Mental health conditions

Anxiety and depression aren’t the only mental health conditions. Share what’s affecting you and learn more about managing your mental health.


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Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.

Guest_08627605 Sole parent losing control
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Hi - I’m a sole parent to a beautiful 10 year old boy. In the past year I’ve had 2 major surgeries and most recently my son had his tonsils and adenoids removed. I feel like i am losing control at home and constantly worrying about if he is okay or i... View more

Hi - I’m a sole parent to a beautiful 10 year old boy. In the past year I’ve had 2 major surgeries and most recently my son had his tonsils and adenoids removed. I feel like i am losing control at home and constantly worrying about if he is okay or if he has hurt himself. He needs a root canal due to trauma on a front tooth and as a single mum who can’t afford this, I just don’t know what to do. All of these health issues and worrying is taking over my mind and I’m always asking him if he’s okay or what’s wrong etc because I amso scared of him injuring himself again or being in pain that i make myself sick with worry now. I used to be so in control and happy and now I just feel down and anxious. Anyone else feel the same? I don’t know what to do next.

m2468 ocd uti fear
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feel super silly talking about this but i’ve had ocd for most of my life and only recently has my brain been fixated on having a fully empty bladder?? i go to the toilet all the time cause i have this fear that i’m gonna get a uti if there’s anything... View more

feel super silly talking about this but i’ve had ocd for most of my life and only recently has my brain been fixated on having a fully empty bladder?? i go to the toilet all the time cause i have this fear that i’m gonna get a uti if there’s anything left and no matter how long i sit on the toilet for i still feel like i haven’t passed everything so it’s on my mind pretty much 24/7 and i always feel like i need to go?? it’s really frustrating me and i don’t know what i can do to take my mind off it.

Caz New member
  • replies: 2

Firstly hello to all and thankyou for the opportunity to connect I have Lupus Fibromyalgia and am finding hard times of late with pain fatigue and feeling lost unable to sit in a car without feeling anxious I guess I just am hoping that there is hope

Firstly hello to all and thankyou for the opportunity to connect I have Lupus Fibromyalgia and am finding hard times of late with pain fatigue and feeling lost unable to sit in a car without feeling anxious I guess I just am hoping that there is hope


Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.

Stardust Dealing with a controlling other parent
  • replies: 1

I have been with my partner for 11 years. He has a controlling x partner who he shares custody of kids with. The 13 year old does dance 9- 1 hour classes, the 15 year old does 3 drama classes and is working about 2 times a week. We have recently had ... View more

I have been with my partner for 11 years. He has a controlling x partner who he shares custody of kids with. The 13 year old does dance 9- 1 hour classes, the 15 year old does 3 drama classes and is working about 2 times a week. We have recently had to drop 1 class each due to the fact we cant get them there. We received a not so nice messages cause we should be able to because she can. We don't care about the kids and don't want them to be happy.We are so proud of the 15 year old getting a job but she is controlling how he uses the money he earns. $180 in a weeks pay has been broken down to $20 to our house $40 to spend at her house and $120 to save for her house. ( big pay due to school holidays) They also have phones but she is using that now to control our weeks. She doesn't use them to communicate and say hi etc or anything that needs to be communicated she is using them to see what is going on at our house. ( she has a tracker also on the phone) so every time we leave the house there is questions about where we are going. oh your not going to school today? no the bus was just late. oh and it was great the day that we were making the 13 year old go to school when she didn't want to so her mother told her to go to school as normal on the bus so dad doesn't know and walk down to her work. That's just a brief on some of what's going on. I'm at a loss of what to do, i hate seeing the kids upset cause she is trying to control our weeks. i know we don't know everything and are learning every day but does that mean she gets to make all the decisions for the kids cause i know no parent gets it all right, am i wrong in these thoughts?She keeps all awards, trophies makes all the decisions, never lets us know of excursions, even the ones that fall on our week, don't know of doctors appointments etc not allowed to get there hair cut, not allowed to buy extra dance, drama uniforms for our week, kids don't tell us much cause they are scared of making her angry. We let it all go to save the kids cause when we were trying to fix it the kids were even more upset then they are now. cause she just keeps saying i do what i want and you will do what i want because that is co parenting.. I'm just so depressed not be able to just live our lives and it is ruining our relationship and i can't deal, these kids are my world to its bad enough to have to share kids for any parent let alone feel like we are being controlled all the time and cant live our lives because of it.

