PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 276

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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CurlyLamb Bipolar, PTSD, Depression & Anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi I knew here. I just need to chat with others who are in similar situations to myself.

Hi I knew here. I just need to chat with others who are in similar situations to myself.

Rowen13 Narcissistic Mum
  • replies: 35

I have recently turned 50 and have been a carer for my narcissistic mum. She uses all the usual tricks, gaslighting, verbal abuse, isolating me, sabotaging etc.My mental health has spiralled and after being a carer for 10 years, I feel depressed, anx... View more

I have recently turned 50 and have been a carer for my narcissistic mum. She uses all the usual tricks, gaslighting, verbal abuse, isolating me, sabotaging etc.My mental health has spiralled and after being a carer for 10 years, I feel depressed, anxious and suicidal. I suffer from childhood PTSD with physical and emotional abuse. We were also often starved as children and were never provided a stable loving or nurturing environment.She is now 82, has two brain tumours and has fallen and hit her head twice. But after being repeatedly verbally abused in front of doctors and nurses, I broke down. I can't continue and often feel like the only way to be free is to take my life.I am on a carer's payment so I take the abuse because I am scared of being homeless. I have no husband and was unable to have children. I have had a case manager assigned to me as I spiral further into my depression and suicidal ideation.I have told her I can no longer be her carer, she is trying to guilt me. I have no self esteem and feel guilty for leaving my mum in the hospital. I have no support network, no friends, no income and feel so isolated and desolate. My life has passed and I my body goes in to panic mode as I am continually traumatised by her abuse. I feel so much shame and lost in life. I have no idea what to do, I will soon be homeless and I will be unable to make car repayments. I'm a scared little child at 50 years old and I long to close my eyes and never wake up. I wish I was never born. My depression and GAD has made me in to a coward and I am worthless.

Jo999 Workplace injury horrible rehab Comcare invalidity - can anyone help please?
  • replies: 29

I have a psychological claim with Comcare that has been going on for years. I want to get away from them and out of the system, but they (and my awful employer) keep hounding me and sending me for multiple psychiatric exams and IMEs. They will not fi... View more

I have a psychological claim with Comcare that has been going on for years. I want to get away from them and out of the system, but they (and my awful employer) keep hounding me and sending me for multiple psychiatric exams and IMEs. They will not find me a job, will not give me a redundancy and will not put me forward for medical invalidity. I am just kept in constant limbo. The rehab consultants ignore all the medical advice and have not been able to find me a job. I have found the rehabilitation consultants to be the most useless nastiest pieces of work. They act like policemen telling me everyday to call up friends and beg for a job. They told me to do charity begging work even though I have poor social skills and anxiety. I am unable to approach people and beg for money. After 10 years of this ongoing crap, I am very unwell and don't know what to do anymore. Comcare said if I try to challenge anything or don't do what they say, they can go back and raise a debt against me for 10 years of payments (hundreds of thousands of dollars) so I am in a nightmare with no way out. Has anyone been through this? Can anyone offer advice or assistance as I need help. My anxiety is extreme and my doctor has prescribed sleeping pills to help me sleep as I lie away all night worrying. I am likely to end up jobless, cut off all benefits, and homeless, and the thought just makes me cry.

Mstuck Narcissistic husband
  • replies: 2

Hi, almost 3 years ago I discovered that my husband of 28 years had cheated on me what I thought was on 3 occasions. I discovered he had been to prostitutes. He blamed me because we had not had a great sex life for years. When I confronted him he den... View more

Hi, almost 3 years ago I discovered that my husband of 28 years had cheated on me what I thought was on 3 occasions. I discovered he had been to prostitutes. He blamed me because we had not had a great sex life for years. When I confronted him he denied it until I asked for his phone and showed him the messages. He then told me it was all my fault. He wanted to go to marriage counselling but would not book it. I ended up booking it. The counselling did nothing. He swore to me and the councillor it had only been 3 times. Fast forward a couple of years of hell and he finally admitted to this going on for 26 years. I did what he wanted, gave him sex regularly. It was hard as I felt so broken and he didn’t care for my needs. Then late last year he told me, after I probed, that he had continued to see prostitutes as it didn’t feel consentual. This was after telling me he hadn’t. Continued blame on me and no understanding of what I was going through. I also discovered he had downloaded dating apps going back 8 years. He lied to me from the beginning of our relationship telling me he hadn’t travelled extensively before we met. He also told the same story to our kids for years - so lied to them about his travels. That hurts the worst. When I called him out on it he just dismissed it. I feel trapped as I can’t afford to buy him out of our house or to sell and buy a place. The housing market here has made my hands tied. I would have left him years ago if I knew of his behaviour. I have to bide my time as my son is still in school and I know he will become very very nasty when I tell him it’s over. I feel scared and trapped. The hardest part is that he blames everything on me.

