PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 276

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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Flowerbell Trauma
  • replies: 1

In final stages of divorce court. I left due to domestic violence. Highly anxious and unsteady. He has had various orders from police/courts. I am seeing therapist at this time. I have found courts unsafe, totally unaware of impacts of domestic viole... View more

In final stages of divorce court. I left due to domestic violence. Highly anxious and unsteady. He has had various orders from police/courts. I am seeing therapist at this time. I have found courts unsafe, totally unaware of impacts of domestic violence. I had to relocate/flee in car. He has since found me again and fear him locating me during this. There has been more than one move of houses due to this - I do not want another. This has put serious strain upon finances, my time and work.

Rowen13 Unrequited friendships or low self-esteem?
  • replies: 14

How do I know if a friendship is worth it? I told my online friend that I really loved and cared for him as a friend. He told me he liked and cared for me.After knowing him and sharing my darkest moments and secrets, it hurts that the emotional/energ... View more

How do I know if a friendship is worth it? I told my online friend that I really loved and cared for him as a friend. He told me he liked and cared for me.After knowing him and sharing my darkest moments and secrets, it hurts that the emotional/energy level is not reciprocated. I know I have an anxious attachment style and my last girl friend never loved me back either. He knows about this and I have explained how much it hurts and how I worry that the same friendship dynamic is repeating.l'm tired of always being the one that cares more? Should I try to care less or just cut ties with my friend and move on? I'm aware I can't control his feelings but I find because I am going through a difficult time in my life's really affecting my self esteem and mental health.He says he wants the friendship but I wonder if it's better to just cut ties and work on my anxious attachment style. So I can find a friend that I don't continually chase and the emotional investment is more equal.He use to reply and text all the time and now everything I say seems to irritate him and he never initiates contact. I try to get him to see the friendship is already over but he always repeats that he is fighting to keep me in his life.I know in every relationship that someone always feels more but after everything we have shared and the level of trust I put in to letting him see the "real" just hurts that I know deep down that I am disposable to him and all the time spent and conversations meant nothing.Opening your heart and being vulnerable and feeling undervalued just hurts. I know I am the only one keeping the "friendship" alive because, that's not a friendship at all.

Jensone Near death resuscitate
  • replies: 5

In December 2024 i was visiting a friend and he collapsed in front of me,in my state of panic dialled 000 and was talked through into applying CPR for a total of 7 minutes…. i was on the phone line after checked my call log before a team of ambos arr... View more

In December 2024 i was visiting a friend and he collapsed in front of me,in my state of panic dialled 000 and was talked through into applying CPR for a total of 7 minutes…. i was on the phone line after checked my call log before a team of ambos arrived to continue to resuscitate.They worked on him for 40 minutes and unable to find a pulse and was given worse case scenario due to no heartbeat.They ambos continued whilst transferring him to hospital 3 minutes away with me fearing the worst.Arriving at emergency myself was told not to expect any miracles or his organs will shut down,brain damage etc etc after taking in the enormity of what had happened I’d braced myself that he was going to die.Over the course of the next week in a self induced coma he continued to improve and low and behold he regained consciousness and had a defibrillator fitted by day 13 and not long term side affects It continues to weigh on me that i actually helped saved his life and i have moments of what ifs and it seems surreal that he actually survived after i was told there was no hope just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and the after affects that one carries after witnessing the near death experience of losing someone

Neeru Domestic Violence
  • replies: 6

My husband has extra martial affair with his sister in law now he is abusing me meantly and physical , i have one 18 month kid as well.his sister in law is overseas , now my husband wants brings her sister in law and her children in Australia in my h... View more

My husband has extra martial affair with his sister in law now he is abusing me meantly and physical , i have one 18 month kid as well.his sister in law is overseas , now my husband wants brings her sister in law and her children in Australia in my house .he took my car so i can't go on my work and he stopped giving money as well.he block my phone number as well ow he threatened me he gonna harm me and my baby but now my father is with me for my support i want separation with my husband but i can't afford the fees of Lawer what should i do

lacy about me
  • replies: 3

hi im lacy i have ptsd and im 13

hi im lacy i have ptsd and im 13

l-jc Bad dreams, ptsd, abusive relationship.
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone. Last year I finally got out of an abusive relationship that went on for over 3 years. he was my first ever partner. he was mentally and physically abusive. since then i've had trouble with sleeping and my dreams. In day time I am fine, b... View more

Hi everyone. Last year I finally got out of an abusive relationship that went on for over 3 years. he was my first ever partner. he was mentally and physically abusive. since then i've had trouble with sleeping and my dreams. In day time I am fine, but when I go to sleep I either have dreams about my ex attacking me or running after me, or threatening to kill me like he would in real life. or I dream of blackness and I start hyperventilating and sonetimes I silently scream to the point where it hurts and my body aches when I wake up. I sometimes cry a lot in my sleep and wake up in a sweat. is this ptsd? i'm on anti depressants but I still have these dreams. it's really starting to affect me. Should I see a counsellor or is this something a doctor should know about?