tortuedtofu Falling deeper and deeper
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The last few days I've been falling deeper and deeper into depression.I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I had health anxiety at first for a week which subsided after seeing the GP. And then my depression kicked in and has been working ... View more

The last few days I've been falling deeper and deeper into depression.I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I had health anxiety at first for a week which subsided after seeing the GP. And then my depression kicked in and has been working in overdrive. It almost feels crippling, I cry almost everyday several times a day.I'm in my 40s and struggling with finding a partner and feel like my time has past.I also can't let go of my past, constantly thinking of things I could of done and should of done. I see people's past on social media and makes me depressed how I couldn't have the same experience. Maybe if I want a family I would feel embarrassed sharing my life choices.I also can't stop thinking about death and how I don't feel like I have much time left.

ABC01 Everyday is Groundhog Day
  • replies: 5

Hello,Everyday to me right now is on repeat. Everyone else’s lives are moving ,the dates on the calendar are flashing by and I am stuck on a loop.I feel like a record/CD getting stuck and repeating that same small sounds.I don’t know how to get off t... View more

Hello,Everyday to me right now is on repeat. Everyone else’s lives are moving ,the dates on the calendar are flashing by and I am stuck on a loop.I feel like a record/CD getting stuck and repeating that same small sounds.I don’t know how to get off this feeling. How to move at all. I make myself do one task a day,and when it is done,I am exhausted and just want to sit down again.Do others feel like this?Have you figured out how to change?ABC01

PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.

Guest_13849797 Trauma after cardiac arrest
  • replies: 1

I recently suffered a cardiac arrest and am struggling with the emotions surrounding this, as well as my kids also being very anxious about it. I constantly think about the what ifs and my daughter who is 16 is often breaking down into tears and cant... View more

I recently suffered a cardiac arrest and am struggling with the emotions surrounding this, as well as my kids also being very anxious about it. I constantly think about the what ifs and my daughter who is 16 is often breaking down into tears and cant really put into words why. Anyone have any advice?

21e Injury Trauma
  • replies: 1

Hi,im 16 and about 10 months ago i dislocated my shoulder playing netball and really struggle to put myself back out there, I still have not fully recovered due to the dislocation, it was out for 3 hours effecting my spine and the same of my neck whi... View more

Hi,im 16 and about 10 months ago i dislocated my shoulder playing netball and really struggle to put myself back out there, I still have not fully recovered due to the dislocation, it was out for 3 hours effecting my spine and the same of my neck which effects my hips bc of nerve damage, but thats not why i wanted to do this, I was wondering if theres anyone else out there who has had an injury and has like flashbacks or like gets into a state were they can't do anything but replay that moment over and over in there head.And uh, i was just wondering if theres anyone who has suffered this traumatic experience my physio and chiro keep telling me ive faced,a and managed to find a way to stop the so called "flashbacks" or "states" that im struggling to get out of.I really miss netball and i can't play yet but hopefully i can build up enough strength eventually to play again, so if anyone can also maybe tell a story or give some advice about how they managed to put themself back into doing sport even though they could injure themselves again that would be very helpful.sorry to bother anyone whos actually dealing with huge trauma rn i just thought someone might have some ideas or something... thanks,Ellie

Tigs888 PTSD Battle - Toxic Relationship Situation
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Hello I am a medically retired veteran from the policing fraternity. I have severe PTSD and manage daily life as best as I can. My partner of 9 years has been my Saviour Angel and I treasure her immensely. I have a son 21 and daughter 18 who are very... View more

