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Nothing motivates me or brings me joy...maybe because I cut out food I used to enjoy?

Community Member

so I work in retail, of course I'm depressed!


However, I only work 3 days a week, I do overall feel much more less stressed out than I did at my full time job (I quit due to a nervous breakdown).


Overall I am feeling nothing anymore from things I used to enjoy though. I have to force myself to play video games even or paint or even talk to my fiance.


I take at least 3 hour naps and have problems sleeping at night, I try so hard to get back to normal and take a sleeping pill at night, but then the next day I can't help myself, my mind and boredom makes me so tired.


I jus feel no excitement for anything anymore, I don't want to travel or see the world, nothing the next day makes me want to get up as I feel I have nothing to look forward to...


I had been doing so well, last week I joined a gym and went for 3 days, I cut out snacks and chocolate...usually that was what I looked forward to, eating snacks and watching my favourite movie, and now I don't have that anymore, I feel bored of everything else that brought me joy...


On last saturday was the worst, I didn't want to talk to any customers and even got angry and agitated at my coworker I needed space and not talk to people. Thankfully I don't have work till later this week but I can't seem to relax.


I paint a little, play video games a little and then just want to sleep but can't. I am frustrated and depressed and no clue how to move forward.



3 Replies 3

Hi Jessksch, 

We hope you find some comfort in sharing here, and in hearing from the lovely community members, many of whom will be able to relate to what you’ve been through.  

If you ever want to talk this through with one of the Beyond Blue counsellors, feel free to give us a call on 1300 22 4636, or reach out through Online Chat here.  

Thank you for sharing this and giving this community a chance to offer you their understanding and advice. We’re here to listen and offer support, and you never know how your story might help someone else.  

Kind regards,  
Sophie M 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Jess, welcome to the forums. 


If you want to look around in the Wellbeing section there are Threads on SELF-CARE and gratitude which is 3 things to be thankful for today. 
Practicing these can help at ANY time in life, especially when they become HABITS. 


So I heard lately from one of my heroes, Brene Brown that not in ALL her research crossing 400 000 pieces of data (so that's alotta people!).... that no one in any of her research could report that they were living a whole hearted life and hate their job. 


I actually do love my job lol. I've been doing variations in the same field - more or less - for over 40 years and STILL Love it. In fact I've done it in a Volunteer capacity when I've been child rearing I love it that much lol. 


I truly believe that when you HAVE a great job you love, that's one sector ticked. Have you thought about this? (Lol probably every day LOL)... 


I just Google searched "The Wheel of Life". A Psychologist from 1800RESPECT did this with me about 2-3 years ago. It really helped highlight the areas I needed to DO more in. 
Have a look and if you want to discuss anything at all, we'll be here! 


Tony Robbins, who is amazing, says that we need to be striving towards the next best thing for us. 
When we aren't, we lose the "life force" which is SO strong in us when we're passionate about our goals. 
He's got a ton of YouTube clips lol, he's AWESOME! 

And you are AWESOME too! Your light has been dimmed a bit lately, that's all. 


Best wishes

Hi Sophie_M,

I can relate to Jessksch. Regarding your advice about calling counsellors is probably great for many. I myself can't bring myself to call anyone. I wish I could but I don't really know how I can be helped. I already see a psychologist and Psychiatrist, but I still don't feel I connect. Do you or others have advice. I feel I should just delete this comment.