
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 0

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Jude_ A bit low
  • replies: 3

Hi I have just started feeling very low lately I don’t know why I have no financial problems, some illness in family but have dealt with this for a while. I feel just bland if that possible. I feel jittery as well.

Hi I have just started feeling very low lately I don’t know why I have no financial problems, some illness in family but have dealt with this for a while. I feel just bland if that possible. I feel jittery as well.

Kirk Please help - I'm at the end of my rope
  • replies: 5

Hi all, I really need to reach out and talk about the issues swirling around in my head. I have had depression for two decades now. I am on anti-depressents which cause me to not feel much emotion at all. I just feel numb. I also have OCD, specifical... View more

Hi all, I really need to reach out and talk about the issues swirling around in my head. I have had depression for two decades now. I am on anti-depressents which cause me to not feel much emotion at all. I just feel numb. I also have OCD, specifically contamination OCD. My brother peed on his hands once and used our fridge and, after 10 years since it happened I have been so scared to touch it with my bare hands that I always wear gloves in my own kitchen. I have pure OCD where thoughts can come in and I don't necessarily have to do a compulsion to try and get rid of them. My thoughts involve incest which disgusts me but I can't get rid of them and it scares me. I am very worried about my future. I still live at home because of my mental health and want to move out, but rent is so expensive I would have to live with someone who I don't know. Plus I am incontinent. This I'm sure has been caused by my depression but who's to say. The urologists I've seen haven't been able to help. I'm in a job I do well but I don't like. I don't know how to move into a different role or what I would even do. I just feel stuck. I am unhappy in my social life. I have barely any friends. I have never had a real loving relationship. I am afraid I am unlovable in my current condition, or if I am even able to love someone else with my depression and lack of feeling emotion. I need some guidance. I don't know how I can change my life. It feels like too many issues on top of each other which I have battled for decades that hasn't gotten any better. I have seen psychologists before with very limited success. I find it very hard to see things through with them and I don't know why. Do I not want to get better? Am I just so used to suffering? I'm so confused. Thanks for listening.

Guest_24404528 Still battling
  • replies: 1

Hey everyone,I have had mental health issues (anxiety, then OCD, then depression) since 2021. I have been on anti-depressants since Oct 2023. I was getting better but am having a couple of lows. Why is it taking so long to feel better? Why is this st... View more

Hey everyone,I have had mental health issues (anxiety, then OCD, then depression) since 2021. I have been on anti-depressants since Oct 2023. I was getting better but am having a couple of lows. Why is it taking so long to feel better? Why is this still happening to me? (sidenote- I also know sleeps really important, excerside and eating well but I just don't want to you know?)Idk if anyone can relate but Im really struggling,Thanks

ames so many feelings at the one time
  • replies: 1

Lately, I have been feeling so many feelings at once, i can't keep up anymore. from being depressed, to being anxious, to feeling so lonely that I can't even handle it anymore. and now the guilt that I have now relapsed. I cry every day, struggle to ... View more

Lately, I have been feeling so many feelings at once, i can't keep up anymore. from being depressed, to being anxious, to feeling so lonely that I can't even handle it anymore. and now the guilt that I have now relapsed. I cry every day, struggle to get out of bed in the morning, i need to talk to people but I have no one to talk to. So as a result of everything, i'm just sufficating in my own life, my own body. and I feel there is nothing i can do too help myself.This is not my first rodeo, but for some reason it just never gets easier. no one understands me, or cares or takes the time to really know how I am feeling, so I just give up, I don't even care anymore.I am the friend that is always happy, laughing, cheerful and I am always there for everyone, i really care for those I love, and I alway make sure my friends are okay. but then I sit back and think, who makes sure I am okay? who is caring about me? because only 2 people know that I am not the happy and cheerful person that I put on display.

Guest_05646742 Seasonal Depression
  • replies: 1

I keep a sort of digital journal on my phone to keep track of how I feel over the years, and recently i’ve been going through the entries. It seems like every year around this time (winter), I get more depressed than usual. I think it might be season... View more

I keep a sort of digital journal on my phone to keep track of how I feel over the years, and recently i’ve been going through the entries. It seems like every year around this time (winter), I get more depressed than usual. I think it might be seasonal depression, but I don’t know whether to bring this up to my mum yet before I know more about it. Are there any good learning resources about seasonal depression I could look into (or any other people that can relate)?

  • replies: 2

Hi, first time every reaching out on BB. I have struggled with depression for as long as I can remember that is more the 40 years. The last 4 years have been hectic. Death of my mum, uncle, and grandmother all in 12 months. And nothing simple all ver... View more

Hi, first time every reaching out on BB. I have struggled with depression for as long as I can remember that is more the 40 years. The last 4 years have been hectic. Death of my mum, uncle, and grandmother all in 12 months. And nothing simple all very complicated. Work has changed and is making me crazier than ever. And then on the weekend something dark came out of me after a few drinks, I attacked a person. I fully snapped! This I have no excuse for but I cant understand how I could do this to another person. Its now started the spiral of dark thoughts. I have a loving family and all the good stuff in life, why is this becoming so ugly now? I don't understand and I don't know how my friends and family can ever forgive me on attacking another woman. Has anyone out there snapped like this, I am a grown women who attacked another women in a bar.

