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Guest_67522243 postpartum depression
  • replies: 2

I would like to reach out for help on my mental health, and speaking to someone after the birth and depression, i feel alone and constantly stressed where i have now started self savaging my family and relationships, i think talking to a professional... View more

I would like to reach out for help on my mental health, and speaking to someone after the birth and depression, i feel alone and constantly stressed where i have now started self savaging my family and relationships, i think talking to a professional will help me understand myself and how im feeling thank you

Pam64 Psychiatrist
  • replies: 3

Hi does anybody know of a good telehealth psychiatrist that I can talk to about a misdiagnosis. I Am on a pension also.I live on the SunshineCoast .thanks

Hi does anybody know of a good telehealth psychiatrist that I can talk to about a misdiagnosis. I Am on a pension also.I live on the SunshineCoast .thanks

josh88 Going into hospital for TMS - how do i tell my friends and family?
  • replies: 3

Hi, I'm really really unsure about it, but my psychiatrist is recommending that I be admitted into a mental health hospital in a couple of weeks and undertake 14 days of inpatient TMS therapy. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. I know I nee... View more

Hi, I'm really really unsure about it, but my psychiatrist is recommending that I be admitted into a mental health hospital in a couple of weeks and undertake 14 days of inpatient TMS therapy. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. I know I need to do something to feel more happy from my chronic depression. How do I even have this conversation with my family, friends, or even work, about needing to go into a mental health hospital? I feel really embarrassed about it. I'm not the sort of person who wants to talk about my mental health struggles. Should I talk about it though? I'm really confused with what to do in this situation.

Mags12b Treatment for me being with a narcissist 17years
  • replies: 1

Was in a narcissistic relationship 17years and someway I still don't know how I decide to question her change In behaviour and attitude towards me over the last year's of marriage where I was suicidal and in and out of institution,to find out narciss... View more

Was in a narcissistic relationship 17years and someway I still don't know how I decide to question her change In behaviour and attitude towards me over the last year's of marriage where I was suicidal and in and out of institution,to find out narcissistic people.and she ticked every box I'm mentally tired and lost and to be directed in the right direction for help and treatment. She played me and played my family and friends.where I do not have any friends left .please advice where I can go for treatment

Oshinxx1 ADHD medication experience
  • replies: 4

Hello there, I have been newly diagnosed in my late 40's with Inattentive ADHD, likely had it all my life. I also have anxiety and depression and for the last four years complex grief after the death of two close family members. I started taking medi... View more

Hello there, I have been newly diagnosed in my late 40's with Inattentive ADHD, likely had it all my life. I also have anxiety and depression and for the last four years complex grief after the death of two close family members. I started taking medication for ADHD 3 times a day, the first time i took it, I felt so clear for the first time, it was like I could choose what I wanted to think about and focus only on what I wanted. Overthinking about negative things disappeared. I was generally calmer and could think positively about the future. The issue has been that one, it only really lasted for an hour and a half and after a week or so it has stopped working that well which is making me reconsider taking it anymore. It has left me feeling very disappointed and hopeful of a better life. Would you mind sharing your experience with medication ongoing? Thank you.

P12 Difficulties Understanding Treatment
  • replies: 202

Counsellors and psychologists to whom I have spoken have told me to identify my long term goals and strive for their achievement. But my attempts have been unsuccessful because I lack the practical skills for achievement and that has caused me greate... View more

Counsellors and psychologists to whom I have spoken have told me to identify my long term goals and strive for their achievement. But my attempts have been unsuccessful because I lack the practical skills for achievement and that has caused me greater dissatisfaction than before I attempted to achieve the goals. What is the reason for this strategy and why are counsellors and psychologists unwilling or unable to give me practical advice? I identified the technical topic most interesting to me, looked for collaborators, and asked for support to pursue my interest. I found only two people in Australia with similar interests and believe they are unwilling to collaborate with me because by discrediting me their circumstances will improve. The feedback I received about my requests for support is that the topic is not relevant to society. Instead I am expected to perform a job for which I am imperfect and therefore I am excluded because my processes and ideas are different to the industry. Is it true that society's objective is for greater normality and what is the reason for such a strange aspiration? Why does society reject people who are different? Why does society not allow me to pursue my individual interests and talents? What is the purpose of living if society has no use for my talents and the role that society would have me fulfil causes me trauma? I was told that independence will not cause me long term satisfaction. Yet, as I have tried unsuccessfully for more than ten years to form a friendship, I question this assertion. The prevailing strategy suggested to me for gaining friends is to participate in activities I enjoy as there I am most likely to meet others with similar interests and beliefs. What is the purpose of living if society directs me to one outcome but it cannot provide the means to achieve that outcome? Surely independence is a far more effective solution. I'm pretty sure I am lonely. I would like to have a friendship or at least feel welcome in society. But my efforts never seem to work. People make suggestions but I must be special because they don't work for me. The harder I try, the more independent I become, because my methods appear stranger to others, and the less liked I become. I really don't understand the society in which I live. I wish I wasn't so sad. I often cry uncontrollably and am unable to sleep when I realise I will not achieve my desires and there is nothing I can do about it. My life is apparently meaningless.

