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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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Stranger Always the rock
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Ok, im not gonna lie, i live a pretty privlaged life... roof over my head, food on the table, Went to a private school all that jazz. Right now im going through some pretty strange stuff, and not dealing with it to well. but right now it seemd like a... View more

Ok, im not gonna lie, i live a pretty privlaged life... roof over my head, food on the table, Went to a private school all that jazz. Right now im going through some pretty strange stuff, and not dealing with it to well. but right now it seemd like all im doing is pumping other peoples egos, and making sure i catch them if/when they fall, im always their rock, always the one saying its going to be ok. But now im starting to slip and i dont know if anyone will catch me so to speak. I don't know how or who to talk to and im just lost right now. i know its not nuch in the grand scheme of things, but for me, its my personal hell.

Beetle Reflecting on my Depression and what it did to me
  • replies: 4

HI all Im still a new bee but i found this forum very very helpful and have posted some threats already and replied to some. I was diagnosed last week with severe depression,anxiety and stress. now the meds really kick in and they blow my mind. I wou... View more

HI all Im still a new bee but i found this forum very very helpful and have posted some threats already and replied to some. I was diagnosed last week with severe depression,anxiety and stress. now the meds really kick in and they blow my mind. I would like to share my experience with them since ive never been on meds. I am on a strong brand new SNRI which is also used as a pain killer.I expereince sideeffects and they are unpleasant. But they finaly took away my suicidal thoughts, the constant worry, my constant stressing about things. I feel on them like i am in a warm fuzzy relaxing oasis. I am so glad that i finaly gave in to accept help. I dont know about you all, how you go with your meds, if they help you or not and give u side effects. I expected nothing and got what i wished for: relief from my busy brain.I feel like my mind opened and I can see the kindness and support and care other poeple offer me. I can see now 3D wheras i feel before I looked at everyhting in 2D.Its like someone took away a glaswall around me and allowed me to live. Even if this drug is toxic to your liver makes you dizzy and nauseated, i rather put up with that than havinmg to live in a fishbowel being disconected and isolated from everything.I feel the disease had taken away the real me, and killed of the kind sensible caring person i once was.Today I realised what a stress head i must have been. I stressed about everything. I worried that it may rain if the washing is on the line,i worried about using too many gigabites and blow out my telstra bill, i worried about not getting a job , not being able to sleep if i have a coffee at 16.00 or that i fail an assignemnt which I havent even written.I also made an elepahnt out of nothing. I could fly off the handle for little stupid things. I broke out in tears if the coffee tin was empty and became suicidal if i got a big bill. At the end I was really bad and was speeding.bad speeding. I feel I would have killed myself or others within the next 4 weeks if I would't have gotten those drugs.Before I agreed to them i went to councelling, i walked every day, ate healthy and tried to talk things through with friends. But all those measures seemed not to do anything. I wonder now if I am one of those people were therapy just doesnt work because the basics, the chemicals were never right in my brain. I dont want o use that an excuse, but as long as i can remember I was different, anxious, sad and preoccupied with the 'what if" question and OMG drama. How are you all going? have people have simiar expereinces.?

k_therase Hurting every one else around me.
  • replies: 3

Hi to all, 5 years ago I lost the most important person in my life my mum. 3 months later i lost my step dad to suicide. 3 months after that my uncle passed away too. In between these years too my best friends brother committed suicide, my boyfriends... View more

Hi to all, 5 years ago I lost the most important person in my life my mum. 3 months later i lost my step dad to suicide. 3 months after that my uncle passed away too. In between these years too my best friends brother committed suicide, my boyfriends mum committed suicide too and my gran passed away. Yes it all sounds like a huge thing, and they are. but 5 years down the track i feel like i should not be stressing over the past. Yet this year i dropped out of year 12, lost all my friends and feel like I'm loosing myself among it all. The only thing that is bothering me though is the other people who I'm hurting, while I get into my moods, my depressed stages i go into shut down mode. I don't care about my own well being, only everyone else around me, yet no one see's that. But why is this happening now?

