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Psychiatrists + Bulk Billing

Community Member

I have been looking into psychiatrists atm and found The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' website and their listings. Based on it, i was able to find a few that i feel may be suitable as they suggest that they "can bulk bill selected patients" (which is something i'm hoping for, as i'm currently unemployed). I was just wondering if anyone knew what getting bulk billing generally was dependent on?

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello IamBradley

Welcome to the forums. I was bulk billed by a psychiatrist a couple of times 2 years ago when showed some empathy for me when I was in between jobs and zero income. There doesnt seem to be any criteria on this except for the the level of compassion and humanity they have.

Thankyou for posting Bradley

Kind Thoughts


Hi Bradley,

I just noticed your thread title, because I saw a psychiatrist who bulk billed me. It seems like you've been getting some great suggestions from Paul.

A couple of years ago I was unemployed and struggling financially, and also was told I needed longer term therapy (i.e. more than the 10 sessions with a psychologist you get on a mental health care plan) so I searched the psychiatrists in my local area to find someone who would bulk bill me. I've seen her for almost three years now, initially paying no gap (i.e. 100% bulk billed) and now a $20 gap. My psychiatrist has an interest in therapy so offers 50 mins sessions, note that some psychiatrists are more into medication offer shorter appointments. I think it was crucial to see someone longer term and helped me build trust that spread out to all the relationships in my life. I think medicare allow 50 bulk billed sessions with a psychiatrist in a calendar year. And last year I went over that number and my psychiatrist used a different medicare code to get even further sessions.

Lately I've changed to a psychologist for therapy. I've used up all my ten sessions and now pay $40 a session, which I can afford through the part time work I'm doing.

In terms of finding out if they bulk bill, I'd suggest that you ring the reception of the ones you found online and check whether they are accepting new patients, when the next appointment is (often 6-8 week wait initially, or even longer) and then also ask whether they are open to bulk billing. This is what I did. You can book an appointment before you have the referral - you just bring the referral on the day. And then in my first appointment we discussed my financial circumstances and she agreed to the bulk billing.

Good luck with it Bradley.

Kind wishes, Christina

Hi IAmBradley, the criteria for bulk billing is set by individual practitioners.  Some may bulk bill patients with Health Care Cards, but others may have their own criteria.  It is best to check with the individual clinic before making your appointment.

For others reading, you can find psychiatrists who bulk bill selected patients by using the practitioner directory on the RANZCP website.

This website also has information on the various costs involved with seeing a psychiatrist, including Medicare rebates.