Mental health conditions

Anxiety and depression aren’t the only mental health conditions. Share what’s affecting you and learn more about managing your mental health.


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Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.

WhereDoIBegin Anxiety or heart problems?
  • replies: 1

Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I w... View more

Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I was an alcoholic for 3yrs self-managing (unbeknownst to me) my anxiety. I have recently gone sober (42 days). The decision was made after a rather large panic attack in which I was convinced was a heart attack. I am on a super epic health kick, doing everything I can that is recommended for lowering anxiety. Eating right, sleeping good, walking, yoga, meditation. I'm really happy with my progress. The issue I am having & I am hoping someone can relate to help ease my uncertainty, is that I am getting chest pains. Yes I know chest pains come with anxiety, but I am talking about chest pains that I get that I believe come often when I have no anxiety. For example, yesterday I had quite a good day, and I believe I wasn't feeling anxious, but then I get some seemingly random chest pain. It lasted a couple minutes and then it was gone I believe. The problem is this obviously builds on my anxiety. And now this morning I have had quite a 'jittery' morning, and it is the only thing I can put it down to. I have been and seen doctors, but I feel like they'd just rather hand me some pills and get me out the door. I've been prescribed heartburn meds, but I believe that doesn't change it. I have had an ECG and they are happy with results. Blood tests same. And tonight I have a stress test. They have suggested going to a higher dose of my medication but I really want to go the other way and get off the medication, not on more.... I guess I am asking: A. Does anyone else experience similar thing(s)? B. Do you guys agree that it is probably (I know no one can say with 100% certainty) just anxiety? And, C. Do you think after the stress test comes back positive that I should steer away from anymore tests? The problem is I don't want to be wrong, and not get the tests I might need, but all it really does is feed my anxiety "What is wrong with me, am I going to die?" It is a hard circle to break out of. Thanks

Shazzawazza Work related stress working in defence office 😳😰
  • replies: 5

Hi, I haven’t been on this forum at least 3 years I don’t think my antidepressants ain’t working anymore has anyone got advice working in strict defence base admin working with defence personal and how to control the aggression my anger is very high ... View more

Hi, I haven’t been on this forum at least 3 years I don’t think my antidepressants ain’t working anymore has anyone got advice working in strict defence base admin working with defence personal and how to control the aggression my anger is very high I work two coming back to three days after month off stress leave from work my work is very stressful environment I’m a external contractor working for the government is there any advice keep temper down and being patient thank you reguards shazza

Dilraj Anxiety and panic attacks
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Hi feel anxiety and panic attacks because my 8 year old son moved to USA with his mom .. now he is not settling in school in US he want to come back here in Perth and want to go to previous school where he goes since kinder. Now school says position ... View more

Hi feel anxiety and panic attacks because my 8 year old son moved to USA with his mom .. now he is not settling in school in US he want to come back here in Perth and want to go to previous school where he goes since kinder. Now school says position is fulfilled they say add in a wait list it is a private school , as a dad I feel very disappointed don’t no want to do


Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.

Jaibigrone907 My third last post too...
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My parent's, I consider them so dumb. Their not realistic, they have given up on their kid's, they don't normalise us to have a future, or be active and live life. They cause argumentative issues for me, social countertransference's. My father is sel... View more

My parent's, I consider them so dumb. Their not realistic, they have given up on their kid's, they don't normalise us to have a future, or be active and live life. They cause argumentative issues for me, social countertransference's. My father is selfish, and his pathetic, but keeps to himself, behind the T.V.. His a useless tyrant parent. He contributed against my creativity, since 2009. I love my Mother absolutely, but my Dad's careless, and self centred. I have no work direction. I am 29 now, and I have no suitable work direction, or any great opportunities. I don't want entry job's, like retail, sales, factory, hospitality. I don't want to work a construction, do a apprenticeship, traineeship, any TAFE certificates either. I don't have any University careers I'm interested in. I am not a study person, and I don't have a Year 12 VCE and a ideal ATAR too.I never wanted to do construction, any apprenticeships, or traineeships, and I knew that, even when I was a 8 year old, it's not my breed of masculinity, and I don't like their tradie personality, values, and character. The government also only encourages the courses, that most don't want to do. If they offer any free ones, their only for the shitter qualifications, that no one wants. I never had my driving too, and we had just one vehicle at home, that only my mother was using, and that car was nearly too screwed to drive back then, and not worth spending money on it's frequent maintenance repairs, that my father was barely affording. My mother couldn't guarantee, if she could take me to any job's, the cost of petrol, and wither she needs to use the car, if my brother needed it too. I never had a resume written and solid help with that.