Mira8 Honesty with a GP or Psychologist
  • replies: 10

I'm new, I'm 17 years old, and I've been struggling for a long while, and I've lied about it for a long while. I had a psychologist two years ago, upon recommendation of my previous GP that I should see someone for reasons that I didn't know and stil... View more

I'm new, I'm 17 years old, and I've been struggling for a long while, and I've lied about it for a long while. I had a psychologist two years ago, upon recommendation of my previous GP that I should see someone for reasons that I didn't know and still don't really, and I was 12 when I first saw the psychologist. Some things I told her were truthful but other things I didn't tell her and sometimes I straight up lied to her. After two years of not seeing the psychologist and living normally (or trying to), I'm tired of where I am right now, and I want to be a better friend and person, but I'm worried I'll lie about my life, or that i'll get angry, or that they won't be able to help me, or that my parents will ask me questions, or that I'll be judged. I don't feel like I'm a good person because my lying caused damage to myself and some others and I'm weary of how helpful a psychologist could actually be. I made appointment with a GP this week and I want to cancel it. Any advice?

josh88 TMS Inpatient in Hospital
  • replies: 3

I hope this story helps someone else who has also had some difficulty deciding on the right treatment for depression.I'm Day 5 as an inpatient in a mental health hospital for TMS therapy to treat my depression. Something I never thought I would need ... View more

I hope this story helps someone else who has also had some difficulty deciding on the right treatment for depression.I'm Day 5 as an inpatient in a mental health hospital for TMS therapy to treat my depression. Something I never thought I would need to do, as I tend to manage things ok and am high functioning most of the time. My problem has been my consistent low mood and irritability, which has had an impact on my relationship and my family.But I'm so glad that I've taken a leap of faith and given this a go. I was really uneasy about being an inpatient, but it really has been the shake up I've needed to break my depressive habits and thoughts. For example, I'm currently writing this while I'm on the exercise bike in the hospital gym! What the! I'm already seeing improvements from the TMS. The cloudy negative thoughts are lifting and I feel motivated and lighter. I'm hoping this gives the ability to stay more positive and better at handling stressful situations. Anyway, just wanted to share this experience to help anyone who may be considering some less regular treatment options.

Morning A big complaint about ordinary people pretending to be more and charging us for ideas they didn’t c
  • replies: 1

I want to have a whinge. I’m a long term sufferer of depression. Bipolar 2. Have lost years of my life to memory zapping darkness. About 8 years ago I came to the edge but was saved by love and a brilliant psychiatrist. Since then I have been on a pa... View more

I want to have a whinge. I’m a long term sufferer of depression. Bipolar 2. Have lost years of my life to memory zapping darkness. About 8 years ago I came to the edge but was saved by love and a brilliant psychiatrist. Since then I have been on a path of good health that includes lots of research of what’s available in the way of services and the latest knowledge on what ails me. I refuse to go back where I’ve been and will do all I can to stay well. So here is my whinge. ..So many times I have read something on line that sounds helpful and I consider trying it until I get to the point where they reveal the charge for sharing this info.. I can’t afford that. So I keep reading and come across more and more people that offer services that might be of benefit but they want money for it. And most of these exercises-either physical or mental are basic and uncomplicated. But they want money. They have decided they have something people will pay for and quit their jobs and try to go online full time. To me, this is taking advantage of a part of society that honestly needs help the most. If it was me, I would tell the world for free. If someone is suffering, I try to think of what I know that could help. But I would never send a bill with it. If these people genuinely cared, they would help for for free, instead of taking advantage of people who are desperate to be well. I f I made a cake and you liked it and said you would like to make it yourself….I wouldn’t charge you for the recipe.! And the claim that everyone is entitled to make a living is bs to me in this area. Making money from the people who need help the most but can afford it the least is unfair and unAustralian , to me. It makes me furious They tell you all the ways that their product is just what you need and why and what a huge difference it will make in your life and it could be the one thing you’ve been lacking but to find out what it was , pay a one off payment of whatever. They’re not doctors. They’re not any kind of medical clinician at all. Just an average person usually with a made up title like life enhancing director.. 100%bs. And all aimed at separating us , the mental/ emotional war veterans , from our few dollars. Taking advantage of our need to get well. Maybe there are some who are might just be me, but I wonder when we started charging people for advice that could help and.that the blogger didn’t create . It’s like paying the thief for a pirated agenda. It’s just wrong.ok. I’m done. For now ha

KB1984 New GP and Mental Health Plan update
  • replies: 4

Hello, I am unhappy with my current GP practice - none of the GP's that we have seen over the past 5 years are there anymore, including the one that set up my mental health plan. I was seeing a Psychologist and it was not the right fit, and now thing... View more

Hello, I am unhappy with my current GP practice - none of the GP's that we have seen over the past 5 years are there anymore, including the one that set up my mental health plan. I was seeing a Psychologist and it was not the right fit, and now things have changed in my life therefore its time to update my plan and seek a new Psychologist. I am also thinking about changing my GP practice. Am wondering how easy that is to do, and would they have access to my plan, or should I just stick with my current practice and get my plan updated. Thank you.