
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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zippedzipp Landlord selling apartment where I live, can't stop ruminating and feeling anxious
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Hi all,I have been having immense anxiety over the apartment that my housemate and I live in being sold. Currently, it is still on market and we have to have two open inspections a week (which is so invasive and awful tbh). We're hoping an investor b... View more

Hi all,I have been having immense anxiety over the apartment that my housemate and I live in being sold. Currently, it is still on market and we have to have two open inspections a week (which is so invasive and awful tbh). We're hoping an investor buys it so as we can stay on as tenants.I have severe anxiety, depression as well as adhd and having a change in my living situation just about breaks me. The uncertainty that comes with renting is dreadful but I am in no place to afford my own home.The apartments goes to auction next weekend so we should know who buys it then and if we're staying or not. I'm sad too as I've planned a trip to Japan in May and I hope this won't affect it (if we had to move, I don't want to be stressing while on my trip).I realise this doesn't read very well but I'm sort of just brain dumping. I guess I'm just hoping to hear some sort of validation, "it's going to be okay"... that sort of thing. Ultimately though, I actually do know it's going to be okay, I just hate not knowing what's going to happen to me and it's really affecting my everyday life. I can't stop ruminating on it. I can't even make plans with friends because I genuinely feel like I'm too busy ruminating (I'm sure people can relate to that feeling?). I feel like I can't even clean my room properly because I'm thinking "who cares, it may not even be my room soon"I talked with my psych about it today. She recommended taking cold showers, going for runs, things that'll get my heart rate up to sort of even out my adrenaline (she explained it much better than that). I need to pull myself out of this and put my focus onto other things. It's. just. so. hard. to. do. Because all I feel i have capacity to do in rot in bed scrolling on crying at how little options there are and how rent seems to be even MORE expensive these days.I'll end my brain dump here. Thank you in advanced to anyone who read this far and / or replied. I hope this feeling passes soon.

Joiningcommet Not knowing we're do I go from here
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Hey I travel interstate a lot for work and work a labors intensive job, I have noticed that what I was thinking was home sick when I'm away even if it's for one night just last week I went away for a week stint and on the first night I ended up in th... View more

Hey I travel interstate a lot for work and work a labors intensive job, I have noticed that what I was thinking was home sick when I'm away even if it's for one night just last week I went away for a week stint and on the first night I ended up in the ED on the loo not sleeping and spewing up with trouble breathing so went to ED and they could not find anything wrong but when I was asked if I was anxious I balled my eyes out to the nurse I think I may be suffering something deep inside but need my job to earn money for my wife and kids went to doc got some pills from him but we're do I go from here I don't know I have to go away again and been doing some research today podcasts and YouTube mostly some Google search. Can some one point me to what I can do to not feel overwhelmed and anxious when I'm away as fly out in 2 days for a week and afraid il end up in ED and losing my job as the work I'm in are all manly men don't talk about this stuff people. Someone gide me or help me please

blondguy My Sister is getting worse..Using GOD to make her point
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Hey everyone Similar to SmallWolf this can be difficult to discuss as a champion I have posted a similar topic a few years back....Just trying again My younger sister insists that I physically crush my collection of many of my movies as she doesnt be... View more

Hey everyone Similar to SmallWolf this can be difficult to discuss as a champion I have posted a similar topic a few years back....Just trying again My younger sister insists that I physically crush my collection of many of my movies as she doesnt believe that generalized anxiety or Schizophrenia are mental health conditions. She is adamant that these illnesses are caused by Satan....and yes I am serious, unfortunately. I joined Beyond Blue in January 2016 and am well educated in many areas of mental health and providing the best quality support and TLC possible over a long period of time. Can anyone assist me on this as its having a negative effect my long term recovery from chronic anxiety issues. My sister said she doesnt follow religion as "she is in God's immediate family" If it helps anyone understand, my sister has firmly mentioned that my thrillers and horror movies have to be crushed and not donated to charity as they are portals for Satan. Any level of support on this would be really appreciated my kindest always Paul

Shazzawazza Work related stress working in defence office 😳😰
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Hi, I haven’t been on this forum at least 3 years I don’t think my antidepressants ain’t working anymore has anyone got advice working in strict defence base admin working with defence personal and how to control the aggression my anger is very high ... View more

Hi, I haven’t been on this forum at least 3 years I don’t think my antidepressants ain’t working anymore has anyone got advice working in strict defence base admin working with defence personal and how to control the aggression my anger is very high I work two coming back to three days after month off stress leave from work my work is very stressful environment I’m a external contractor working for the government is there any advice keep temper down and being patient thank you reguards shazza

Guest_46301980 Do I have nicety or am I just overthinking it?
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So, just a little preview of what I’m talking about, I’m basically wondering if I actually have an anxiety problem/disorder (idk what to call it) or if I’m just overthinking things or if it’s a different issue. (Also just a disclaimer, I am still in ... View more

