Well…I may be 43 years old. I’m supposed to be enjoying the best years
of my life, living on my own terms, getting respect from people.But, I
happen to be one of those people who keep “falling through the cracks”
in Australia (as the Aussie patriots ...
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Well…I may be 43 years old. I’m supposed to be enjoying the best years
of my life, living on my own terms, getting respect from people.But, I
happen to be one of those people who keep “falling through the cracks”
in Australia (as the Aussie patriots would say - Happy Australia Day, by
the way!). But if you understand my story (and it’s a long one), you
would appreciate that it’s really a matter of having cracks made in
front of me then being pushed through them! A lot of cracks…Despite me
being quite smart, hard working and competent, I ended up in a
profession that is thankless, should have paid me better, should have
gotten a lot more respect and is now infested with backstabbers as my
colleagues. I became burned out and started to veer away from full time
commitments because of this lack of social, professional and financial
respect.I wanted to start a new life in a new city. Although I was very
grateful to have been there, I did not improve my income, make any real
friends or find love. I did not get any increase in credibility in
myself as a person, man, and future protector and provider. I had to
resettle back in my old city (of which I despise so much because of the
arrogance of its people there). Even that was not enough to stop my
family from barraging me with criticisms about how weak, ungrateful and
disloyal I was by wanting to move away from the people in my old city.
My mother told me that this arrogance “happens everywhere”, is normal
and is not allowed to be countered against - as a matter of being “nice
and respectful”. And that I was “ABANDONING” them, which was never
true!Being nice and respectful to a people in an Australian state
costing me 12 years of my adult life, a $70,000 HECS debt (that would
probably never get paid off), left me without any genuine social
connections, no true financial security AND destroyed any credibility I
have had with the people I care about?!?!?!I had another argument with
her after so many. I now swear to myself that this will be the LAST
argument because I am sick and tired of being scared of how she will
react. My late father being a kind of enforcer for her didn’t make
things any easier (even though he probably knew I was right - but don’t
contradict the wife, if you want her to stay loyal!)I’m thinking about
splitting my time between my old and new city, but my mother wanted me
to STAY BACK because I’m basically seen as a loser! And I’m looking at
even more criticism from my family!Despite me seeing one of the best
psychiatrists in Australia, being on two separate mental health
medications and being a patient in two mental hospitals, this is the
legacy of which I am really trying to shake off but don’t think I can
ever recover from. Me having a recent broken leg didn’t make things any
better - I never want it to happen again. On top of all health problems
related to my psychological stress ranging from obesity (of which I
worked really hard to drop) to sleep apnoea, to depression and reactive
anxiety, to testosterone deficiency.And, if that was not enough, I did
not that there were some occasions when (sigh) some minor suicidal
thoughts “tried” to enter my head. That had me REALLY scared! I’m crying
just typing the last sentence. There is no way that I would think about
committing it, but people are really trying to make it look that I have
to attempt it before people start actually taking me seriously!I am
feeling well and truly stuck, alone and scared. And, I feel that I will
get into so much trouble, whether I step with my right foot or my left!
Me not having anyone to talk to or help me out makes it even harder
still. I honestly don’t know how I managed to hold out so well for so
long in my life!The only remedy in my life is, really, to make dramatic,
rapid and genuine progress in what I want to do with my life, everything
from making constant decent money (as in six figures with the inflation
happening here) to setting up my own family. But, I feel that any window
of opportunity left to set things right is shrinking much faster than I
want it to.So sorry to be a burden to anyone trying to read and analyse
this, but I don’t know where else to express myself right now.