glowby Feel like I was let down by my psychologist
  • replies: 3

I'm not sure why I'm here and posting this now, it's almost 4 years later... I feel like I was let down by my psychologist, because I really spiralled under her care. I had seen my psychologist for some time back in 2018 as I was suffering chronic fa... View more

I'm not sure why I'm here and posting this now, it's almost 4 years later... I feel like I was let down by my psychologist, because I really spiralled under her care. I had seen my psychologist for some time back in 2018 as I was suffering chronic fatigue and she helped me work through the depression and stress and anxiety I dealt with in association with the illness I was suffering, work stress and financial stress from going part time. I got myself back to a good place through CBT and her care. But I later got pregnant and then right after the birth of my child I felt my emotions and mental health were extra fragile with all that was going on for me, so I made sure to get my mental health care plan up to date and was seeing my psychologist regularly. Thing is, I actually sank into pretty awful post natal depression, but my psychologist didn't pick it up, my GP did. I still remember the shock on her face the following sessions... She had no idea. I ended up going on antidepressants on advice of my GP, and I can't really explain the dark dark place I sank into, but I am much better now. I just still carry this disappointment that I had been seeing my psychologist as I knew I was more vulnerable, and she still missed it. Not sure if anyone will read this but thanks for listening if so. I think the problem is that she has shaken my trust in psychologists and now and then I find myself slipping a bit and want to see someone but I can't trust anyone. Does that make sense?

Guest_13132322 Struggling
  • replies: 1

The last few weeks I have been suffering. I was hired for a job to become a manager, I was made to bring in new procedures and get the place running better before I was announced. It was something I worked hard for only to be deceived by the area man... View more

The last few weeks I have been suffering. I was hired for a job to become a manager, I was made to bring in new procedures and get the place running better before I was announced. It was something I worked hard for only to be deceived by the area manager. He promised 3 people the role and then gave it to someone completely different. I took it hard and found it hard to go into work for a couple of days. One day I got half way there, felt really bad and had to turn around and go home again. On my return to work he fired me with some excuse. I was one of the hardest working staff there and always did a great job and got lots of reviews. So I lost my job. Spent a couple of days unable to get out of bed. Now struggling to find a new job, I've always been employable and a great hard worker and it's really kicking me in the guts doing all these applications for no calls. Now I am worrying about finances. My girlfriend was supportive and got me feeling positive but now our relationship is failing. At the start of the year I packed up, moved all my things and sold off my appliances to get a place together. We were living 1.5hrs apart. I sacrificed, changed from my stable job to one that now screwed me over, moved to her area to make things easier and now that is falling apart because she is unhappy I have boxes stored in our garage that I haven't sorted and she wants it tidy. She knows I have been through a horrible few weeks. But now putting more strain on me while I am already down. I have no money to move and get my own place, won't get a lease without work and I have no appliances any more. I feel like I have nothing left and no value or self worth. I don't know why it annoys me that we are having issues and she just goes to sleep so easy while I am awake at 3am crying because my life is going nowhere.

Noodle90 Loving marriage with no sex
  • replies: 2

Hi, and thanks for reading. My wife and I love each other very much, we often hold hands and kiss etc, but since she became pregnant and gave birth to our son her libido has practically vanished. Our son turns 3 in a few weeks and it is a hard realit... View more

Hi, and thanks for reading. My wife and I love each other very much, we often hold hands and kiss etc, but since she became pregnant and gave birth to our son her libido has practically vanished. Our son turns 3 in a few weeks and it is a hard reality to confront, but it has been years since she has been excited about getting intimate. She tells me daily that she is the luckiest woman, and I know how much she loves me (with all her heart), and I absolutely adore her, but when it comes to the bedroom, it's all very one sided. We are intimate on occasion, 5 or 6 times in the last 12 months, but I know she is just doing it for me and it doesn't have the emotional connection I would love. We've talked about it, but when we do I can tell she feels very guilty, and that's the last thing I want! She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 4-5 years ago, and has regular counselling, and I know she has body image issues (I find her very attractive but she doesn't find herself attractive), I know that these are likely what are causing her low libido, but I really don't know what to do. She would love to want more sex, but I don't know if that is for my sake or hers at this point. We've done work together on love languages and I've focused on showing her love in ways that she likes the best, and she does the same, there's just this one snag and it gets me down even though I know why it's happening. People comment on how they wish they had a loving relationship like ours, I know that there's no perfect relationship, but it is hard to feel loved, and yet so unloved as well. I know that mismatched libido is not uncommon, but I feel that ours is quite extreme. I'm not really sure what the purpose of my post is actually, I don't think that there are any easy fixes, I guess I want to put this out there to let other people know that if they're going through something similar, they're not alone. If anyone has any thoughts I'd love to hear them (sorry for the essay).

Captain T Im not coping
  • replies: 419

Hi all. I just need to get this out somewhere. I am in a very dark place. I feel as though someone is sitting on my chest and have so much emotional pain yet feel numb at the same time. Im alone and lonely. I hate myself and who I am. I am so tired o... View more

Hi all. I just need to get this out somewhere. I am in a very dark place. I feel as though someone is sitting on my chest and have so much emotional pain yet feel numb at the same time. Im alone and lonely. I hate myself and who I am. I am so tired of fighting to get well and when I go to bed I pray to not wake up. I can’t keep going on like this. I need to get better