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my anxiety and panick attacks

Community Member

lately i have been feeling really stressed, i only recently became a teenager and it seems that everything has fallen apart since. i thought i had a girlfriend then when i told how stressy I have been she told me that she has been through this kind of stage in her life and that it can get dark. we have long distance issues as she lives 4 hours away and she cares very deeply about me but she treats me like im some mental patient, she constantly tells me that I need more people in my life. I told her i only needed her but she said that talking to a professional could be good for me. I've been having a lot of trouble with my sexuality and I feel like people are judging me all the time for being me. I had a massive arguement with my "girlfriend' and she replied with the simple 'whatever' over text. I felt useless, hopeless and defeated. I proceeded to have no sleep that night and had a 30 minute panick attack on my own. This girl was my friend before we started going out and I feel like I've ruined any hope of being friends with her at all. Worst thing is I feel like nothing will cheer me up. I feel alone.

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Guest,


A very warm and caring welcome to the forums,


Your girlfriend seems to have lived experience of her own mental health illnesses and is a very caring person who was trying to give you some very good suggestions on how to manage your mental health…..Making more friends, talking to a professional are great ideas to help you to understand and manage your own stressy situations….


I’m so sorry you struggled with having an anxiety attack on your own…they are not nice and can be very scary….can you talk to your parents about the panick attack you had last night and how your feeling it hard to manage your mh right now?…


I have had many anxiety/panic attacks and learnt that deep counted box breathing helps to calm my mind…Its a technique that keeps your mind on your breathing and off what your body is feeling…


The best thing to be…is to be true to yourself…some people are so quick to judge others without even knowing what’s happening in there life…this is so wrong but unfortunately that seems to be the norm these days….Guest, please just be you, the beautiful person that you are and don’t let anyone ever change that….


My kindest thoughts with my care,
