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- I just want to stay in bed and not do anything
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I just want to stay in bed and not do anything
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I am not coping with anything at the moment, work stresses me out, home stresses me out, I just want to stay in bed and not do anything! Just want to hide from everything! I am on meds and have been for some time, just feel like I am on a downward spiral! Feeling lost and alone
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Hi Poppet
I agree with Nes, you need to see your doctor for a referral to a psych. And it's great that you have come on to BB for support from others who are or have been in the same situation.
Take care and hope you can get some support
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Hi Poppet,
Is it a continued feeling of not coping or does it come and go?
Maybe your medications aren't working the way they should. Did they stop working or have they never worked properly? Speak to your GP about it, because if your on medication you should feel as though they are helping you!
I agree with Nes, my psychologist has helped me significantly with my anxiety and depression. Especially when I felt like it was all too much.
Let us know how you go,
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Dear Poppet,
When you hide through stress you are kind of avoiding judgement but in so doing are being really tough and judgemental on yourself. It's like your brain is stuck in a "guilty trap" but there are many that are suffering in the same way every day so don't feel alone. Too bad no one asked you "R U OK ?" yesterday or managed to reach out whilst you poise on that downward spiral.
Being on meds isn't a failure. But, as Nes says, a bit of counselling or talking things through (even on the BB site) is good medicine too. For me I can balance my mind by walking my dog and connecting with my community without letting the stresses get to me. Sometimes we even share a sausage roll together.
Adios, David.
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Dear Poopet, I have recently been diagnosed with border line depression. As the weeks have gone on it's gotten worse, feeling low getting very anxious for no reason. I haven't hade thoughts of ending my life which is good, but I'm finding it really hard. Every time I feel the anxiety coming on I feel like I'm going to burst into tears but I usually keep it together so I don't feel embarrassed in front of my friends.
My GP told me that if I'm feeling worse during the time before seeing my psychologist go back to see him and he'll put me on medication, but I'm not wanting to go on medication because, I see what it does to people, but at the same time I don't want it to get so bad that I can't cope with school anymore
Thanks, Melissa
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I understand how you are feeling MellyMoo, I did not want to go on Medication but knew that I really did need to as it was the only thing that was going to help me in the long run. I still need to get in and speak with someone but being on here has certainly made me feel a bit better, knowing that I am not alone and that there are people that feel the way I do. Depression is such a horrible thing and I have been on the biggest roller coaster with it so I know the signs when I am going down hill, need to try and do some things for me even if they are only little ones.
I hope that you get to speak to your psyc soon.
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A lot of things against you right now. But dont forget, its not like these things are a whirlpool, pulling you downwards. Every day, is another chance, to do what is right, to make positive changes, even if small at first. The next day, do a little more, try a little more (if you want to).
I've been so depressed I thought everything and especially myself were crap and a waste of time. Its hard to see "the light" when you are in the dark. But don't forget, that actually darkness is just an absence of light!! Do you get it? You are focussed on the darkness, when the light is really what you should. (This applies to all of us and yes much easier said than done and the point is, dn't bereate yourself for not seeing things positive but make an effort to do, and give, and be a part of, positive things, positive people, positive movies, books, and especially those things you enjoy and have some skill at).
Since you sound very intelligent I would suggest some intellectual pursuits which involve a social elment. Volunteer.
Inject yourself into these positive, productive pursuit, espeically at a community giving level like volunteering, and not only it will help you depression you will even forget your troubles and begin feeling valued!!
You just need to have the courage to go beyond your own self-image and fear of rejection. In some ways this is easy, because courage is something you can practice, whether you are innately courageous or not!! Just be courageous, take a step! ANd even if people judge you, then you can write them off anyway for being small-minded and judgemental of only what they see at the surface, so who cares!!
I know some of this is easy to say, but believe me, its a LOT easier than being at home, letting yourself feel vicitim of depression. Talking from expereince lol.
Good luck