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Just need to put it out there

Community Member

Hi, sorry I’ve never really done this before. I just feel so alone right now and I have such a supportive family but they just don’t understand. I have an incredibly stressful job and at the moment nothing is going well and I’m not in a position to leave and my team is looking to me to keep things held together, the guilt would be too much. I’m just sitting, crying, feeling nautious and not wanting to sleep because I don’t want to wake up and go to work tomorrow. I don’t feel like I have anyone to talk to who gets what I am going through everyday and I feel like I’m going to be alone forever. I’m sorry this has been such a word spew I just needed to get it out into the world. 
If you got this far, thank you for reading. 

5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi, first time replying here. What you wrote resonated in me. I have been unhappy in my job for a long time and I often find myself awake at night dreading waking up the next day because I know I have to work. Some days I can’t handle the thought of work and I don’t go. I’m glad you know you have a supportive family I feel like I do too. But, I don’t feel like they really understand how bad the stress and anxiety gets surrounding the job. It’s so easy for people to say leave or find something else if it was that easy we both wouldn’t be posting here. Please don’t feel alone I hope knowing someone else feels the same. 



Thank you so much for replying, I was so nervous about posting on here, but it really does help to know someone is feeling the same. I hope you are doing ok, maybe we can get through it together. 
I completely agree about them not getting it. My job is fairly niche and it takes so much more than what it seems on the outside and I think sometimes that makes it even lonelier because when you say something people say they understand, or everyone has bad days and they don’t truely know what you’re talking or how it can make you feel. 
Do you find that you have good days anymore, or are they more just sort of numb because at least you haven’t gone home and cryed? 

Hey there, 


I’m here for the first time, came here looking for peace because of anxiety from work. 

I’m so sorry it’s so hard for you right now! That sounds so tough. 

im glad you have your family as support around you even if its not the actual work you can talk to them about. 

i have had my confidence broken at work through constant negativity from my two bosses. I am now being watched closely and any fault called out and amplified. 

i desperately need to keep this job as am greatly in debt and only just scraping through with all my monthly commitments. 

i really relate to your sitting and crying, nausea. A few times I’ve felt so nauseous I’m gagging. 

it’s so hard waking in the night. 

you are doing so well to reach out for help. 

thank you for sharing *hug*



Thank you for replying and for your support, I’m sorry you’re being treated so awfully, you don’t deserve that at all.


I think the worst thing about this is that we must endure to help ourselves, it seems very counterproductive. 

I am a firm believer that things will get better and until that day comes, know that I am rooting for you ❤️


Hi Tired976,

So without going into my history (only because it would take forever) I ended up going to my Dr because I just wasn’t coping at work anymore.  I was in the police for 26 years and the exposure to trauma coupled with the lack of support from a very rigid and autocratic organisation had worn me down and sucked the life out of me.  My Dr put me on antidepressants and referred me to a psychologist.  I was hesitant to go on medication, it’s not usually my thing, but it was probably one of the best things I could do to help calm down my system, help me feel more at ease and sleep better.  It’s always worth a try and if you find that you don’t like being on medication you can always stop taking it (in consultation with your Dr of course as some meds can’t be suddenly stopped).  Amazingly, quite a large number of the population are on some type of medication for their mental well-being.  Then there is always the herbal path like Ashwagandha or St John’s Wart.  Hope this helps.  Take care.