Esther89 Lost - Abusive marriage. Finding myself
  • replies: 2

Hi,After 19 years in a toxic marriage I am finally almost divorced, after being constantly told there was something wrong with me, reminded of how useless I was, reminded of my dysfunctional childhood , having the finances controlled and told I neede... View more

Hi,After 19 years in a toxic marriage I am finally almost divorced, after being constantly told there was something wrong with me, reminded of how useless I was, reminded of my dysfunctional childhood , having the finances controlled and told I needed help I went to see a counsellor who told me that it wasn’t me who needed help and showed me what I was experiencing, it was like a light switch and I grew more confident and assertive. I had a support network of friends who were like family. I was then offered a job to move to another state and he felt it was a good idea too. Fast forward to 2018, I suffered an injury which meant I had to take time of work, the mental abuse was suttle at first however it started to get worse and worse to the point I was threatened and told to leave, when he knew I had no where to go, he would tell my children how useless I was, I returned to work as fast as I could and he would take almost all my pay, it seemed to get worse as he knew I no longer had a support network - eventually I became so worn down, depressed and felt so trapped, I started just shutting down and taking the abuse. my credit rating was finally fixed and I used the opportunity to store money away, he once again threatened a divorce or separation and I stood firm and accepted it, only for him to a month later say he was forgiving me for whatever I had done - I didn’t accept it and said I want to leave - he threatened I wouldn’t have my children however istood firm. I had to find a rental in th area close to school which was very expensive. I thought it might change but since living seperately he’s still a bully and I feel I’ve finally hit a wall - he’s not given me a cent and I’m scared to take further, he’s extremely cruel and I’ve tried so hard to co parent but anytime I try to stand up for myself he will place horrible demands or restrictions. I feel so stupid because I’ve started to submit and I’ve lost myself somewhere, I’m overwhelmed and I’ve started isolating from the world hiding away. I don’t have family or friends and wouldn’t want to add my life story or negativity onto new friendships. I’m sorry for the Debbie downer post. I’ve never been in a place where I’m ready to give up and everything feels so overwhelming I become exhausted- I have zero will left

RedDragon My Behaviours ?
  • replies: 6

Does anyone else think “ I better do this even if I don’t want to -it won’t kill me “ I better do more than expected to make someone else happy or life easier Take blame for anything and everything that goes wrong for someone else. Not talk about per... View more

Does anyone else think “ I better do this even if I don’t want to -it won’t kill me “ I better do more than expected to make someone else happy or life easier Take blame for anything and everything that goes wrong for someone else. Not talk about personal shame and stress or when boundaries are over stepped as there is a fear someone might get upset or offended or judge and leave. I will do what ever I can to make sure others are first - offer the last choc even I I really want it. Give up something nice I have because they like it too. Give give give then I expect a little back hope others would be kind back. am I alone here ? is the stem of behaviour come from a selfish mother ? Can I change the habits and make new boundaries and learn to be honest with out fear of irrational thoughts of abandonment ? thanks for reading.

