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Am I in the wrong

Community Member

I was 8 when I was diagnosed with ADHD and 10 when I was diagnosed with Autism.

In year 4 I just had this friend thing where one of my friends lets say her name is Molly. (this is privacy. not her real name) 

Molly and I were really close friends like we had been friends since preschool and so yeah this one day, one of my friends goes "hey Mikhaela can't you just be invisible" And like Molly goes into this kinda huddle thing and says something and, the whole next week she ignores me and says like when i'm trying to talk to her she goes "oh it must be the wind" or "it's the abominable snowman again" and yeah so that's a whole week of that.


Then in year five my sister leaves the school, and my other frinpend lets say her name is grace not resl name. 

Grace is sad sbout my sister leaving the chool understandable, but she starts blaming me and for three terms she is constantly bugging me about how it was all my fault my sister left. she starts ig oring me making snide comments about me and rumors like it's all my fault my sister keft and Molly I only just started trusting againstarts believing the rumors and completely stabs me in the back, it's not true, and my sister wasn't getting a good enough education like her teacher wouldn't go over thing my sister didn't understand. yeah like grace and molly are just telling this new kid and feeding her the rumors and she believes them and soon there's no one at my school i can trust, not even the teachers. they don't do anything about this bullying. I find that molly ang grace both stole and ripped me of my identity and that i didn't deserve that. i just can believe it. 

then one day on the bus i catch grace is all in my face about how it's all my fault my sister left the school, and she keeps on insissting about its all my fault. im pretty sure it's not though.

Am i in the wrong to be upset and traumitised wanting to take all days off school possible?

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion


thanjs for your post and welcome. I am sorry s ome girls at your school have bean mean to you and have teased you about your sister leaving. Sometimes people take pleasure in upsetting others and the someone gets upset the more they tease them. 
It is an awful to endure especially from people you thought were your friends.

is there a teacher at school you could talk to or someone not connected to these girls who you trust?

wha year are you in now?

I think it would be upsetting and school would be unpleasant for you to be..

sometimes girls tease other girls as they are afraid they may be teased themselves.

Have you told your parents or your sister how you feel.?

we are listening and you are not alone.

There never was anyone they never did anything they always told me they "made her stop" but she never did so eventually i stopped trusting them. Then they got mad at me because i said that i could not write down a single techer or staff or any adult that worked there anything i couldnt trust a single eacher.