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Changing psychologists with Medicare

Community Member

I have a GP referral for initial 6 Medicare sessions with a particular psychologist but I've only used 3 of them.

Does anyone know if that means my GP can refer me to a different psychologist for another 3+?

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Raynor,

From my understanding, you can go back to your GP and ask for them to change your psychologist and I can only assume you can use you remaining 3 appointments through Medicare. I remember when I first went to my GP for a referral, they said if I don't like the first psychologist to come back and they can change it so that tells me they can change the psychologist whilst you are using your 6 initial appointments. My understanding is also that after 6, you have another 4 if the psychologist deems it needed and your GP can then refer you for a further 4 (please correct me if I am wrong, anyone)

If unsure, I would call your local GP and see if you can speak to the doctor or make an appointment to go and see them.

My best for you,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Raynor, with the 'mental health plan' it entitles you to 10 free visits and can be extended under certain circumstances, but to answer your question, yes you can, but ask your doctor whether it's possible to have 10 free sessions with a new psychologist, it maybe possible. Geoff.

Hi everyone, the relevant page is on the Department of Health website here:


The arrangement is six sessions per calendar year, with an additional four if your GP deems it necessary.

Please be aware that a Medicare rebate is provided for the sessions, so unless you are seeing a bulk-billing practitioner, the sessions will not be free, a co-payment is required.