Mrd74 Hard roads and winding paths
  • replies: 4

Hi, my journey up to this point has been difficult, I bare the mental scars of all my negative experiences those of so many people throughout my life. The abuse was physical, verbal, psychological, sexual and narcissistic both during childhood and in... View more

Hi, my journey up to this point has been difficult, I bare the mental scars of all my negative experiences those of so many people throughout my life. The abuse was physical, verbal, psychological, sexual and narcissistic both during childhood and in adulthood on top of being a long serving veteran. now at 50 I suffer from severe CPTSD with psychosis and everyday is hard for me to function, I rarely leave my apartment, I feel stigmatized by the way I look and feel in public my professional career is ruined, no family, only a one long distant friend, repeated hospitalization. I've always a kind, giving, empathetic person and as soon as I got sick everyone turned their backs on me. I blamed myself for a long time for how I've been treated but It simply isn't all my fault. Life shouldn't be this traumatic or lonely, I don't give up but this has been a hard path to walk and the bad far outweighs the good

Caity88 My partner struggles with alcohol and its adversely affected our relationship. It's left me feeling
  • replies: 5

I'm not sure if this falls under trauma or depression but the entire time I have been with my partner he has suffered from alcoholism. It has caused our family a lot of pain over the 5 years we have been together. We share a 2 year old and i am left ... View more

I'm not sure if this falls under trauma or depression but the entire time I have been with my partner he has suffered from alcoholism. It has caused our family a lot of pain over the 5 years we have been together. We share a 2 year old and i am left to care for him alone as my partner works away and when he's home he is unreliable and is intoxicated or hungover. He forgets he has a family when he's drinking and it makes me feel very unloved. There's obviously so much more to this story but I guess I'm just wondering if I left the relationship would I be better able to help myself heal and get better? Or am I depressed because that's just who I am and am I just trying to blame it on him?

Survive- Seeking support groups in Melbourne south east
  • replies: 2

Hi all. Was watching channel 9 “my wife my abuser” and it struck a nerve and I found myself feeling sad for the abuse I took physical , mental and emotional. 16 years in a relationship marriage being berated for the smallest things ie hanging a tea t... View more

Hi all. Was watching channel 9 “my wife my abuser” and it struck a nerve and I found myself feeling sad for the abuse I took physical , mental and emotional. 16 years in a relationship marriage being berated for the smallest things ie hanging a tea towel slightly uneven. I can’t perform a diagnosis of my ex wife but it looks like the text book narcissistic behaviour. I found myself fully functional at a in charge level of one of Australias largest companies to coming home and being a mouse of a man . We have been separated for 9 years now and there was the classic text harassment and denying visitation of a child. What I’m looking for is does anyone know of a narcissistic survivor group or similar in the south east of Melbourne. I’ve tried one on one counseling and didn’t find it helpful apart from the sharing my story. Seeking a survivor group. thanks

Abby2 Is this sexual assault or regret
  • replies: 5

Before I continue with the incident I’d like to note that I have a partner. I’ve also been raped manny years ago and still struggle with that trauma I have a friend who has a partner who for 6 months have been trying to engage in a threesome with me,... View more

Before I continue with the incident I’d like to note that I have a partner. I’ve also been raped manny years ago and still struggle with that trauma I have a friend who has a partner who for 6 months have been trying to engage in a threesome with me, I have repeatedly mentioned how uncomfortable this makes me and sometimes I’ve had to leave their house because of how pushy they become. It’d had been awhile since they had brought it up so I thought the fantasy was over. Well recently I was drinking at their house and they offered me some type of drug I’d never had, my friend kept getting me to sit on her bed and her and her boyfriend would get closer and closer eventually they started to take my clothes off and dressed me up in some outfit, I was so anxious and my friend just kept saying how happy this made her how long she’d been waiting for this and I just stayed quite, I didn’t move for the longest time I just let them do whatever they wanted, it went on for hours I at one point even made it seem like I was enjoying it, her and her boyfriend seemed to be enjoying it so much. I just didn’t say anything, I didn’t say no. infact at one point I just said to my friend you can do whatever with me I don’t care my friend finally said that she was done with me and I was so relived I got up got dressed and cried as I left. I tried to talk to my friend afterwords saying how uncomfortable I was and how I want to tell my partner. She’s now threatening that if I tell him that everyone will know that I’m a whore and everyone will know about what happened. But I don’t care what happens I feel so disgusting and I want to tell my partner. My question is, am I just regretting what had happened because I understand the pain it would cause my partner when I tell him or are these feelings of disgust and betrayal because of how my friend took advantage of me. I just need honest answers, I plan to talk to my partner regardless of my what my friend says, I try and pride myself on being a good honest person and I’ve never cheated or thought of cheating ever so my partner deserves to know