Covid lockdown when he was 16. We saw the doctor and tried pschologists, which werent very helpful. It really spiked around his 18th birthday when he became suicidal.... View more

I feel like I'm at my wits end. My son is 20 and has been battling depression since Covid lockdown when he was 16. We saw the doctor and tried pschologists, which werent very helpful. It really spiked around his 18th birthday when he became suicidal. We saw the doctor, Headspace, acute mental health teams, got a psychiatrist and have tried so many things. He's tried talking therapy, a number of medications, transcranial alternating current therapy, and psychotherapy. I've tried so hard to be supportive, to offer guidance, to listen, to physically be there, to take him out, to make appointments. He seemed to fluctuate - sometimes he's alright and gets along "okay", but he inevitably crashes again. His answer to me is "I just don't want to live in this awful world". He says the only reason he doesn't kill himself is because of me. At the end of last year he quit his job at Coles, saying it was a key factor in wanting to die. The burden of responsibility and working for a multinational organisation (he believes capitalism is the crux of all that is toxic about humanity). He refuses to entertain the notion of working again and says it just isn't for him. We did have some success in future planning - he wants to be an author. But now all he does is sit around and play games, listening to YouTube videos (which he calls "learning") and occasionally writes. He says until he's a millionaire writer, I should support him financially because of his depression. The weight and burden of his depression has been crippling for me personally, but now I just feel burnt out. I'm so tired of his moods and attitude. I'm a single mum and work long hours and currently commute 2.5hrs a day to keep the roof over our head and try to save to buy a house. He contributes nothing, yet he asks for takeaway or junk food all the time. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells so I don't upset him. He's rude and disrespectful to me regularly. Any time I seem to mention something he doesn't like, he throws back something akin to "well, you don't want to die, do you". I'm beginning to hate my life and the responsibility of caring for my adult son, who has no scrap of independence or any on the horizon. How do you cope? Despite all my encouragement to make an appointment with his psych or tweak his meds or make changes, he does nothing and, of course, nothing changes. I feel awful, but I resent him. I don't know what to do or where to turn. I feel so unhappy.

car10001 need someone to talk to
  • replies: 3

hi everyone going through stuff and am ok just need someone to talk to. came across a tiktok video of a girl whos lost her mother and her brother styled her hair for her to cheer her up. what has happened is that it upset me because of missing out an... View more

hi everyone going through stuff and am ok just need someone to talk to. came across a tiktok video of a girl whos lost her mother and her brother styled her hair for her to cheer her up. what has happened is that it upset me because of missing out and am really wanting to re create that experience with sister or girl my age, the video reminded me of how much am wanting meaningful moments with a girl my age. this year is 20 years since my mothers been gone and that same year was my year 12 formal and took a cousin and it also reminded me, how do you find someone willing, plan to ask sister if shes willing or can reccomend someone. feel left out and am missing out on these meaningful moments thanks for anyone willing to listen

sortofthecatlady Doing all I can and still struggling
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I (39 F) have managed to rebuild my life a few times, this time is the hardest. After my last catastrophic life implosion in 2015, two years later I found a new career, built financial stability, worked on my physical and mental health, had a stable ... View more

I (39 F) have managed to rebuild my life a few times, this time is the hardest. After my last catastrophic life implosion in 2015, two years later I found a new career, built financial stability, worked on my physical and mental health, had a stable relationship and housing over 3 years. I bravely took the step to go back to the career I had lost in 2015. 5 weeks later I got a virus (unknown not cv19) and I never got better again. That was the end of 2020. I spent 10 days in hospital but the doctors never found the problem. 2021 I lost my new job due to not being able to return to work. I spent most weeks going to specialists and having all kinds of tests. Eventually they decided I had a bad viral infection that triggered fibromyalgia. By mid 2022 my ex gave up on our relationship and I had to move. I was heartbroken but I kept going. I see my doctors, I pursued supports like NDIS, DSP, and income protection (which i understand the privilege of receiving). I take care of my physical and mental health the best I can. All that is prescribed to me. I have built a supportive medical team (both psych and physical care). I do all the self care I can manage. I have managed to build some close friendships, I stay in contact with family and started dating again, I have more strength and energy than I did in 2021 but it is very slow going and I'm running out of patience. Since 2022 my housing has been very unstable, I'm preparing to move for the third time since then due to the owners wanting to demolish this property. Since I got sick I have needed different surgeries and have been diagnosed with new medical maladies that all appear unrelated to each other. Just that my body is struggling. It feels like so much is out of my control now. I've been working so hard to accept where I am and focus on the things I can change but it's exhausting when I can't achieve tangible change. How do I set up a space to do a hobby, or plan a holiday, or invest time in a local community group/volunteering when I'm never sure how long I've got before I have to pack up and start over somewhere else? Or a new illness appears?It feels like the moment I let myself nurture a little wish like putting time into a hobby, or planning something fulfilling or enjoyable something else just derails me. (I won't dare to dream of working again yet.)I know I'll keep going but my depression is trying to leak hopelessness everywhere and there's nothing more I can do right now to fix things.

