
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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Guest_10092 Derealisation and managing to detach
  • replies: 1

Hi therejust wondered if others have tips on how to cope with derealisation - I have anxiety and panic disorder, with depression and lately I have had more and more derealisation experiences, after a tough medical diagnosis for my husband (lymphoma b... View more

Hi therejust wondered if others have tips on how to cope with derealisation - I have anxiety and panic disorder, with depression and lately I have had more and more derealisation experiences, after a tough medical diagnosis for my husband (lymphoma blood and likelihood of chemo). i wondered if the derealisation is a reaction to these stresses and my psychological state trying to protect me as I’m very overwhelmed with this diagnosis. i just wanted to ask others if they have at stressful times experienced more heightened derealisation and if they have any tips to manage this experience.. when it occurs I feel like I’m not real, out of my body, not present and the world is a stage of actors who I can’t connect with. I often flee home which is a stable environment and go to a friend or my sisters seeking reassurance of safety and then I have to rest for long periods afterwards as my nervous system is exhausted. It’s a very scary and difficult experience. mum also on a more recent medication (mine is to manage anxiety but in the anti psychotic class of drugs) and was wondering if anyone else has had this experience.i just wanted to not feel so alone and check how I can slow my mind down to get back to reality or to understand how others have helped themselves. thank you - I pray for all people with mental health struggles as we all can use these prayers and support

Bookgirl feeling hopeless
  • replies: 6

I know i have posted here before and people are probably sick of me but all the Political stuff is really getting me down. The world feels headed for war and hopeless. I worry about my 16 year old son. What kind of future will have? I feel useless to... View more

I know i have posted here before and people are probably sick of me but all the Political stuff is really getting me down. The world feels headed for war and hopeless. I worry about my 16 year old son. What kind of future will have? I feel useless to protect him from what is to come. I don't know what to do or how to cope with what is going on. Everyone says distract yourself but how do you do that when its everywhere and everyone feels down. I think back to my grandmother who in ww2 was in london with my 6 year old dad getting bombed every night and i think of her resilience and i wish i had just a tiny bit of that courage and resilience that she had.

Xyz-12_ Anxiety and not able to eat in public
  • replies: 5

I am an international student who graduated from university last month. I have anxiety problems. The main issue is that I am not able to eat in public ( restaurants, in family dinners , with friends etc). I can only eat a very limited amount or less ... View more

I am an international student who graduated from university last month. I have anxiety problems. The main issue is that I am not able to eat in public ( restaurants, in family dinners , with friends etc). I can only eat a very limited amount or less amounts of food without any drink ( as drinking increases vomiting ). I am going to join job soon. I will not be able to have lunch in my office or any proper meal with others. This is causing me stress . Even if I do not eat lunch in office everyday, I may get some problems or health issues associated with skipping meals .This can lead to some diseases also. I did talk to my therapist about anti vomitting medication , but they cannot be had everyday, as I will be going for my job everyday. I am a healthy person with no medical history till now. I had taken therapy session in my university ( twice every month ) , but it has not been that helpful. I do try sometimes to eat with others , but can only eat very less quantities. Please help with this. Is there any treatment?

Unsure14 Feeling lost
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Hi, I am struggling at the moment with a lot of anxiety and stress when it comes to work. The job is very demanding and can be very difficult. I only started this particular job 6 months ago so I’m still fairly new to it but the job itself as changed... View more

Hi, I am struggling at the moment with a lot of anxiety and stress when it comes to work. The job is very demanding and can be very difficult. I only started this particular job 6 months ago so I’m still fairly new to it but the job itself as changed dramatically within those months. When I first applied for it I was confident and excited but lately that excitement has gone away, we have had many changes happen very quickly and very little support. I feel very lost and I keep getting anxiety attacks about having to go into work. I’ve been in the industry for a long time and have moved up into a different role and I no longer feel comfortable doing it anymore due to all this stress anxiety. I feel lost, it was never going to be a forever job but I have never known what I have actually wanted to do in a career. I’ve tried techniques that I’ve been taught over the years but in my heart I know it’s not the job for me but I feel stuck and unsure on where to go next. Especially financially as well. I can’t afford to just quit. I just want to know if there’s anyone else out there feeling the same and if their any tips or guidance.

