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Decisions, decisions - need a second eye.

Community Member

Think i hit a rut. Expectations were that life would (feel) pretty good at this age (25). Happy to get out of school and into the real world (no friends, bullied) and decided to pursue a career in hospo (made friends, mostly through alcohol and drugs) I Left that environment after six years to choose a career in accounting. But 2.5 years in uni I have an accounting job but no time for hobbies (too much study) or enough time to work on my health then i would like. Overall i still no friends that i can rely on. Havent had gf in 3 years either! Assumed i would make many friends at uni but never happened lol. Many of my friends now engaged or have kids, while im in uni for 1.5 years left.. feels like im starting all over again.. end goal will be worth i know but right now im bored and lonely where i am? I also have no time for new hobbies and the only hobby i want to do is travel and meet new people

Obviously not happy in current environment. And i need a change of some sort. And i feel sad most of the time. I dont see the point of staying in the same town working sleeping and studying if i dont have a social life or friends to truly share my time with. But uni! Its controlling my life. And i cant just quit it that would be silly. Moving to another city may require me to repeat 2-3 subjects. Study abroad i got rejected as marks werent high enough.

Question: should I..

1. Take a leave of absence from uni (6 months min) and travel abroad (something im passionate about) come back broke but alive because i did more than just exist and used time to work on personal development

2. Do what everyone else is telling me to do and ‘suck it up’ for a year and a half even though they cant understand how i feel

I know the answer may seem obvious but this is a big decision and i just want the opinions of someone who had to alter their commitments for the greater good of self improvement and actual happiness before i just quit my accounting job, take time off uni and basically spend all my savings ($10k) to live somewhere new. Living in sydney australia can really take its toll as many want the aussie dream and / or the career ladder and its gets to you sometimes cause your outside the bubble.

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I wouldnt leave uni. I would however seek an interest outside of uni like a passive sport (volleyball, table tennis) or club (even cheering in a club like a footy club). Such a move would offset the draining uni has on you and a change of environment helps.

The last several years has seen the phenomenon of young adults wanting to travel overseas as opposed to, for example, saving for a house or other. This has resulted in many wanting the same. But not all people can do that. Parents sometimes help out, some young people have huge salaries, dual salaries and some can travel cheaply.

The norm used to be the reverse, travel when older. But now young adults focus on the joys others are doing.

This is why people are advising you not to travel at this time. It is poor timing and illogical to many.

So in summary I'd try to find an interest outside of studies and uni that spices up your life and social contact. I'd also suspect your anxiety levels deserve a check up with a GP.

Hope that helps
