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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Guest_92761897 Struggling Teen - Any Help Appreciated
  • replies: 2

Hello, I am a 14 (turning 15 later on in the year) year old girl who was diagnosed with ADD (inattentive ADHD) and level 2 autism probably about a year ago. Recently, a psychologist had me do a questionnaire and when they got the results back, they t... View more

Hello, I am a 14 (turning 15 later on in the year) year old girl who was diagnosed with ADD (inattentive ADHD) and level 2 autism probably about a year ago. Recently, a psychologist had me do a questionnaire and when they got the results back, they told my mum that my answers showed I could clinical depression. Honestly, I wasn’t too surprised, because ever since the start of high school I have noticed my mood changing as well as developing a ‘procrastination monster’ who stops me nearly everyday from doing stuff from basic chores to having a quick, easy shower. I think year 8 was the start of most of it: My attendance started to get really bad because I would jump right into bed after school, never get out, wake up in the morning realising I wasn’t ready, then miss the bus. Neither my poor mum or myself could tell if I had a serious problem or if I was just super lazy. Now that I’m in year 9, I feel like I’m always moody, causing everyone to get stressed out and then upset at me. When it gets bad, I often get thoughts of how nice it would be for everyone if I disappeared: Mum would no longer have a dramatic, sulky daughter, my sister would spend 80% less time having to fight with an annoying older sister, and everyone would have a whole lot less stressing out to do. I also don’t feel okay with my body. I stress eat, or just eat when I’m bored. When I get lollies, I try to eat a few, then end up eating the whole packet. When I feel gross, I desperately want to exercise but the singular though drains me, just like mum asking me to do the dishes. Why do I make it such a big deal? She spends all her time at work just to afford food for my sister and I can’t even get myself to do the dishes.. What kind of daughter am I? Part of me really wants to help her, but it’s like there’s a weight that keeps me down on the couch or in bed. Someone tell me, am I depressed? Am I procrastinating? Is this just a symptom of ADD? Or am I just lazy? I want to be able to save myself before I become so unbothered that I quit all my favourite sports and never see anyone again. I don’t want to, but I could stop taking care of myself entirely and disintegrate by decaying in my own filth for too long. I think I amheading in that direction. Someone please let me know if you have ever felt this way, because I feel so selfish and stupid.

Toddw Life is falling apart
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I have been suffering from depression since Feb, I have tired 2 medication and there has been complications with both of them, the first one saved me back in 2020 when I had a physical and mental breakdown. Everything goes back a difficult marriage w... View more

I have been suffering from depression since Feb, I have tired 2 medication and there has been complications with both of them, the first one saved me back in 2020 when I had a physical and mental breakdown. Everything goes back a difficult marriage which I have stayed in for years. Which we couldn't have children and tonnes of fertility treatment and crazy amounts of verbal and physical violence to a point I cracked after a bad back injury and 18 mouths of hell happened I was on a certain medication for months and didn't know what happening. I ended up at my parents in bed crying all day and not knowing anything, then I found a doctor that helped me who was train shrink and naturopathy and she save me. Then 3 years later after being normal and off medication for 18 months. I hurt my back again and flood of anxiety came and all the problems started with the meds and not before long the depression set in and marriage I rebuilt collapsed again and I'm back at my elderly parents again off work for last month and not sure what to. Not on any meds. Barely coping and maybe trying a third medication or maybe doing tms treatment or going into a treatment clinic. My life is a mess always crying and now have zero energy. That probably on half what happened in the last 15 years with marriage and mental health. I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you

Jessksch How do people get through the work week without going crazy with depression?
  • replies: 9

I'm going crazy at the moment: My job sucks so much, I can never save enough for my own home in the future. What are we actually working for? To survive? Why survive a life when we never have time to live. I just want a house with a garden to have lo... View more

I'm going crazy at the moment: My job sucks so much, I can never save enough for my own home in the future. What are we actually working for? To survive? Why survive a life when we never have time to live. I just want a house with a garden to have loads of pets, at least then I can work to support them. Now, I'm renting and not allowed to have pets anywhere, it stresses me out and I have nothing to look forward to in the future. I'm so sick of taking it day by day at the moment, when I'm at work I would rather paint or do crafts, something that gives meaning to myself, but I'm so sick of lowering my bar to find a little sliver of something in the day to day to keep going. It all sounds like excuses to me to keep going and it's all not good enough anymore for me.

