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Guest_09616989 Doing the work of two
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The company I work for is reluctant to replace those who leave, many leave due to dissatisfaction and stress. The result is huge increase in (unpaid) overtime just to keep head above water, which is not sustainable. I am often teary, distracted, disr... View more

The company I work for is reluctant to replace those who leave, many leave due to dissatisfaction and stress. The result is huge increase in (unpaid) overtime just to keep head above water, which is not sustainable. I am often teary, distracted, disrupted sleep and fighting waves of fatigue daily.Have raised my concerns to be met with token and insipid response. Would like to leave but feel too exhausted to look for alternatives and go through interview processes. How have others worked through this.Ironically I work in worker’s compensation which is also a double edged sword.

ashleigh91 My mum is dying and is going to make sure i end up without my daughter and alone - she hates me
  • replies: 1

Is it normal for your mum to decide that she just doesn't want to know you, despite being months away from dying according to doctors? She has had care of my eldest daughter (we live together), and for the first few years, I had major issues, which w... View more

Is it normal for your mum to decide that she just doesn't want to know you, despite being months away from dying according to doctors? She has had care of my eldest daughter (we live together), and for the first few years, I had major issues, which was a long time ago—10 years—and now she wants to take away my daughter when she dies, despite us being so close, and me being in a healthy position, I think, to have her. She tells every single friend, aunt, and uncle that I am the worst person she has ever met, and that I am the reason she has cancer. I do get into really big arguments with her because of this, and she winds me up. She knows how to upset me and then sits there acting like a victim, calling me a psychopath, bipolar, and a "fruitcake," as she likes to say. I mean, I am her carer. I try to be there for her, but she doesn't like me and hasn't for years, and it makes it difficult to deal with. She treats me like I'm her maid—leaves me things like old rubbish and wet dog beds covered in maggots to clean up, and blames me for everything. I clean up her dogs' poop and piss, maggots, and whatever other filth she creates, and she just walks over me, looking at me like I'm a piece of crap. Today, she asked me to move out on my own, despite having no one—no sister, no brother, nothing—and knowing my partner might be facing jail time in April. I am at the loneliest time of my life, and I am terrified of her dying, and I’m most scared of losing Olivia. She wants to send her to live five hours away with my aunt, who can't stand me either. I don't know. I know I have done some very terrible things in my life, but I definitely think I am worth more than the treatment she is giving me right now. She was my whole world growing up, and now she tells me I am a loser who is draining her resources, a liar, and whatever else, saying I need to piss off. Yes, I know I'm troubled, but is she really going to make me go into the world unprepared, alone, and without the means to cover anything right now? Is she really going to make sure Liv is not in my life? Is she really going to make sure I have the worst, most saddest future, and get me back for whatever she is still mad about? I couldn't do that to my daughters. I would never treat Ava or Olivia like that, ever. I don’t know what to do. I know she is sick, and I wish I could be there for her, but she doesn’t want me to be, and it’s hard to find the empathy I should have for her after what she has been doing to me lately 😞

MumOf4 Husband secretly visiting brothels for years
  • replies: 1

In July last year I found out that my husband has been visiting brothels. He left a website open on his phone and I came across it by accident. When I asked him about it, he strenuously denied anything had been going on. He even looked me square in t... View more

In July last year I found out that my husband has been visiting brothels. He left a website open on his phone and I came across it by accident. When I asked him about it, he strenuously denied anything had been going on. He even looked me square in the eyes and told me so. I was not satisfied with his answer (he’s always lying in work situations so I figured he’ll probably be lying to me because he’s proficient at it). I made him install a tracking app (after a similar incident in Jan where he had a condom wrapper stuck to his butt and he didn’t know how it got there - yes he gave a very long winded intricate excuse for that too). So, I check the app for the past month. I found one definite occasion where he went to a brotgel and two maybes. I confronted him about it, he STILL maintained his innocence until he just knew he was caught out. He also admitted to the Jan one at this point. I struggled over it, wanted to leave, but I didn’t (and still don’t) want the world to know what he’s done. Especially his kids. And if I divorced him, they would know. He’s a good dad, he’s a well respected boss and friend. So, we decided to reconcile. Anyway, I kept having thoughts about wanting to see if I could find any other occasions. Lie and behold, I found phone calls to brothels going back 8 YEARS. 8 whole years. He said he didn’t always go in, sometimes it was just calling then hanging up. I believe him because some calls are only a few seconds. But there are many many times where it seems that he did go in. I don’t know what to do now. I’m so angry and sad and hurt. I still don’t want his kids to know because they love their dad, so soooo much. And I don’t want him to be a broken man. I can’t imagine life without him, but more I worry for him. I think I would be fine - it would just take some getting used to. Any advice would be appreciated