Nix Rock Bottom
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I feel like I have hit rock bottom. I just turned 26 and I am so mentally unwell and depressed that I can't do anything. I have no family support as they've cut me off. I have agoraphobia so leaving the house without my carer is damn near impossible.... View more

I feel like I have hit rock bottom. I just turned 26 and I am so mentally unwell and depressed that I can't do anything. I have no family support as they've cut me off. I have agoraphobia so leaving the house without my carer is damn near impossible. I can't work or study because dissociative amnesia and undiagnosed neurodivergence. I'm stuck and everything feels like it's crushing me. I don't know where to go from here.

Guest_91097493 Schizo-affective disorder
  • replies: 1

I'm John. I'm diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder. It took until I was 45 years old to get that diagnosed. First I had was bi polar. At around 23. At 32 it's schizophrenia. Finally schizo-affective, and that's me. I have my ups and downs. At the... View more

I'm John. I'm diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder. It took until I was 45 years old to get that diagnosed. First I had was bi polar. At around 23. At 32 it's schizophrenia. Finally schizo-affective, and that's me. I have my ups and downs. At the moment I'm preparing and waiting for Alfred to come and smash my city. I'm excited about the cyclone.

Rust Depression
  • replies: 1

Depression and anxiety! How to get rid of the fear and anxiety 

Depression and anxiety! How to get rid of the fear and anxiety 

randomxx Depression - life
  • replies: 8

Hi to all.Some will know l've had my ups and downs for sure but l wanted to start this as a new and separate thread bc the old one wound up all about gf ex.Just for the most that won't know though and happen to drop in, l got rid of of my place 6mths... View more

Hi to all.Some will know l've had my ups and downs for sure but l wanted to start this as a new and separate thread bc the old one wound up all about gf ex.Just for the most that won't know though and happen to drop in, l got rid of of my place 6mths back and went caravaning 51/2 mths, just couldn't deal with another place at the time and just felt like a bloody good break and rest first.Wasn't sure how l'd feel about it but it wasn't bad and at times really nice just being free for a bit but later 50s there were also the worries of what to do when l get back. Well back now is too my other place it's not really that l had two houses the second one is just a country block with a cabin in a tiny town that l just rent out, never lived there. Well the tenant moved out so that's where l've come back to, l need to fix it up and sell it toward my new place.This little town this whole thing , not doing me any good at all in this stage of life. l did have to get out of my other place don't regret it it had to be done but it's just been such a huge last 10yrs or so. Divorce and all thenlater on just broken up with later new gf now ex just last yr and now all this and here l am in this place- and then l'll be somewhere else to where l'm thinking of moving to, maybe even building . lf so it'll only be small and minimalist buttt, ldkJust feel like total bs it's all too much and it's like what in the hell am l even doing especially here right now and at this age but ldk how else l could've done things.l had to get out of my last place, l have to be here to fix up this one and it's somewhere at least to stay, it'll be a few mths.Been coming here 20yrs keeping this place up and all the same people are still here couples been together and still here all that time and still sitting in their homes watching tv and doing their lives together.The total opposite lives to mine and now l;m even single and here doing this and then wherever later restarting again andddd, it's all just sooooo, words l can't use here. rx