EllieEll Sexual Assault - Not sure what to do
  • replies: 2

Hello Everyone, I have recently come to the knowledge and understanding that I was sexually assaulted a few years ago. I was at a work party and I had been drinking. At the end of the night, one of my work colleagues dropped me off at home and walked... View more

Hello Everyone, I have recently come to the knowledge and understanding that I was sexually assaulted a few years ago. I was at a work party and I had been drinking. At the end of the night, one of my work colleagues dropped me off at home and walked inside with me where we had sex. We were both over the age of legal consent. I just assumed that because we had both been drinking alcohol, it was not considered to be assault. In the last few days I have realised this is not the case. This person had been interested in me for a while at work and I had made it CRYSTAL clear that the feelings were NOT reciprocated and nothing was going to happen between us. I knew he was married which automatically made him off limits but also, I was just not interested. We lost touch for a couple of years but recently got in contact again. Since that night he has continued to make it very obvious that he is STILL interested, and I have continued to tell him that I am not. A friend pointed out to me a few days ago that he sexually assaulted me. They are 100% right. If I was sober, it NEVER would've happened. I barely remember a thing about that night and I hadn't had more than 3 drinks, which leads me to believe my drink was spiked, although I don't think it was by him. I chatted to him on messenger yesterday and asked him about the night it happened. He said he has a pretty clear memory of it all and what happened back at my house. It's clear in his mind that he thinks I wanted it, but also that he is very much aware that it wouldn't have if I was sober and that it will never happen again. The fact that he was able to describe my body in detail, what we did in my bedroom and remembers what I was wearing, shows me that he was far less under the influence than I was. I am NOT okay with this. I don't know what to do with it all now. Thanks for reading.

Guest_34923903 Abused
  • replies: 1

Hello All I'm 35 now and I keep having flashbacks from being sexually abused by a lifeguard when I was early teens. He was in his 20s. He literally groomed me over a summer hoilday and gave me lollies, food and let me and my siblings work in the cant... View more

Hello All I'm 35 now and I keep having flashbacks from being sexually abused by a lifeguard when I was early teens. He was in his 20s. He literally groomed me over a summer hoilday and gave me lollies, food and let me and my siblings work in the canteen. I found out a couple of years ago it happened to my twin sister too. She never told me. I recently was on Facebook and his face came up on a page he was working for, it made me sick. I went to go to the police last year, it took a long time and then they said I would have to go to trial and relay everything so I freaked out. I don't know who to talk to or what supports are out there.

CurlyLamb Bipolar, PTSD, Depression & Anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi I knew here. I just need to chat with others who are in similar situations to myself.

Hi I knew here. I just need to chat with others who are in similar situations to myself.

Rowen13 Narcissistic Mum
  • replies: 35

I have recently turned 50 and have been a carer for my narcissistic mum. She uses all the usual tricks, gaslighting, verbal abuse, isolating me, sabotaging etc.My mental health has spiralled and after being a carer for 10 years, I feel depressed, anx... View more

I have recently turned 50 and have been a carer for my narcissistic mum. She uses all the usual tricks, gaslighting, verbal abuse, isolating me, sabotaging etc.My mental health has spiralled and after being a carer for 10 years, I feel depressed, anxious and suicidal. I suffer from childhood PTSD with physical and emotional abuse. We were also often starved as children and were never provided a stable loving or nurturing environment.She is now 82, has two brain tumours and has fallen and hit her head twice. But after being repeatedly verbally abused in front of doctors and nurses, I broke down. I can't continue and often feel like the only way to be free is to take my life.I am on a carer's payment so I take the abuse because I am scared of being homeless. I have no husband and was unable to have children. I have had a case manager assigned to me as I spiral further into my depression and suicidal ideation.I have told her I can no longer be her carer, she is trying to guilt me. I have no self esteem and feel guilty for leaving my mum in the hospital. I have no support network, no friends, no income and feel so isolated and desolate. My life has passed and I my body goes in to panic mode as I am continually traumatised by her abuse. I feel so much shame and lost in life. I have no idea what to do, I will soon be homeless and I will be unable to make car repayments. I'm a scared little child at 50 years old and I long to close my eyes and never wake up. I wish I was never born. My depression and GAD has made me in to a coward and I am worthless.