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Totally at a loss

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi long story short. I have several medical issues one of which is Diabetes. Because of other issues I have been in a old age facility. I was told if I wanted I could go visit friends or go for a few days and would be issued my meds. I organised days ago to visit friends. Then on trying to go visit those friends I was informed I had to be back by a certain time for my meds. I wasn't aloud to take any with me it was policy, that the RN had to administer it. As a result I have been keeped in not aloud to visit the friends who work in mental health. And are working with me to improve my mental health. I cannot even get a change of view. Just the same 4 walls same faces watch tv and people with deminita, or only speak other languages apart from English. Which is fine for them but lonley for me. What do I do to appear sane but get my point across. Go on a medication strike till I get my way? Or would that only prove I need further protection from myself.


17 Replies 17

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Kanga

I find your situation so very sad let alone a reflection on the health system. Do you have a specialist or a GP that can vouch to you being capable to have less restrictions? (please excuse question if its a dumb one)

Being lonely would be the understatement of the year. Why did they move the goal posts on you?

my heart really goes out to you on this one Kanga...What a peculiar method of treating someone....quoting policy after giving you the go ahead to have precious (and needed) time away with your friends that also work in mental health..

im shaking my head here in disbelief....it sounds like the level of care standards of the 1980's

here for you Kanga, I wish I could be of more assistance to you.....

Paul (Hugs)

Paul the one of the people who moved the goal posts on me was a mental health worker. But I'm not going there; needless to say he no longer works with me. But as for the centre I am in I will take it back to the top; and let the underling have it metaforlically between the eyes. The care given here from what I have heard is one of the best in the state. But I don't see that I could tell stories about what has happened to me in here. But I allready have grey hair I don't want you to get it as well.


Ive been watching you helping so many on the forums and especially making so many smile....

You have been around here for ages...the care factor is alive and well for you MrK

here for you Kanga. My Best. Paul

Hi Kanga;

Sorry to hear about your trials with carers. It must be frustrating to say the least.

Coming from a background in health and mental health, policies are there to protect staff more than you guys. So working within the system is the best form of reply in my view. There's always gaps as well as policies that promote your cause, they just don't tell you about them.

Try asking the NUM for a copy of the 'Medication Management' policy. This might seem like a pain in the proverbial arse, but I can assure you, self empowerment within this type of system is worth it.

After you have a look-see at the policy, write down the sections relevant to you and use them to write a formal letter of request to self administer medication. It's unlikely this will eventuate due to other residents; unless you can lock your room.

It will however, give you leeway when leaving the facility to visit friends. Only submit this to your GP and a copy to your psychiatrist. Not nursing staff, as they'll probably 'lose' it.

Please use dot points as this is easier for them to make a decision. Keep it brief and to the point. Eg...

  • By restricting my medication intake to 'supervision only', my community access and participation will be limited and therefor breach my right to enjoy integral and important relationships with friends, loved one's and the community at large when time is an important factor.
  • Without an opportunity to self administer medication, I'm being forced to abide by a process that doesn't provide me with self respect and self value.
  • (this is only relevant Kanga if your belongings can be accessed by other residents) If I can't have medication in my room, I should still be able to self administer while in the community if I'm able, which I am.
  • If necessary, I'll ask for it to be included as a goal in my personal lifestyle plan to work towards, proving I can achieve what I'm asking. Independence will enhance my self worth and life as a whole.

I think these will be a good start Kanga. I don't know if you're confident enough to carry this off, but if you aren't, a community mental health worker can assist.

I wish you well my friend...

Sara xo​

Thanks Sara when I moved in here I was told by management. That if I wanted to go out and visit friends / relatives I could. providing I gave notice. Especially if I was going to be out at medication times. Then I still go and take my meds with me and take at appropriate times and amounts. But some of the PCA's / nurses take we are concerned approach. And say that they have to administer it and it's policy. And if they allow me to self medicate they get into trouble.

I have had this argument several times with one or two nurses and PCA's. And I am still at square was at one. When I was at home I always self medicated. Not once did I O.D. That says a lot for being stupid with my meds. It just drives me mad when I keep telling them I know what I am doing. But because of the debenture cases we have here. They are being cautious. Too dam cautious. I will get there. I will take it to management again. And get it in my action plan here. So I don't get angry and start abusing the daylights out of everyone. Me no like me when me angry, big bad bear comes out snarling at every one. Me no like him. I want to be a happy chappy.

Thanks I needed to rant and just get it out. Your friend

Kanga. XOXO

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Kanga my mate, just want to send all positive thoughts to you. You are one of funnest happy chappies I know, so I hate seeing you upset.

Getting it into your action plan is a good way to go I reckon - meets your need, satisfies the bureaucracy, everybody wins. And abusing the daylights out of people only confirms their ill-informed opinions about you (as a fellow snarling bear at times, I know that one and I'm working on it). Ask them what you need to do to make it happen - that way they are involved in the solution.

Big deep breath buddy. Channel your calm inner Yoda, and charm their socks off. People are always more likely to do what you want if they like you and feel a personal connection.

Big hugs



hi Knga, I'm not sure I be of much help, but surely between the time, let's say at just before lunch you have your medication at the nursing home and then return there just before or after dinner time, or alternatively can your friends take you back to the NH to get your medication administered by the nurse and then fly off with you once again.
Obviously you have a power of attorney who could be the person you want to see, so surely they have the right to be able to give you the pills you need, just a thought. Geoff.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Kanga

When I first saw you posts I had no idea what to make of them, constantly popping into the cafe and quotes. I still don't, self-imposed court jester or sage? (I'd have to see you in person to know if you wear a cap with bells or a long white beard - or knowing you both just to confuse me)

As a teleworker you achieve your aim in spades, perhaps giving you a tiny window, definitely giving so many, including me, doses of normalcy and cheer - I am able to come up for a quick gasp of oxygen from down in the darker oceans of the Forum.

You have wit, charm and the suggestions here to help overcome the unyielding face of blind bureaucracy

Keep the faith


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Croix I am part jester, part sage, but like meany others, when adversity gets real close. I tent to panic, especially when I know if I plan something. It gets done, and done properly. It's when others get involved, meaning well and all. Stuff up plans, and what ever was planed falls apart. If they stand back and let it happen it works. Amazing some thing actually working first time every time. Well not quite first time but with practice you find the things that work for you. Implement them, and it looks easy. Mistakes do happen from time to time.