Blue_Collar Will it ever get better?
  • replies: 5

Hello, I am new to these forums, sorry if this topic is not interesting. I just need to vent. I was diagnosed with depression over a decade ago. Back then I went to my family to hopefully talk to, they didn't agree with the diagnosis and convinced me... View more

Hello, I am new to these forums, sorry if this topic is not interesting. I just need to vent. I was diagnosed with depression over a decade ago. Back then I went to my family to hopefully talk to, they didn't agree with the diagnosis and convinced me to go off the medication that my GP had put me on. For years afterwards I dealt with it alone, believing that I was just overreacting to a bad day when I felt completely useless and worthless. I was extremely lucky to find someone to support me when he can. I appreciate that he is willing to support me any way he can, but he doesn't understand fully the feelings of blackness I experience. There are aspects of our future that have become problems for me to deal with also. I see friends and family around me getting married and having children. While I am engaged, there are no plans for a wedding in the near future (even though we have been engaged for 5 years). I would also love to be a mother one day. I am nearing 30 years old, I know this becomes harder the older you get. My fiancée told me recently that he doesn't want to have children. This has hit me hard. We have been together for 11 years, I love him and don't want to lose him, so I have agreed to put it on the back-burner for now but I know I am running out of time. My mood swings and depression have been having negative effects on our relationship. He does his best to help me, but I can see that he can't take much more of my problems either. I tried a couple of years ago to go to my family again for support. One of my sisters responded with "Stop crying, you are being silly" and proceeded to change the subject. The others I tried talking to seemed completely oblivious to what I was saying. I understand that people don't know how to deal with this type of situation, but that left me with no-one else to talk to. I am not overly close with my friends, this is not something I would be willing to talk about with them. I went on medication again last year, I thought it was starting to help but people around me started to say that I was just a zombie. No real reaction to anything. It was also effecting my health in a very negative way. I struggle to lose weight at the best of times. While on the medication I put on 15kg. I went off the medication a few months ago and the weight is slowly starting to come off again. Even with this bit of good news, happiness doesn't come easy for me. Onto the job front. I lost my job due to "company changes" almost two years ago. No matter how hard I try and how many applications I put in, I can't find a new job. This doesn't help my self hatred. I have always had an excellent work ethic. When I am working, I can't stand leaving work undone, or sitting around doing nothing. Yet not one person is willing to even give me the smallest of jobs. I don't want a huge pay cheque and I am not looking to get promotions and the like. I just want to feel like I am contributing to our household again. I feel useless. I know that my life has no big issues, and I don't really have any reason to complain. I just feel like everyone around me would be better off if I just disappeared for good. Does depression ever go away? I hate feeling like this and I don't know how much longer I can keep fighting this. Sorry for rambling. Like I said, I needed to vent.

amamas Why are people so drawn to depressing things?
  • replies: 3

Hi all I find this entire phenomenon so bizarre! I've just started a blog if anyone wants a squizz. I'm using it to try and write out my story very slowly. Kind of face it and get it out of my head at the same time... View more

Hi all I find this entire phenomenon so bizarre! I've just started a blog if anyone wants a squizz. I'm using it to try and write out my story very slowly. Kind of face it and get it out of my head at the same time. I had a few normal (?) type posts then this morning I titled my post hell. People are checking it out and I'm thinking why? Seem to be thinking that a lot lately. I'm not sure what my bigger problem is wondering why people want to read a blog titled hell rather than normal type musings or the fact that it freaks me out that people are reading it. Anyone know if anyones ever done any studies on this phenomena? Like put two glossy magazines on the coffee table in a waiting room one with the cover page about a warm fuzzy story and the other with a massive disaster story. I'd be fascinated to know if the warm fuzzy one would even be looked at... cheers amamas

Notmyself Confused, Alone,Lonely - Why me
  • replies: 9

I don't know where it came from or why it chose me. I;m not a bad person, I do good things, I put everyone before my self, I try so hard to constantly get the love and approval from those around me, And look where its now left me. Broken, alone, hurt... View more

