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A struggle beyond words

Community Member

I've struggled for years now with my mental health. My depression all too consuming, that sometimes I feel it is too much for me. To know I am not alone in my journey is something that kind of makes it easier. Support has become my hope, so I am writing on here to show anyone out there without the support that people care for you, including me. I use to be scared to talk about my depression or let people know that I am not okay, but hiding from the truth does no good. Mental illness is just as important as any other illness, so I am no longer ashamed of what I have, I have learnt to accept it. This is not something I chose, the depression chose me. I've come to terms with the fact that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and taking tablets each day is just something I need to do in order to function.

The other day I had a terrible day and decided to write down what depression felt like for me. I am going to share it on here to show others that you're not alone and I know exactly how it feels day in and day out.....

"I’m struggling more than words can describe. The pain is overwhelming, my mind is suffocating. I try my best to fight but sometimes I consider whether there is anything worth fighting for anymore. The pain in my head can be unbearable, almost consuming. A dark cloud that swarms over me out of nowhere, but always lingering around. Somehow, I manage to push through every time; a strength stronger than anyone could ever imagine. Almost beyond words. "

We are the strong, we fight everyday, I am proud of myself and I can only hope that this message reaches at least one person in need.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi StephanieT,

Welcome to the BeyondBlue forums.

Thank you for taking the time to share. I think lots of people on here feel similarly and support is so important.

It is true that we are stronger than we think. Depression can definitely make us feel weak, but every time we push through we show how strong we are.

thanks again, Jess