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Smallwolf's Den

Community Champion
Community Champion

I have one thread that is my story. I have created one other thread that is a never ending story with a post appearing at random times. I thought about things that I had in games I played and one thing that came to mind was a home. I post replies to other's stories and at the end of the day go to bed. Sometimes there can be things I want to say that might not fit in my story or other threads.

So I decided to create this space where conversations might start and stop, change 180 degrees and go onto some some other tangent. You might have a question for me, or vice versa. Perhaps a place to shout or just get away.. so welcome to my den....

A wolf's den... a home... a place of safety. I will describe this space in a future place.

If you are looking for a chat, a space to share, come in and sit down around a small fire with a tea or coffee to recharge, for connection (?), re-imagination or anything else.

53 Replies 53

Hey AliasKind, smallwolf and others. I only just saw your replies, sorry.

AliasKind - thank you, and I have no idea, honestly. They just keep asking me about Psychologists and it gets on my nerves.

smallwolf - sorry to hear about that. I hope your Psychologist appointment goes well, I have a Social Worker appointment tomorrow also. Do you know how to get an Insomnia test please? Could I ask my GP?

- Tayla


Sorry about the delayed response. You could ask your GP (?) about doing a sleep study. You would get referred to a "clinic" where you would do a sleep study and .... well, that is about it. My son has done a sleep study and was found to have hypersomnia - basically the opposite of insomnia. He can sleep and does not feel the benefits.

No worries. I have told them both about my struggles with sleep. Do they actually make you sleep for a long time or? I've never been to one so I don't know. Is it on Medicare?

PS - my appointment went ok with the Social Worker that day.

Hi all,

Just checking in. I'm feeling a little flat myself, time is life and I don't spend mine well. I think I've turned into a lazy person but I get stuck in what to do, how to fill my time. Possibly a luxury to many, is somewhat a curse to myself.

Glad to hear smallwolf your getting a thorough check out - how is the bp monitoring going? I've been thinking of you, even though I tend to be quiet on here.

Same with you Tayla - thinking of you, as I know you've had a hard time of it. Do hope your mum is on the mend and your having success with your doctor and psychiatrist.

Best wishes to you both

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hiya Alias.

The blood pressure was actually good according to my GP. Said I have white coat syndrome (that's my wording) which is that my blood pressure goes up in clinical situations and got a letter to use when I go to have blood taken out.

On the sleep study ... can't really say to answer your question. My son had a both a night study and day study and in the day study they do wake you up (periodically) and see how long it takes to you to go back to sleep. Best thing to do probably would be to ask your GP when you see them next.

Oh good I'm glad everything is relatively ok, and you have a letter. That'll make it easier from now on with doctors and all those clinical situations (when else do you get your blood pressure taken....).

You have a great day!

Community Member
Uh... hi. Just wondering if there’s room for one more... I mean, when you’re a broadly built (albeit gentle) giant, free space is often of concern. ^_^;

But of course, the more the merrier! A gentle giant? Tell me more. 🙂

Oh... I stand at almost 2m tall (1.95 at my most recent height check, though I seem to be getting incrementally taller in spite of my age, heheh... 😅).

Oh! And no problems with doors or beds?

(More seriously, on holidays and the shower in the main bathroom of the apartment hits (guessing) my son on the chest. Would have to bend knees to wet his hair.)