Anxiety or heart problems?
- replies: 1
Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I w... View more
Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I was an alcoholic for 3yrs self-managing (unbeknownst to me) my anxiety. I have recently gone sober (42 days). The decision was made after a rather large panic attack in which I was convinced was a heart attack. I am on a super epic health kick, doing everything I can that is recommended for lowering anxiety. Eating right, sleeping good, walking, yoga, meditation. I'm really happy with my progress. The issue I am having & I am hoping someone can relate to help ease my uncertainty, is that I am getting chest pains. Yes I know chest pains come with anxiety, but I am talking about chest pains that I get that I believe come often when I have no anxiety. For example, yesterday I had quite a good day, and I believe I wasn't feeling anxious, but then I get some seemingly random chest pain. It lasted a couple minutes and then it was gone I believe. The problem is this obviously builds on my anxiety. And now this morning I have had quite a 'jittery' morning, and it is the only thing I can put it down to. I have been and seen doctors, but I feel like they'd just rather hand me some pills and get me out the door. I've been prescribed heartburn meds, but I believe that doesn't change it. I have had an ECG and they are happy with results. Blood tests same. And tonight I have a stress test. They have suggested going to a higher dose of my medication but I really want to go the other way and get off the medication, not on more.... I guess I am asking: A. Does anyone else experience similar thing(s)? B. Do you guys agree that it is probably (I know no one can say with 100% certainty) just anxiety? And, C. Do you think after the stress test comes back positive that I should steer away from anymore tests? The problem is I don't want to be wrong, and not get the tests I might need, but all it really does is feed my anxiety "What is wrong with me, am I going to die?" It is a hard circle to break out of. Thanks