Guest_28173449 how can i find help?
  • replies: 1

hi everyone, i think i might be depressed, and i think i have been for quite a while now. i am in my last year of high school and i really need help. i want to see a psychologist but i dont feel comfortable talking to my parents about it. they are al... View more

hi everyone, i think i might be depressed, and i think i have been for quite a while now. i am in my last year of high school and i really need help. i want to see a psychologist but i dont feel comfortable talking to my parents about it. they are also very expensive and i think there is a long waitlist. i have a councillor at school, but i don’t really want to talk to her about it. it feels weird talking about that stuff at school, so i keep conversations with her a bit more surface level. what should i do?

Anonymous1337 I don't know if I'm alone here but...
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As I sit here at my laptop I ponder where to start and if this is just a cry out for attention, I'm just a bit lost. Hello my name is David, I am a gay male, I work as a mechanic/technician and have been for now, just over 10 years. Due to the toxic ... View more

As I sit here at my laptop I ponder where to start and if this is just a cry out for attention, I'm just a bit lost. Hello my name is David, I am a gay male, I work as a mechanic/technician and have been for now, just over 10 years. Due to the toxic and hostile nature of the industry and trades it made it hard to be open about myself, I made the mistake of never coming out, being true to myself and open with everyone. As time went on, I could tell, even though there are nice people I work with, I had to "play" along (playing "straight"), come up with excuses or fake stories if there was any questions I had to be quick thinking. This has not put me in a great position as I've formed some friendships at work over the years and no one really knows. Sad thing is, I need to get out of the trade, at least out of this job. The stress and anxiety I experience actually makes me sick in the morning and i go into a blank frozen zone in my mind and just shake/panic attack, luckily I'm on meds that help with that. This is already pretty full on, add to that I've been suffering depression since probably early 2010's, ups and downs and the downs have been gradually getting worse. I have a partner which I proposed to in Japan last year when we were on holiday with friends, that was a special time of my life (I really wanna go back to Japan too haha). Add more to the mix of my messed up mind, I have issues a bit with his weight only because it turned me off during you know what time. And it really annoys me and makes me sad when i realise this. It's something I can't help, like a natural impulse thing it's hard to describe. He's working out, swimming, going for walks, getting a better job and I couldn't be any more proud of him and I love him so much. Sadly we haven't made love in probably years, I'm not kidding. It actually hurts me that my mind just doesn't feel like it (anyone had this?) I feel like I'm hurting him like I don't love him but it's not true.. I have fear of getting older tied up with being a failure and also a strong fear of change, finding a better job and new people etc. I also haven't had good luck with any psychologist in the past, could be I just haven't got the one that "clicks" with me but even to my own mind I feel extremely complicated and it's stupid and actually pisses me off. Sometimes I really want to escape it all, like spiderman no way home, have nearly everyone forget i ever existed and start again.

reading456 I don't like myself
  • replies: 7

Hi. I don't like myself, I compair myself to others and it gets me depressed because I don't look pretty like them. I over eat because I don't feel good enough.

Hi. I don't like myself, I compair myself to others and it gets me depressed because I don't look pretty like them. I over eat because I don't feel good enough.