I don't know where it came from or why it chose me. I;m not a bad person, I do good things, I put everyone before my self, I try so hard to constantly get the love and approval from those around me, And look where its now left me. Broken, alone, hurt, lonely,sad, angry,confused,frustrated. DEPRESSED. I know now, its been there for a long time, however only when I saw it made the person I love want to walk away from me did I decide to ask for help. It has to have been the hardest thing I have ever done, walking into the Dr sitting down in tears and asking for help because I dont know whats going on any more. My head is a mess, the thoughts, the night mares, too many emotions for me to handle, I try to talk to friends and family , but everyones response is, oh you'll be ok. You just need to stop thinking about it. Yeah right easy to say, but how they have any idea what its like to have something consume every part of you. How do I turn off the feeling of constant pain,stress and sadness? Its not a light switch. I was put on anti depressants, but I feel they're doing nothing, as im going through a break up that has seemed to have just thrown me into a never ending spin of thoughts, and feelings i cant handle. The one person I want to help me cant be with me now, because of the person I have become. How do I combat all these feelings and thoughts to want to get better? How do I make the people around me understand that whats happening to me isn't just a bad day or a bad week. Its an illness, Im trying really hard but feel Im getting no where. I feel stupid and hopeless. I dont have anyone close enough to me who I can tell my feelings to, I have trouble putting them into words verbally. I came here for support and guidance,

ssscrambled Can the profession help people like me?
  • replies: 4

Hi, Like some others in this cascade of depressed people, I have recently been thinking about suicide. Essentially my story is that I have been unable to shake this idea since I was about 16 years old (I’m now almost 36) when I first came to the real... View more

