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Vitamin B for Anxiety

Community Member
Hi All, I've been on quite a quest and journey to find the answer and 'cure' to treat anxiety and eliminate the horrible and disturbing panic attacks that I was experiencing almost daily. After several Dr hopping, googling, cbt, psychologist, councelling, webinars etc a simple blood test picked up that I was very low in Vitamin B group. Particully B6 I believe. Low vitamin B levels are directly related to our nervous system and thus anxiety symptoms can be elevated. Now I'm no professor or doctor but this all made alot of sense to me. I've been through trauma and grief but am strong and resilient. Learning this could possibly be the reason for experiencing high levels of anxiety gives me the peace of mind that my mental health will be regained. I start on Blackmores executive stress today as advised by my GP for 6 weeks. Follow my story and let's see if my anxiety levels drop and hopefully diminish for good.
14 Replies 14

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Tan, I take different types of Vit B, Vit D, folic acid and fish oil tablets, whether they work, well it's hard to say, but I've told that they will help me. Geoff.

Community Member


My sister is a naturopath and I know there are a lot of herbs too that can help. As everyone is different and they can interact with each other, it is important to speak to a real naturopath before taking them.

However, low risk, definitely the Vit Bs and D are important and for some people who can tolerate it (most can) Hypericum also lknown as St Johns Wort) is useful.

It is important that you don't just take everything you read on the net though. My sister not only has a naturopathic degree, but also a degree in Science/biology and a post graduate in Nutrition. People like her can be trusted, not efeyone though.

Will follow your prgfress and wish you the best


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tan,

Yes i take B complex, fish oil and vitamin D. I still have bouts of anxiety at times and blood test revealed my hormones are out of whack.. I did start with B6 but my dr said b complex is best. Have look into B8 also. It is separate and not found in Bcomplex.

I wish you the best of luck.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello CMF, thanks so much for mentioning Vit B Complex and reminding me, because I take these as well, and although these maybe of great benefit to us, there isn't anything that will totally stop our anxiety or depression completely, but they can be so beneficial for us and may reduce or ease our problems. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Geoff,

Totally agree. they are never going to be a permanent fix but should alleviate symptoms, we hope. A few months ago my brain was quite foggy and i found that when i started the fish oil it cleared. Maybe coincidence, i don't know buu a long as i continue to feel better i will keep taking them.

Hope today is good to you.


Community Member
I felt like I had a little extra energy yesterday and no panic attack all day 🙂 Day 2 and feeling ok. Mild anxiety attacks but still keeping positive.

Community Member

Love the fur baby Geoff! They rock, I have three. Best companions.

I also take the executive b stress formula, vitamin d, as.mine was low. Zinc, as mine was low.

Curcumin I also take for my low back pain, has helped a lot.

Kyolic ( garlic capsules) haven't had a cold in ages!!!

Magnesium, as with anxiety, my muscles around my neck, shoulders and chest tighten up.

Anyone else have that sensation?

I would love to give st. Johns wort a gI for the anxiety, but I am on prescription medicine for reflux, and I have been told that the st johns wort would reduce the prescription medicines effectiveness...

Anyway, I am taking a lot, but in the hope I get some relief.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tan,

Thx for sharing your progress. Do you take your b vitamins in the morning? Do you find they beed to kick in? I've had some anxiety last frmew days. I take b, c and d vitamins in the morning and find i have been feeling better mid morning. I'm making an effort to cut out refined foods too and sugars.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Oh i have been making an effort to walk more also.