Guest_91029745 Don’t know what to do next
  • replies: 1

Kindly advise me please I was pass homeless because of many situations but I rebuilt my self back do everything very normal feed my self, pay my debits but I loss my job didn’t get pay my sick leave since from two weeks my income loss because I stop ... View more

Kindly advise me please I was pass homeless because of many situations but I rebuilt my self back do everything very normal feed my self, pay my debits but I loss my job didn’t get pay my sick leave since from two weeks my income loss because I stop work because of many billing and harassment problem my work place fair work department also failed to help because I couldn’t find later from doctor because doctor don’t want give later now I can’t pay my rent and miss pay my debits and no money for anything and bills and debits miss pay and jest 2 week remaining to renew my car rego I don’t know what to do. There is many of things pass and current I’m Stuckey facing feel starting enough and tired hopeless helpless because I try to talk with many people before this situation come and after also try to find solutions but I’m failed and every minutes problem keep growing…………im xmilitry person who living here with protection visa refugee my self I face many things I’m tired

Rosie Loneliness
  • replies: 10

HiI've been reading many of your posts and loneliness seem to be a common theme. I've never been able to articulate what loneliness means to me until I read this quote: "The story loneliness is much longer than the story of life. In the sense of what... View more

HiI've been reading many of your posts and loneliness seem to be a common theme. I've never been able to articulate what loneliness means to me until I read this quote: "The story loneliness is much longer than the story of life. In the sense of what most people mean by living. Without children or partner, without meaningful family or a home, a day can last an eternity: a life without those things is a life without a story, a life in which there is nothing - no narrative dramas - to alleviate the cruelly meticulous passing of time.The lack of tenderness or intimacy, loneliness is when nothing will stick to you,, when nothing will thrive around you, when you start to think that you kill things just by being there."

Guest_80977357 struggling with Depression and autism for a teenage girl.
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Hey for anyone who is reading this I'm turning 18 this year. I have been diagnosed with autism, ADHD and depression since I was three years old. I took medication since was three for the past 15 years of my childhood life. I didn't notice these sympt... View more

Hey for anyone who is reading this I'm turning 18 this year. I have been diagnosed with autism, ADHD and depression since I was three years old. I took medication since was three for the past 15 years of my childhood life. I didn't notice these symptoms, well to explain it further they didn't bother me as much, but my parents have suffered a ton of shit from me when I was little, tantrums, excessive crying, and many more. but apart from that I was the happiest I had ever been, so much joy that I never felt sadness. As I grew older, at the age of 13-15 when my body began to develop into a woman, hormonal emotions were coming out (which was completely normal at the time) some days I would feel sad, angry, tired and helpless. and when I got my first period I experienced typical teenage mood swings, but as you know when a cycle is done those mood swings tend to settle. However, my 'emotions' wouldn't go away, instead they would grow stronger and develop bigger until I got so used to them that it just ended up being normal. my parents questioned me if I was bipolar or something because I had insanely crazy mood swings every five seconds, but I just told them 'I was tired and its normal..' years go by, and i'm age 16, I start to notice something different about myself, something that I don't recognise anymore. It started small, like with the crazy outburst of emotions, but then it lead to other things like; not enjoying what I used to enjoy...for me it was (videogames) and even when I tried to force myself into playing them, I didn't feel the satisfaction that I used to when I played them. it wasn't just videogames it was all my hobbies everything that defined who I was. it soon came that I grew to a lack of motivation I didn't feel like completing any daily activities that I used to do, I didn't feel like moving an inch from my bed I just wanted to sleep and escape reality and I didn't know why, by this I was angry and upset and confused. life wasn't living for me and it still isn't now.. the worst part is I can't figure out if this is just a normal teenage experience or heavy symptoms of depression. and how do i fix this... how do i fix myself? how do I just be normally happy?

Guest_97782543 Depressed
  • replies: 3

I’ve been diagnosed with depression and I would like to talk to someone because I’m just feeling very down right now and a mental health worker at my school said if I ever feel the need to self harm I could talk to someone for Beyond blue or minds he... View more

I’ve been diagnosed with depression and I would like to talk to someone because I’m just feeling very down right now and a mental health worker at my school said if I ever feel the need to self harm I could talk to someone for Beyond blue or minds helpline and other sights like that