Levelup Re: Older Male depression, Any ideas how to how not to handle it?
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Hi I am thinking of going to a psychologist or counsellor for depression. They might ask 'what brings you here today'. This is my query. Is it better to talk of the issue, the real world face, the manifestation, what appears to be a trigger or the de... View more

Hi I am thinking of going to a psychologist or counsellor for depression. They might ask 'what brings you here today'. This is my query. Is it better to talk of the issue, the real world face, the manifestation, what appears to be a trigger or the depression?

bubba Feel so lost
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Hi, Am a complete newbie here, so forgive me if Im not posting in the right spot. F48 married and no kids.The last few months have been a complete struggle and I don’t know whats wrong. Am not happy with my life at the moment. It’s a bag of mixed emo... View more

Hi, Am a complete newbie here, so forgive me if Im not posting in the right spot. F48 married and no kids.The last few months have been a complete struggle and I don’t know whats wrong. Am not happy with my life at the moment. It’s a bag of mixed emotions and I ride the waves of ups and downs everyday. I have told no one I have been feeling this way. Not even my best friends, husband or my own family. I wake up when hubby goes to work, and when he leaves I can easily sleep another couple of hours. I currently don’t work. When I do wake up, it feels like it’s a real struggle. The house is a mess, it’s not a huge mess but could def be better, but I just feel so overwhelmed I just leave it be. I’m bored at home, but then I have always liked my own company too. I may go out and get a few needed essentials, but just come home again and lay on the bed, and be on my phone, probably sleep again another couple of hours before hubby comes home from work. All of my closest friends are interstate or overseas. I can’t seem to “gel” with anyone local. And once I do find someone who could be friends… they say they are leaving soon to travel around Oz, or are just too busy to meet up. i miss having deep and meaningful conversations with people about anything. (Other than my husband) And ones I feel drawn to are of the opposite sex and married or long term relationships but then that makes it awkward too. But I have no desire to cheat etc.. I just miss connecting with people. I have no friends locally. Not a single one. We are in a social club and I’m on the committee because I have nothing else do to. And I just simply did it, as I have all the time the world to help out. I feel it’s the only thing that gives me purpose in life at the moment. i keep cancelling upcoming medical appointments probably for the last 6mths. I just can’t be bothered with anything. Its making me more sad, as I realise I need help, but don’t know who to ask, what questions to ask, and I really dont want to be put on medications. i suppose you could say fear of the unknown. I just feel, sad, down, depressed, overwhelmed, lonely, lost just about every single day lately. And I hate it. I’ve lost the old me somewhere along the way and I want and need it to change. Or is it just simply perimenopause lol… far out 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️thanks for reading.

PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.

Flowerbell Trauma
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In final stages of divorce court. I left due to domestic violence. Highly anxious and unsteady. He has had various orders from police/courts. I am seeing therapist at this time. I have found courts unsafe, totally unaware of impacts of domestic viole... View more

In final stages of divorce court. I left due to domestic violence. Highly anxious and unsteady. He has had various orders from police/courts. I am seeing therapist at this time. I have found courts unsafe, totally unaware of impacts of domestic violence. I had to relocate/flee in car. He has since found me again and fear him locating me during this. There has been more than one move of houses due to this - I do not want another. This has put serious strain upon finances, my time and work.

Guest_34923903 Abused
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Hello All I'm 35 now and I keep having flashbacks from being sexually abused by a lifeguard when I was early teens. He was in his 20s. He literally groomed me over a summer hoilday and gave me lollies, food and let me and my siblings work in the cant... View more

Hello All I'm 35 now and I keep having flashbacks from being sexually abused by a lifeguard when I was early teens. He was in his 20s. He literally groomed me over a summer hoilday and gave me lollies, food and let me and my siblings work in the canteen. I found out a couple of years ago it happened to my twin sister too. She never told me. I recently was on Facebook and his face came up on a page he was working for, it made me sick. I went to go to the police last year, it took a long time and then they said I would have to go to trial and relay everything so I freaked out. I don't know who to talk to or what supports are out there.