Rach28 Extremely overwhelmed and under pressure - wanting to be left in peace
  • replies: 14

hi everyone im currently on centrelink job seeker payment and unfortunately one of the requirements of receiving this welfare payment means i attend fortnightly job provider appointments. In the past few months ive transferred to up to 5 different on... View more

hi everyone im currently on centrelink job seeker payment and unfortunately one of the requirements of receiving this welfare payment means i attend fortnightly job provider appointments. In the past few months ive transferred to up to 5 different ones. My most recent one was supportive on the first appointment but the proceeding two appointments he was putting alot of stress and pressure on me. Asking me personal questions that made me shut down completely and triggered my anxiety to the point I wanted to punch a wall and cry. It was really bad! What do i do!? In August 2024 i got a job and quit on the second day. I was given "constructive" feedback which I interpreted as negative and its massively affected my self-confidence and self-esteem. Its also increased my anxiety x100. So now im fearful of attempting to look for another job. Sadly another factor is I'm struggling with massive social anxiety. I don't know how to function very well when it comes to dealing with people or communicating my needs. I generally get very anxious, and if triggered I shut down and go into "reflex" mode where I am defensive. For many reasons including PTSD, Trauma, Anxiety, Depression and personal circumstances. I dont know what to do. I dont think I am an employable person and I feel I am a failure. I'm constantly surrounded by negative people who never support me in the way I really need. They never once ask me - are you okay. Or how can we help you!? I'm always being told - FIND A JOB. FIND A JOB. And I'm burnt out and exhausted. I'm tired of looking for jobs, this recent bad employment has impacted me in ways I cannot discuss. I dont know what to do.

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No matter how low you are feeling you have friends and family and people who can help you do much that love you. You are all amazing and smart and strong. And you CAN tell people that your not actually ok. Make them listen. They will want what's best... View more

No matter how low you are feeling you have friends and family and people who can help you do much that love you. You are all amazing and smart and strong. And you CAN tell people that your not actually ok. Make them listen. They will want what's best for you. So whatever your going through, and whatever challenges your facing, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. WE ARE ALWAYS HERE.

Guest_85888434 Anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hello I struggle with very bad anxietyand panic attacks I finally have a good support network that is safe and and am loved but my anxiety is becoming on again and again what do I do any help I'm feeling really alone struggling and ashamed

Hello I struggle with very bad anxietyand panic attacks I finally have a good support network that is safe and and am loved but my anxiety is becoming on again and again what do I do any help I'm feeling really alone struggling and ashamed

Rach28 eryone, Burnt out from 5 months of looking to study/ finding a job
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone,I'm writing this post because I really need to vent. I'm so frustrated, angry and disappointed.Since November/December 2024 (last year) I've been looking into studying Certificate II in Animal Care (TAFE) and during the month of December ... View more

Hi everyone,I'm writing this post because I really need to vent. I'm so frustrated, angry and disappointed.Since November/December 2024 (last year) I've been looking into studying Certificate II in Animal Care (TAFE) and during the month of December i went crazy sending out my resume and customized cover letters to potential work placement locations in my local area to start studying potentially in January 2025 (two months ago). And even after a positive interaction just having a chat to a Practise Manager at a local vet hospital/clinic I feel I've failed in gaining a spot. He told me to email him in early-mid January to follow-up when he would have a potential opening as the current students would be finishing their placement/study. And so obviously i looked into other study options that could potentially including a work placement. So I investigated the RSPCA who hold a training education course to gain work placement and physical classroom/ online virtual teaching classes. I thought it would be perfect and so I applied for any opening for future groups this year. The March 2025 dates fell through and so they changed it to May 2025 (two months from now). This week I got an email for the study coordinator team informing that applications are open. So I completed the form and read all the information. Big issue - the Smart Skills Australian Government study cost subsidy is currently basically $0 for RSPCA right now. So as I am currently on Centrelink payment - JobSeeker I cant even fork out $3000 to pay for the upfront costs to complete this course. Its perfect and would be fast tracked 10 weeks intensive so full on study dedicating 4 days a week to do work placement days and otherwise studying online and completing assignments etc. I was SO excited and beyond words read to study and do this course but I cant afford this cost and feel so frustrated and disappointed. So that's two strikes on my road to attempting to gain a career working with animals. I'm finding this whole process frustrating, beyond exhausting and I feel nothing is going my way. I am connected to an Disability Employment Services organization and fortnightly appointments with a job coach to meet Centrelink requirements and look for study/work. I just feel like screaming honestly and I feel I've lost my direction. I don't know what to do, think or apply for anymore. Does anyone have any advice because I feel so lost right now and burnt out above all. I'm mentally exhausted after 5 months.

