Hi, my name is Andrian I recently posted a thread "Stressing over
everything and anything" but i've came across another problem I've moved
in with my girlfriend, because we were both kicked out of my own home
down in Wollongong. At first I didn't wan...
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Hi, my name is Andrian I recently posted a thread "Stressing over
everything and anything" but i've came across another problem I've moved
in with my girlfriend, because we were both kicked out of my own home
down in Wollongong. At first I didn't want to move in because I knew
that staying here I would have to put up with my girlfriend's mother and
sister treating her like shit. But since i've been staying i've been
getting bad treatment as well. Especially from her sister. My girlfriend
and I are treated horribly and her mother doesn't do nothing. We get
called c**t and get told to shut up when we are loud but when she loud
its okay. We 'd have an argument, got nothing to do with her and we get
told to shut up and get our face slammed by her, slamming the door.
Recently whilst I was cooking dinner for my girlfriend and I, I
accidentally left the gas on, i know stupid. Her sister caught me and
told me about it. I apologized and laughed it off, but as she storms off
to the other room I could hear her say "Your boyfriend is dumb, pathetic
and can't do anything. He should f**k off out of our house," Obviously,
this hurt my feeling so basically I am kicked out of my girlfriend place
and have no where else to go. This is not the only thing that happens,
my girlfriend get the worse treatment of all. She ask her mother to hang
out with her, get a coffee or something but her mother will always say
no because she want to hang out with her sister. No matter how many time
she ask. Her mother says no, if she ask her to do something for her she
wont but she will for her sister.This not only affect my girlfriend but
it affect me cause i have to pick up the pieces everyday and dont get
any joy all day because my girlfriend is too upset to do anything or go
anywhere. My girlfriend will do nothing all day and sleep and i would
have to cause im bored. My girlfriend get told she is dumb and stupid
too and can't do anything as well and get told she is selfish and never
thinks of others but she always helping her mother out with cleaning and
paying for the shopping when her mother can't when she could be using
that money for her bills. My girlfriend get verbally and occasionally
physically abused for something she never did. I try to stand up for her
but I am too much of a coward. Basically because I never had to stand up
for myself We are miserable and I am on the verge of suicide (but I
won't). We need your help, we are both currently unemployed but looking
for a job so we can collect some money to move out. Everything is become
too much for us and our relationship is falling apart because of her
sister and mother. We have no friends or family to turn to. Our only
best option i can think of is take an offer from a coworker to live with
him and move out. But my girlfriend is reluctant to move out. Please
help us