BB Social Zone

Talking about mental health can be heavy. We get that. BB Social Zone offers a space where you can chill out and socialise with other members.

JamesCarer Mum is gone and I'm broken
  • replies: 3

That's it. I cared for her for 15 years. I knew she was thirsty before she needed a drink. I knew when she was in pain. I could understand her eyes. I never wanted her to feel like she was a burden. I wanted to provide what she needed before she even... View more

That's it. I cared for her for 15 years. I knew she was thirsty before she needed a drink. I knew when she was in pain. I could understand her eyes. I never wanted her to feel like she was a burden. I wanted to provide what she needed before she even knew she needed it She was the most gentle, loving, caring and compassionate person I knew and I will ever know. She loved her kids above all else and she deserved to be cared for. I would do it all again in a heartbeat She didn't speak English well and she would hear me practising the piano often. When she was under palliative care. I made sure she was at home with me. It took some time to find the right doses of medication to keep her calm but her delirium had set in far earlier. I had the Greek TV playing in the background and played her recordings of my piano playing. As her breathing slowed and I felt her pulse, I thought my pulse had sstopped too and wished she'd taken me with her. "Where are you going without me!" I cried. I held her hand and sat beside her for three hours talking to her and thanking her for being the perfect mum as family arrived. My younger brother was already there. I remember waking to my brother holding me down after having a semi-seizure. Psychogenic Epilepsy they called it. With neds I started thinking about my future and work. I was a secondary school teacher before caring and I knew the vultures were coming, and they did. From my own family. Now, I don't want to move. I'm forced to sell my house (vultures), I'm scared, lonely as I was cut off for 15 whole years, and there's this pain in my stomach that won't go away. Sometimes it feels hollow too. I'm 44 and I feel like the bigger part of me has died. It's too intense sometimes. Sometimes it's softer but when nighttime comes, my soul starts to ask for my mum. My beautiful mum. I promised to lead a happy life before Ivrealised how hard it would be. I know it's onky been 3 weeks but It seems impossible. I miss you so, so much.

Guest_77676878 Clinical depression assistance
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Hi I'm Greg and I'm a senior I'm suffering from clinical depression and would like to socially engage with other people that can assist me. I would love to connect with any relevant social group

Hi I'm Greg and I'm a senior I'm suffering from clinical depression and would like to socially engage with other people that can assist me. I would love to connect with any relevant social group

squishyfish How is everyone doing :)
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Hello, i am new here, not really sure how to start and get involved so im making this little post. Christmas is almost here which feels really weird, hope everyone has a nice time!

Hello, i am new here, not really sure how to start and get involved so im making this little post. Christmas is almost here which feels really weird, hope everyone has a nice time!

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SleepyRain APP??
  • replies: 4

Hello everyone, I don't know if it has been posted here before, but does beyond blue have an app? I tried looking, but I could not find anything. Just wanted to know because a lot of forums these days have their own apps.

Hello everyone, I don't know if it has been posted here before, but does beyond blue have an app? I tried looking, but I could not find anything. Just wanted to know because a lot of forums these days have their own apps.

ProjectTeam What do you think of the current character limit for posts?
  • replies: 16

Hello everyone, Some of you may know that when making posts on the forums you are limited to 2,500 characters. We'd love your feedback on this, so we have two questions for you. How do you feel about the current character limit? How would you feel if... View more

Hello everyone, Some of you may know that when making posts on the forums you are limited to 2,500 characters. We'd love your feedback on this, so we have two questions for you. How do you feel about the current character limit? How would you feel if there was no limit at all? We would love to hear your thoughts. Project TeamBeyond Blue