Rowen13 Unrequited friendships or low self-esteem?
  • replies: 21

How do I know if a friendship is worth it? I told my online friend that I really loved and cared for him as a friend. He told me he liked and cared for me.After knowing him and sharing my darkest moments and secrets, it hurts that the emotional/energ... View more

How do I know if a friendship is worth it? I told my online friend that I really loved and cared for him as a friend. He told me he liked and cared for me.After knowing him and sharing my darkest moments and secrets, it hurts that the emotional/energy level is not reciprocated. I know I have an anxious attachment style and my last girl friend never loved me back either. He knows about this and I have explained how much it hurts and how I worry that the same friendship dynamic is repeating.l'm tired of always being the one that cares more? Should I try to care less or just cut ties with my friend and move on? I'm aware I can't control his feelings but I find because I am going through a difficult time in my life's really affecting my self esteem and mental health.He says he wants the friendship but I wonder if it's better to just cut ties and work on my anxious attachment style. So I can find a friend that I don't continually chase and the emotional investment is more equal.He use to reply and text all the time and now everything I say seems to irritate him and he never initiates contact. I try to get him to see the friendship is already over but he always repeats that he is fighting to keep me in his life.I know in every relationship that someone always feels more but after everything we have shared and the level of trust I put in to letting him see the "real" just hurts that I know deep down that I am disposable to him and all the time spent and conversations meant nothing.Opening your heart and being vulnerable and feeling undervalued just hurts. I know I am the only one keeping the "friendship" alive because, that's not a friendship at all.

Suicidal thoughts and self-harm

This space discusses suicide and self-harm. Consider limiting the time you spend here. To use the section safely, read the pinned discussion.

Jaster Survivor...
  • replies: 2

Firstly, I am not having any of these thoughts and am safe. Sat in my small office, smiling at those passing me by and deep down I feel absolutely awful. Not sure how I made it to work, I'm here and guess a small win I suppose. I am trying to be very... View more

Firstly, I am not having any of these thoughts and am safe. Sat in my small office, smiling at those passing me by and deep down I feel absolutely awful. Not sure how I made it to work, I'm here and guess a small win I suppose. I am trying to be very careful here as I know this is such a delicate topic. I will do my best. I have titled this post 'Survivor' and have mixed feelings and a little imposter syndrome. I have written not one but two goodbye letters. If any of you reading this have been there and survived, its a place and moment in time that you cant erase. For years now I have thought about a special group of people or a club for those who have survived. I don't know why but I just have. Unless you have been there you wouldn't understand. Now again, I am safe and for those of you who may be struggling, hang in there. You will learn that these thoughts come and go. I might end it there. Stay safe and you will get through this.

Papan My son beat me. And then bit me.
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Everyday. I cannot see any purpose for me in my life. I am a punchbag, bite-sponge, and a scratchmat. My blood is of no value. I wake up and care for him all day, cooking for him, feeding him, taking him for drives, cleaning him, cuddling him. Then h... View more

Everyday. I cannot see any purpose for me in my life. I am a punchbag, bite-sponge, and a scratchmat. My blood is of no value. I wake up and care for him all day, cooking for him, feeding him, taking him for drives, cleaning him, cuddling him. Then he sits on me and watches ipad. And then he beats me, bites me, scratches me. He has severe autism, now 17. I am Male age 50. I can't take it anymore. Why do I even wake up ? To repeat the same all over again ?

Hopeiskey Needing support
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Hi I'm new here and not sure where to start. I've been struggling with my mental health recently especially my anxiety. I battle with suicidal ideation and self harming. There's alot going on in my life and despite trying to get support to deal with ... View more

Hi I'm new here and not sure where to start. I've been struggling with my mental health recently especially my anxiety. I battle with suicidal ideation and self harming. There's alot going on in my life and despite trying to get support to deal with things I'm left alone with no help. Anyway I'm hoping to get some support here and maybe learn some new ways of coping.