So, just a little preview of what I’m talking about, I’m basically wondering if I actually have an anxiety problem/disorder (idk what to call it) or if I’m just overthinking things or if it’s a different issue. (Also just a disclaimer, I am still in my teenage years, but I’m in my senior years of high school, close to my HSC)I’ve suffered from multiple emotional “attacks” (for lack of better words) throughout my life, and I’ve recently been researching anxiety as a solution to my problems. The thing is, I don’t show many of the common signs of anxiety, but I do show some other signs. Like, I love public speaking. I’ve volunteered to speak at assemblies and to go first for drama performances. But as soon as I’m out of school, I’m a wreck. I can’t look servers in the eye at restaurants and I refuse to order things at a person, I’ll do it at a kiosk. Idk if that’s just social anxiety or if I’m just difficult. I’ve also been having major test anxiety. Like full on panic attacks, having to go to the welfare rooms anxiety. And it’s not like me being unprepared, I would study for weeks before the test because I’m so worried of failing. And I’ve been put into learning support for that stuff (which has really helped with how I feel and perform too), but I need a proper diagnosis for anxiety for me to keep doing tests in a small group rather than with the rest of my year (which I’ll come back to later). Another little thing, I’ve been getting panic attacks at night. I used to have bad panic attacks in primary school (worrying if my family was safe, etc). It started to get really bad when I would like- hallucinate things-. Like I was dreaming but I was still awake, I had no control of my body. It got so bad one night, that I ran from my room, stood in the hallway, called my dad a monster, then threw up on the floor. That stuff has been coming back recently (havn’t been getting that stuff for years and now it’s back?). Not so much the hallucinating, but more the hysterical crying and scratching my face and arms to the point where they would bleed (like I don’t mean to scratch myself, it just happens). My parents flat out refuse to go to the doctors or let me go back to my physiologist (which is so stupid, bc they said that I’ve already been, which is true, because I went to get help with my sleep and to stop worrying so much about sleeping, not about test anxiety). Idk what to do at this point. Like, do I even bother trying to get a diagnosis anymore? Is there anything to really look for or am I just going insane? I can get rides to places nd I have my own money to pay for things, I just don’t know if it’s worth it or not.

WhereDoIBegin Anxiety or heart problems?
  • replies: 3

Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I w... View more

Can anyone relate to me or give me guidance on what I should do to help myself? I have anxiety and am taking an anxiety medication. My main trigger appears to be health, although sometimes I feel anxious for no reason at all. A little background, I was an alcoholic for 3yrs self-managing (unbeknownst to me) my anxiety. I have recently gone sober (42 days). The decision was made after a rather large panic attack in which I was convinced was a heart attack. I am on a super epic health kick, doing everything I can that is recommended for lowering anxiety. Eating right, sleeping good, walking, yoga, meditation. I'm really happy with my progress. The issue I am having & I am hoping someone can relate to help ease my uncertainty, is that I am getting chest pains. Yes I know chest pains come with anxiety, but I am talking about chest pains that I get that I believe come often when I have no anxiety. For example, yesterday I had quite a good day, and I believe I wasn't feeling anxious, but then I get some seemingly random chest pain. It lasted a couple minutes and then it was gone I believe. The problem is this obviously builds on my anxiety. And now this morning I have had quite a 'jittery' morning, and it is the only thing I can put it down to. I have been and seen doctors, but I feel like they'd just rather hand me some pills and get me out the door. I've been prescribed heartburn meds, but I believe that doesn't change it. I have had an ECG and they are happy with results. Blood tests same. And tonight I have a stress test. They have suggested going to a higher dose of my medication but I really want to go the other way and get off the medication, not on more.... I guess I am asking: A. Does anyone else experience similar thing(s)? B. Do you guys agree that it is probably (I know no one can say with 100% certainty) just anxiety? And, C. Do you think after the stress test comes back positive that I should steer away from anymore tests? The problem is I don't want to be wrong, and not get the tests I might need, but all it really does is feed my anxiety "What is wrong with me, am I going to die?" It is a hard circle to break out of. Thanks

Guest_98574445 Anxiety
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I have always suffered from anxiety but the last week has gotten bad, with panic attacks serve enough to goto ED multiple times. I have been put on antidepressants for anxiety which I find only works for 1-2 hours. Does anyone have any tips for when ... View more

I have always suffered from anxiety but the last week has gotten bad, with panic attacks serve enough to goto ED multiple times. I have been put on antidepressants for anxiety which I find only works for 1-2 hours. Does anyone have any tips for when my chest and mind is going crazy?

Angle Anxiety
  • replies: 9

Hi my names angel I have alot of anxiety and the reason I'm bringing this up because it has affected my life mentally and physically I have asked for help I have talked to teachers in my school we have a well being and j have a well being pass but mo... View more

Hi my names angel I have alot of anxiety and the reason I'm bringing this up because it has affected my life mentally and physically I have asked for help I have talked to teachers in my school we have a well being and j have a well being pass but most of my teachers tell me to stay in the classroom what do I do

Not_Batman Maybe its Adult adhd?
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So i’ve come to the realisation that i could have undiagnosed adult adhd.Why? well, i have been struggling with attention at work for a long time, was quite the hyperactive kid, i have over a dozen projects at home that i get 80% complete then give u... View more

So i’ve come to the realisation that i could have undiagnosed adult adhd.Why? well, i have been struggling with attention at work for a long time, was quite the hyperactive kid, i have over a dozen projects at home that i get 80% complete then give up, my office is a cluttered mess, my shed is even worse. Racing thoughts most of the day, anxiety, depression. Loads of hobbies that get started, and never finished. After being told by family that i’m chaotic and most likely have adhd, i started taking steps to help correct it. I went to a doctor to get a referral, but the doctor didn't take me seriously and said i just lack discipline…i have questioned the credibility of the doctor, because of comments on another subject, but i digress. Its going to be a costly process. What advice can anyone give to someone starting the journey?i don't want this to be another thing on the list of unfinished things. thanks Not_Batman

Dilraj Anxiety and panic attacks
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Hi feel anxiety and panic attacks because my 8 year old son moved to USA with his mom .. now he is not settling in school in US he want to come back here in Perth and want to go to previous school where he goes since kinder. Now school says position ... View more

Hi feel anxiety and panic attacks because my 8 year old son moved to USA with his mom .. now he is not settling in school in US he want to come back here in Perth and want to go to previous school where he goes since kinder. Now school says position is fulfilled they say add in a wait list it is a private school , as a dad I feel very disappointed don’t no want to do