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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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I would like to join this walking group. My goal is to gradually increase the distance I can walk without becoming overtired or injuring my ankle. I previously enjoyed walking but since breaking my ankle have been limited and are now very unfit. Eventually I would like to be able to join a bushwalking group and be able to walk with my daughter without feeling embarrassed about being so slow or overdoing it so I can barely move for days. (I have done this a few times during my 'recovery''.
Getting fitter will also help me mentally I hope.
Today I walked uphill and up some steps for the first time since my injury and made it. Felt tired but recovered OK once home. This is the furthest I've walked for ages so I was happy with progress.
It had rained last night so everything smelt fresh. Look forward to hearing about other people's walks.
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That sounds great Elizabeth - well done. I broke my ankle a few years ago and it's still got screws and plates and stuff holding it together, so I sympathise about the being slow etc. (And I wasn't even drunk at the time!)
So, having been inspired by you all, my goal today is to walk to the beach (two minutes away, so I should make that OK LOL), then walk along the beach, for a good walk. Will report back.
How are you today Shell?
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Loving hugs to everyone.......
Well I made up my mind to go for a walk this morning. Drove out towards the ocean at about 5:30am. Parked the car in the car park on top of a hill. I started walking from the top of the hill which overlooked the ocean. I walked on this newly constructed pathway which included a few steps. It was only raining a tiny bit. There were other walkers making use of the path. A few dogs as well walking with their owners. A lot of walkers passed me, as I don't think I was walking that fast. Just a slow steady pace. Well I have to tell you, I think a had a feeling of envy, that is a longing to be fit and well as they appeared. Or maybe I should feel it has inspiration.??? I watched them walking from behind, some seem to walk or jog with no effort at all...... The waves were coming in good and the water was dotted with a few black specks, which I guess were keen surfers hoping to catch the next wave in. So it was quite a pleasant walk really, and I didn't mind the tiny bits of light scattered raindrops. I walked for about 1 hour on this particular path that was curving around the outline of the beach area. I did physically feel pretty good after the walk. And sort of fresh on the inside, which I am assuming it was from the increase of oxygen or something in the bloodstream.
Hello Elizabeth, I am happy to see you join up. I have seen your name pop up in the forums. Though I think they may be two Elizabeths. So were you a regular walker before you injured your ankle? Love to you... Hey Kaz, I would like to read how your walk went on the beach. Is it a long beach? And love to you Mr Scotchfinger.
Shelley xx
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Hi all,
I like to walk too. But it is an intermittant thing, as when my back injury plays up, it becomes too painful to walk much. Mostly I like to walk so Holly gets to go for a walk and socialise. But its also because I know its good for me to get the heart rate up and all that healthy stuff, given that I am unable to play sport these days. And the other reason I walk is because it helps me to work through my pent up frustrations, and to work off my anger a little. I could have done with a walk this afternoon for that reason, but I didnt go as its been quite wet. I like walking in the rain, but my Holly doesnt!
I am not what you'd call a brisk walker, more of a casual walker. So you guys would probably leave me behind.
I especially like walking on the beach at sunset where I can hear the waves. And also walking along rivers and creeks where I can listen to the flowing water. I find it really calming.
Sherie x
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I used to do a lot of bushwalking when single but had to cut down once married with young children. Back problems have stopped me ever resuming overnight hikes carrying a heavy pack but our family still did a lot of hiking. My husband is now blind and has other serious health problems so it is no longer the same walking with him as I have to watch out for obstacles and guide him on rough terrain He becomes very tired so I have to be careful not to walk too far so it is more stressful walking with him. I either feel guilty for taking him on walks which are too hard or feel guilty for mollycoddling him. I still need to work out the right balance. I also have been advised by my psych to do more for myself to have a break from the caring role and help me deal with my depression. My ankle injury interrupted this plan. Shelley I can relate to the feeling of envy. My daughter is planning to Trek to Everest Base Camp and I am very envious as I had wanted to do this once my kids were grown up but now I'm too unfit.
Kazzi & Shelly I hope you both enjoyed walking along the beach.
Hopefully speak to you tomorrow to share stories of our walks.
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Oh I would love to join this group too!
I do love walking but in recent times I haven't done it enough! I have every excuse under the sun. I work, I have two young children to look after, I never get me time. But in the end I need to make it happen, I feel exercise would greatly benefit me!
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Hi all - I nearly forgot to report back!
My beach walk was lovely, though more of a stroll than proper exercise. Good for the head though. It's a long beach and I'm not good judging distance so not sure how far I went. Far enough. 😉I watched a lot of young families playing on the sand and splashing about and it struck me how really involved a lot of young dads are with their littlies. It's nice to watch. The water was cold but not freezing, OK once you got in. I noticed a number of women my age going through the same drawn out process I do to get in the water LOL. Let the legs get numb first, then up to the waist, stomach ... shoulders ... then eventually let your hair get wet and once you're really brave, your face. Their less patient menfolk tend to splash them before they're finished.
A few little dogs leapt about on the sand, one followed me for a while, that was fun. So I walked, then turned back and treated myself to a sunbake. I know it's not healthy but I love it. I'm a happy pink tonight.
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Ha ha Kaz. Thats so funny. I am just the same when getting into the water. A very slow process indeed. And I'm exactly the same in the ocean and a swimming pool. I'm a real sook when it comes to cold water.
Glad you had a good walk though. I didnt get out for a walk today, but I should have.
Sherie x
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Hi all,
Shelley well done for starting this it is such a positive thread as yes I know walking or any exercise is good to help our minds with the storms that we face. I should be practicing what I am now preaching lol but find it hard to build the motivation and easier to turn to the bottle. I have something in my mind like ok when I start my course, I will walk to it, it is about a 20-30 min walk away so I will do it then.
I use to love and enjoy walking back home in NZ mum and dad live along the waterfront in Auckland and I would walk for hours to the city and then back. When they lived 30min drive from the city I would walk then to the city and back, pack up my little backpack with water, healthy snack foods, a little note journal for my thoughts to go in and just go for the day walking and taking my time and taking note of my mind thoughts.
Ok now that I have layed it all on here and remembered how good that felt I will start again, motivating myself, ok here goes I WILL START NEXT WEEK! DONE and I will make a note of this on my calendar. That was easy now put feet past mouth and do it lol.
I love the beach too, when you know the water is cold and you struggle to get in the best thing is to just walk in slowly till you stop and feel that shiver of cold like up to your waist and then just dive under the first wave (not too shallow don't want ya getting hurt) but the feeling is so invigorating when you re-emerge from it. To be it makes me feel alive again.
Well done Shelley with this thread it is a good positive one and hey it got me to say YES! to walking again.
Big hugs to you all
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Hug to each and everyone of you.
This morning I have been thinking a little about the reasons or why one should even walk. I really want to develop a list of reasons personally for myself to help motivate and push myself. I think I will put some sort of list on the fridge, so I can see and hopefully read it. Perhaps on the days where I am not going that well or for days when I may be sliding or in that dark and alone place. The list may be helpful in some way.
Does anyone else have such a list to help motivate? I have re-read the posts that you have all written here. I did take note of the reasons some of you have mentioned.
Has anyone ventured out today and went walking? I will be walking down to the train station today. There is a lot of steps there at the station. So I am going to see how long I can last whilst walking up and down the steps.
With much love
Shelley xx