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Son passed

Community Member

Our son no passed away unexpectedly almost a year ago and I’m still finding it hard 

7 Replies 7

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome and thank you for reaching out to us.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I have never had a child but I have experienced many losses and I know how hard it is to come to terms with.


I think you may be expecting too much of yourself, less than a year is not a lot of time in the grieving process. It takes as long as it takes and that is different for everyone. It is not what we consider natural to outlive a child and I saw how long that affected my parents when my brother died also unexpectedly.


Are you getting any support from family, friends or counselling? It can help the process if you are able to talk about it with someone you trust.


There are many of us here who have experienced losses so you are not alone. Would you like to tell us a bit more about how you are managing? We are here to listen and to offer any suggestions that may be of help.


Loss is a very difficult reality of life whether expected or unexpected, the best we can do is to find compassionate souls who can help us get through it. You will always be aware of your loss, but it does become easier to bear over time. Be patient with yourself and most of all give yourself permission to feel good if the occasion arises, it is natural to have highs and lows during the grieving period.


I am happy to continue the conversation if you feel comfortable doing so.

Thinking of you,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Shelly,


Shelly sweetheart, I’m so deeply sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful son…no words I could ever say will help with your heartache….my sincere condolences to you and your family…..I wish I knew the right words to say to you to help comfort you through your loss…


A year is not that long ago, grief and grieving can last as long as it needs to last, some days, more then other days your grief may be heartbreaking, other days you’ll feel the love, memories and good times you shared together with your beautiful son…


I know it’s hard Shelly, but please try to look after your self both physically and mentally…maybe if you feel up to it, please,  reach out to your Dr. they should be able to get you in to see a grief counsellor if you become to much overwhelmed…maybe, talking to a grief counsellor will help you through this very hard time…I’m so sorry Shelly…your going through all this…


My kindest thoughts Dear Shelly, and a very gentle caring hug…(if that’s okay)..



Community Member

Of course that's hard. It's ok you feel that way. It's wound that will never fully heal. Shelly your partner shares the loss. Keep talking.

Our son passed because a doctor made an error with his medication. It seems there is no responsibility taken by them. It is a constant struggle 

Dear Shelly,


That would is devastating…I’m so deeply sorry sweetheart….


I think that the Dr responsible should be held accountable for his actions…I know mistakes are made but…unless he reprimanded and held accountable, it could happen again to someone else…


My heart aches for you and your family….


Caring hugs 🤗🤗 Dear Shelly…I wish so much that we can turn back time…😢🥺..


Hi Shelly,


I am sure the circumstances are making the loss all the more difficult to accept.


No one is infallible and anyone can make a mistake but there should, at the very least, be acknowledgement on the part of the doctor and accountability for the impact of the mistake made.


In many cases it comes down to the legal team advising not to accept responsibility, which to me seems to go against the purpose of laws in the first place. Finding the loophole in a situation in order to avoid taking responsibility is not the way compassionate humans behave.


Without acknowledgement it will be difficult to find closure, I feel for you in your situation.

Thinking of you,

indigo 🌹

Community Member

You are strong Shelly. Don't give up let the sun shine in the mornings and wake up to admire it, not despise it.