Tired976 Just need to put it out there
  • replies: 9

Hi, sorry I’ve never really done this before. I just feel so alone right now and I have such a supportive family but they just don’t understand. I have an incredibly stressful job and at the moment nothing is going well and I’m not in a position to l... View more

Hi, sorry I’ve never really done this before. I just feel so alone right now and I have such a supportive family but they just don’t understand. I have an incredibly stressful job and at the moment nothing is going well and I’m not in a position to leave and my team is looking to me to keep things held together, the guilt would be too much. I’m just sitting, crying, feeling nautious and not wanting to sleep because I don’t want to wake up and go to work tomorrow. I don’t feel like I have anyone to talk to who gets what I am going through everyday and I feel like I’m going to be alone forever. I’m sorry this has been such a word spew I just needed to get it out into the world. If you got this far, thank you for reading.

de4d2thew0rld 27 & I can't talk about 53X 🤢
  • replies: 4

I'm weeks away from turning 27 and I am "terrified" of sensuality. Terrified might be a little dramatic.. I mean, I'm not a virgin. But I saw & heard things a child should never when I was young, and I suffer from PTSD due to it. But I also suffer in... View more

I'm weeks away from turning 27 and I am "terrified" of sensuality. Terrified might be a little dramatic.. I mean, I'm not a virgin. But I saw & heard things a child should never when I was young, and I suffer from PTSD due to it. But I also suffer in other ways. I can't talk about the S word, I can barely even say it. I get squirmy thinking about it sometimes, and I get SUPER awkward and UNCOMFORTABLE when S scenes come on in a movie or series to the point I want to rip my eyes out and my skin off. I don't understand why I have such a strong negative response to something that is "so natural". It makes me cry. I do enjoy doing to do when I decide I want to do it, but any other time, I cringe over it. I'm beginning to wonder if I have a physical trauma that I can't recall, because my reaction seems far too strong for someone that only saw & heard dirty things. Unfortunately, from my own mother. I feel so lost and stuck, and I'm a really spiritual person, and I'm trying to heal and grow and evolve, but... apparently sensuality is such a huge part of coming into my divine feminine power, and Idk how to do that when these thoughts alone still make me want to tear the skin off my body and scream until I lose my voice. Is anyone else in the same boat? I feel so alone. The first issue I typically have in a relationship, is that I'll be so "excited" in the beginning due to the dopamine rush, but when that wears off, I can't be touched without flinching, or slapping their hand away (out of reflex, not because I actually want to. I just freak out when I'm not in THE mood.) And it's a huge issue, because my partners end up feeling like I'm not attracted to them anymore, which I very much am, I'm just not attracted to the idea of IT anymore, until I'm ovulating. 🤦🏻‍ I need help here, but every therapist I've seen about it has no idea how to help me, which is mind boggling to me, because isn't it their job to know how to help people in these situations!? I just don't want to feel so alone anymore. I feel asexual 75% of the time, and like a Divine Sensual Goddess the other 25%. And I wish I felt the latter all the time. I don't at all enjoy feeling this way about something I WANT to enjoy, but I have so much fear and yucky feelings around it.