Hi, Like some others in this cascade of depressed people, I have recently been thinking about suicide. Essentially my story is that I have been unable to shake this idea since I was about 16 years old (I’m now almost 36) when I first came to the realisation - or conclusion, because I wish I could be wrong - that maybe life is meaningless (in the sense that we’re just chemical reactions, and that every thing and every idea that every culture in the world has ever created is artificial on some level), and that I don’t have what it takes to distract myself sufficiently from that (ie I’m not smart enough or talented enough or insightful enough or rich enough to ensure I can do all the things I want all of the time). I have had good times and bad times, there are many people in my life whom I love, and who love me, and I am wealthy to the extent that I would probably never have to work a day in my life again if I didn’t want to, and could still afford to live in a nice house (albeit with my parents for the time being!!), and keep my beautiful classic Ferrari. I have also done a lot of thinking about what I think is the most urgent and important way in which I can contribute to the world I live in, while still having a satisfying career – and so I have done quite a bit of study, and now work to the best of my modest ability to help ensure our society does all it can to improve children’s lives, to keep them safe, and to ensure they have every chance to reach their own potential. I also donate to charities, I protect rainforests, I socialise, I exercise, I participate in the political process. I’ve done a lot of travelling, I’ve worked in various industries (and spent substantial amounts of time deliberately not working as well), and I’ve devoted a lot of time and effort towards exploring my interests. I’ve also seen a range of psychotherapists over this time. I have put quite a lot of effort into identifying combinations of medication that work for me (and am currently on a some pills that I think work very well comparatively-speaking). I’ve also tried a range of non-medical drugs (though actually I don’t enjoy any of them much, except for alcohol). I have discussed my issues at length with psychologists, witch doctors, friends, lovers, my mum, etc etc. I have also resolved that no matter how hard it gets, I would never do myself in out of consideration for those close to me. But these days it’s just not enough. Now I have urges to kill myself. It’s not just, as many support services tell you, that “suicidal people don’t want to die, they just want to end their pain”; I don’t. I’m not averse to pain, though it’s true I’d rather minimise the predominance of it. But more than that, I want to avert the necessity to continue to live in the way I have been thus far for another 50 or so years. It’s true that I do have my hang-ups, which I could probably address more diligently. I know that I’m lazy, that I’m a procrastinator, and that I have a propensity to take the easy way out a lot of the time – and this causes me to be less effective than I could be. More significant than this (though possibly related) is the fact that I have a very strong, very fundamental sense of self-loathing, or that I’m somehow less important than other people. My usual approach to interpersonal interactions is that I do them to a background understanding that whoever I’m dealing with will probably find me unbearable, and that I need to just do what I need to do and get out of their way as quickly as possible so that they do not become polluted by my existence… or at the very least so that they don’t get the chance to get a window into what I’m really like. The evidence tends to suggest that people do find me hard work in any case. Lastly I’ll concede that I probably have some problems with attachment and that I can relate to the literature on attachment disorders – and as such I question whether I’m even capable of feeling close to other human beings. This is something I try to be mindful of when I interact with others. Perhaps surprisingly then I am also aware that I do have some good qualities. I can be very charming, fun, and good (if slightly awkward) company, and some people do warm to me. I think that I set high standards for myself, and for others, and when I get involved in something I do it pretty well. I think I have a lot of integrity, patience, consideration and empathy for other people, and after quite a difficult slog and a few disasters along the way I’m now fairly well-equipped with the social skills to be able to treat people accordingly, and also to recognise when other people aren’t doing the same for me - and to let these people go. I can feel love – in fact I would go so far as to say that love is one of the most powerful force in our lives (as long as we can allow it to be). I pursue my love interests in a measured but passionate way… though I also realise that meeting someone one truly connects with as an equal is an almost once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, and so when I am rebuffed by people I’m interested in I feel no resentment whatsoever because I know it’s entirely their choice to make. They can’t be responsible for my feelings, and I can’t be responsible for theirs either, or try to change them. I can only be myself. But again, being myself ultimately means not wanting to be here at all. Twenty years is a long time, and I feel as though throughout this time I have tried pretty hard to find something to hold onto, but have been continually drawing blanks. Admittedly things could have been very different if the human species had shown some sign that it was responsible enough to do things like avert climate change, the destruction of natural environments and the extinction of species, keep limits on population growth, distribute its wealth equitably, and resist the oh-so compelling temptations to go to war with one another. At the same time however, I sometimes catch myself thinking that maybe these things really aren’t significant enough to be worth thinking about. The worst thing about being depressed is that it makes big problems seem small - and my own apathy and intransigence in the face of my selfishness and spiritual poverty, as indeed in that of my own species, makes me all the more despicable in my own eyes, and all the more unworthy to take my place in it. So where to from here? In a sense I’d almost feel that this might be grounds to hark back to the darker days of psychotherapy, and just blitz my capacity to feel rather than try to support me to feel better. I’d probably be an excellent candidate for a lobotomy for example, or for being locked up in solitary confinement so I’d at least be allowed the luxury of going properly insane. In earlier times I might simply have decided that if my brain was of no further use then at least my body could be, and so I could join the army, or go into a monastery or something like that (perhaps the modern equivalent being to become a labourer at a mine site and drink myself senseless every night). I guess I would be happy to go into a psychiatric hospital for a little while, do a course of ECT, or undergo some kind of experimental treatment in the interests of developing new techniques for use more widely. I could also/instead spend a year living with my mum, restoring my poor old Maserati that I crashed last year (yep, I like cars...), and going to counselling/psychotherapy a couple of times a week (I am a bit dubious on psychologists though, as invariably they insist that there’s nothing wrong with me and that I should just try to do more fun stuff). And at this point that all sounds like little more than a dreadful waste of time and money, but then I suppose I’m hardly in a position to make decisions about that. Ideas?

Hopefullseeking At the end of my tether.
  • replies: 2

Have been on anti-depressents for about 2 years, have suffered depression/anxiety/PTSD, etc for many years. My shrink, who I have seen off and on for 20 years, has increased the dose twice in the last 6 months and they are not working. I'm scared, tr... View more

Have been on anti-depressents for about 2 years, have suffered depression/anxiety/PTSD, etc for many years. My shrink, who I have seen off and on for 20 years, has increased the dose twice in the last 6 months and they are not working. I'm scared, try to keep busy but am on the verge of tears most of the time. Feel like I can't do it anymore but keep putting one foot in front of the other. Deep breath a lot, but feel like I will lose it at any time. Don't want to be around people but I do, don't want to attend my activities but I do, because I know for my mental health I need to. Don't know how to do it anymore yet I keep going. Had enough.