Hello I am a medically retired veteran from the policing fraternity. I have severe PTSD and manage daily life as best as I can. My partner of 9 years has been my Saviour Angel and I treasure her immensely. I have a son 21 and daughter 18 who are very close to myself. My relationship with my ex wife who is a psychologist is good and she has been supportive all through my journey living with my PTSD. Our marriage broke down due to my ptsd and my reluctance to leave the policing career. I was open from day one with my current partner about my ptsd. She understood the seriousness of my mental health. I cannot ask for a more loving partner. Here is the issue….she has a 27 year old daughter who is married with 2 kids under 3. She and her family live with her dad. Since the early days of my relationship with my partner, her daughter has constantly attempted to sabotage it through the following methods…creating jealousy issues when my kids use to visit us for school trying to get them in trouble by false stories, bringing up her mum’s ex partner often to see my reaction, inviting her dad along to private gatherings that her mum and me organise to attempt to cause an issue. Now that she has 2 kids….she is attempting to create a bigger conflict between her mum and myself by constantly forcing her mum to visit her at her house where her dad lives in the granny flat. I have for years gone along to visit her with my partner even though it’s been uncomfortable to be around her ex husband who is autistic and has no concept of relationship boundaries.The ex husband constantly dredges up about my partners married life with him and relives the thing they use to do eg holidays. I have ceased going along for the weekly visits to my partners daughter’s house to maintain my calmness. I feel my ptsd is getting worst as the narcissistic daughter now demands frequent weekends away without her kids and my partner has to babysit the whole time at her house. The daughter is very aware that her mum is a pushover and that this is causing major issues in my relationship with her mom. My partner works in high stress corpoarte environment and the weekends gives us a chance to have couple time by either travelling or catching up with our friends. I am at a crossroad now and wonder if its better for my ptsd to rent my own place and end the relationship? My daughter has moved in with us for her university studies and is concerned for my mental health. She has confirmed my opinion about my partner's daughter being a narcissist person. I have tried so many times to get my partner to join me at my psychologist office to discuss the dire situation that is been caused by her daughter but she says 'theres nothing wrong and your just picking isssues'. Close friends and family have adviced me to walk away and be happy rather then be 'gas lit' and stay in a coercive situation.....any advice?????? Please.....

Suicidal thoughts and self-harm

This space discusses suicide and self-harm. Consider limiting the time you spend here. To use the section safely, read the pinned discussion.

Peaches Suicidal thoughts
  • replies: 2

I have a really good friend that I would always like to hang out with, but she always declines because she has to look after her nana . It gets me depressed when I can't hang out with her. I haven't seen her face to face in 3-4 years . I'm always tex... View more

I have a really good friend that I would always like to hang out with, but she always declines because she has to look after her nana . It gets me depressed when I can't hang out with her. I haven't seen her face to face in 3-4 years . I'm always texting her , we've been friends for almost 10 years now . Sometimes I think to myself, it's better I die because she doesn't have time for me. I struggle with depression and anxiety so it's been difficult. I have a prevention plan but it doesn't help and my psychologist isn't very helpful either , I've been to like 3 or 4 psychologists now tbh. I feel like this is my only safe space...not gonna lie...

One_More_Day Help
  • replies: 2

I'm about to lose my house, I haven't been able to work for three years because of an unidentified breakdown of skin on my hands and severe depression and possible undiagnosed schizophrenia/personality disorder, psychosocial maladaption, my gp won't ... View more

I'm about to lose my house, I haven't been able to work for three years because of an unidentified breakdown of skin on my hands and severe depression and possible undiagnosed schizophrenia/personality disorder, psychosocial maladaption, my gp won't support my tpd claim with GESB, my superannuation and I think my sons would be better off eithout me, at least I can leave them my home. I have no family, friends or social contacts for years now. My mother is a narcissistic megalomaniac who is violent, aggressive, abusive and coercively controlling, if I could sue her I would. All four of her children are unemployable, without relationships and in poverty, all on disability payments while she ponces around like royalty, deluded, in her stable home she battered her now deceased third husband into giving her. In a few weeks I will have money from the sale of my home and nowhere to go - itinerant. Accessing my tpd insurance and early super would change that but the "system" is watching me fall through the cracks and thinking nothing of it, only after will they lookback. I am living proof - a red flag - ignored. Bias, presumption and judgement have clouded my gp's decision making, the specialists are no different and there is no mental health support out there at all. This is the system broken. Only when it's too late, someone might consider what else could have been done. With all this right in front of their eyes, as clear as the nose on their face, only when it's over might they reconsider their poor decisions. Too late. Learn now! I have been using medicinal drugs and it's made things worse - a big step backward for its efficacy, not to mention the social stigma and isolation. I have not left my home nor seen anyone for years now, sleeping on my couch, temporary, on the way out, with a biological family revelling in the drama and my demise. Can you sue parents? My mother's gp has carved her up but never treated her twisted, abusive, controlling, perverted and angry nature, well hidden in short consultations. Despite contacts with services and waiting lists for assessment, I am just one person of millions. I have lost everything and see a future of more loneliness and suffering. I convince myself selling my home and starting again is better than ending it. An itinerant. What's the difference.