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Can Anyone tell me What the Point is?

Community Member
What’s the point in wasting majority of life depressed, I mean I would love to be my old happy self again, who I was maybe about 9- 10 years ago. And I’ve tried, and I’ve kept trying but with no success. Why keep fighting - what is the point. I can’t even afford to go to a psychologist anymore, I can barely afford to renew my anti depressant script. Not that they did much anyway. All I do is cry and hate myself and it’s just so tiring. This year was supposed to be my year, but it’s gone absolutely awful thus far. Also I’m fairly positive I have binge eating disorder - which doesn’t help how much I absolutely detest myself. Each day I hate myself a little bit more and have less to look forward to in my life. I’m a full time uni student (again) with two jobs, no time for myself, pretty destitute each week I struggle to pay for necessities, that doesn’t stop me from wasting it on extra food to feed my fat hungry mouth.... my partner left me because my depression was “too draining” for him. So not only am I depressed, I am also unloveable. Again... what’s the point. I don’t know what I want to achieve from this post. I can’t afford help. I don’t have enough time for myself to get help anyway. Again - what’s the damn point. I’ve cried enough tears and I’ve thought enough thoughts. I am sick of it.
1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi MR, welcome

You might very well "drained" him but that doesn't mean the next guy will be so too.

He might have disappointed you with his lack of commitment!

This is why accurate perceptions are so important, to not focus on a handful of words that blame us for everything.

Not affording help is common. Although we are not professional medical staff we are open hete 24/7/365. You are among your own kind.

This site is packed with advice and ideas.

Eg google

Beyondblue Topic the timing of motivation

Beyondblue Topic the frog and the scorpion

Or and ongoing thread

Beyondblue Topic do you like yourself?

You'll find that one helpful.

So please post again here or the do you like yourself thread.