Lizlonely Beautiful day but it just makes me feel more depressed
  • replies: 4

It's a Saturday and the weather is amazing but I just feel so much worse because of it. I am 31 years old, morbidly obese, have no friends and have never had a boyfriend. I live with this constant crushing loneliness and depression. Most days I can p... View more

It's a Saturday and the weather is amazing but I just feel so much worse because of it. I am 31 years old, morbidly obese, have no friends and have never had a boyfriend. I live with this constant crushing loneliness and depression. Most days I can push through it, get up and go to work and smile and make small talk but when days like this come around I am just reminded so vividly of what I don't have but long to be a part of. I see all these couples and groups of people out enjoying the sunshine and participating in activities that many take for granted and that seem so insignificant to most people but would mean the world to me to be able to be a part of. I want to go out and enjoy the day but I have no one to do it with and nothing really to do. I am in so much pain right now and am not sure that I see a way out of it. I have massive social anxiety and am not able to connect with people at all other than superficially (like at work). I am close to my mum but feel like such a loser about the fact that spending Saturday night with my parents is my only other option other than spending it at home in my bedroom alone. i want friends and love and kids (someday) just like everyone else but don't see a way out of the vicious cycle of sadness that I am stuck in. I can honestly say that if I weren't here i don't think anyone apart from my parents and brother would really be any worse off for it. I would barely be a blip on the radar of the other people in my life if i were to take myself from this world. I don't have any specific thoughts or plans to commit suicide but that thought alone scares me to death. Not sure what it is that I am holding on for. My mum and my brother are both incredibly charismatic, life of the party types and they really don't understand even a little bit what is so hard about making friends. They keep making suggestions that show just how little they 'get' what I am going through. I can see they are desperate to help but it just ends up making me feel even more isolated that even the people who are closest to me and the only 'friends' that I have don't understand how much pain I am in. I was seeing a psychologist for about a year and she helped a little but was so expensive I really couldn't keep it up, plus nothing really changed for me while I was seeing her. I still had no friends, no love, no social life at all. the only benefit I could tell was the fact that I had someone to share my pain with who wouldn't nod and say they understood when really they had no idea. I am thinking maybe medication might help but have no idea how to go about finding out about it or getting started on it. Do I have to find a good GP first, how do I do that. I went to see one locally just after I moved in March and told him that I was scared because I was having thoughts of a suicidal nature and he just filled me out a mental health plan (without asking me any questions about what I was experiencing) and then walked me out to the front desk where he told the receptionist in front of a waiting room full of people to book me in to see their psychologist. Turns out the psychologist only worked 9-5 and didnt have an appointment for over a month anyway so I didn't even bother. there was no follow up from the GP at all and I was left feeling so alone and unsupported. I am in a really dark place and am so unsure where to turn to get help or understanding. I want to live my life rather than endure it!

Butterflies I just want to make it stop
  • replies: 1

I'm running out of ideas....I was diagnosed with depression when I was about 16 and have been of and on medication since. I have seen three psychologists and one counsellor. I have almost completely cut out alcohol and try to meditate but am not very... View more

I'm running out of ideas....I was diagnosed with depression when I was about 16 and have been of and on medication since. I have seen three psychologists and one counsellor. I have almost completely cut out alcohol and try to meditate but am not very good at it- the anxiety state I am often in is probably the main barrier. See whenever I stop and just 'be' I sink into this intense state of self loathing were I tell myself I am useless and a waste of time. I often fantasise about how nice it would be to just put an end to my life. I don't think I'll ever act on this, but probably more for the fear of what it would do to my mum more then anything. I think a lot of my struggle to find self worth and meaning stems from my dad leaving when I was 3. I guess the message I got from that is that I'm not worth anything and reacted by trying to be perfect so that I would protect myself from being hurt again. The problem is I am only human, so now I am 30- I am fit, attractive, have a masters and bachelor and a great job and a house and compete in triathalons and...... It's not enough. I feel like I am broken inside. I feel like the only time I feel worthwhile is when I am helping others- which is lucky because I do that every day in my job, but on days like today when I'm not working, but alone in my home with no one but my dog I fall into trouble. I am so sick and tired of this. I am angry with myself because I have travelled the world and have seen how some people live- how dare I feel like I have a hard life when there are people living in poverty. I feel like I am broken inside. my brother died suddenly while working away on a mine site ten years ago- he was my confidant, he went through my childhood with me and living with my mum who suffered anxiety her whole life.... His understanding of me/us and our life path was so valuable- someone who truly understood me. He's gone. I want to,go too.