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Why do I feel this way...?

I always feel as if i have to put on a smile for everyone. It's getting more difficult and people know about my mental health issues. I need advice to put on the mask again so people can stop worrying about me, and I feel like a burden. I just want it to stop. My ex gf is harassing me online, keeps telling people i'm a bad person, she keeps sharing my personal info online like my birth name, my phone number, and my age. I have had 2 unknown numbers call me and say I am a bad person. I need the harassment to stop. She keeps telling people abt my life and is spreading lies abt me to her online friends who are doxxing me as well. I've blocked my ex on everything but she is still putting things in her roblox bio saying that i need to grow up, how she's "moved on" (she clearly hasn't if she's still talking about it) ect. and its just turned into harassment in my point of view. Idk if i should report her to the police bc she is threatening violence on my friends, bc i have a new partner and we told our friends to stay quiet about it bc i know my ex has very... violent tendances, lets js say, and they wont tell my ex if me nd my partner are together or not. When she does this to me, and is now harassing my friends, it makes me feel disappointed that I had dragged them into this, and now they're being threatened, as well. I know they aren't blaming me, but i feel like they should bc I technically brought this upon them, I was the one who had to ruin it. And if u haven't been reading my other posts, My ex is the one who broke up with ME and is now playing the victim... and the worst part, you might ask? She's blaming it on me...

(JOKE) Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi OllieA_TransKid,


I'm sorry you are still going through this, it really sounds like this has become too much to put up with.

Unfortunately, some people just don't know when to stop being a jerk.

I have included a link that will help you with what you can do to get help with the cyberbullying. 




Please let us know how you get on.

Take care,

indigo 💜