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online chat?

Community Member
hi all sorry i havent been on much, i was wondering about the online chat here?? is it free as im currently not working so i cant afford a therapist if not can anyone point my in he direction of a free online service
4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hi Kelz83. The BB Chat online service is a free service, available between 3pm and midnight, every day. It is not however the same as talking to a therapist. They seem to have a limit to the amount of time they can give you, somewhere around 15 mins I think from memory. If you are in serious difficulty they will urge you to call the 24 hour help line anyway.

Have you been to your GP and asked for a Mental Health Care Plan? If your GP feels you would benefit with some psychological intervention they will recommend that you go on a MHCP anyway. And that entitles you to up to 10 medicare funded psych visits per year.

Alternatively, do you have any counselors available in your area? They are often funded through medicare as well.

There are a number of emergency online numbers available to you, but not for general on line therapy as such.

You are of course welcome to pose any questions through the forums here any time you like. But as you would know, you may not receive any immediate responses. And the responses are from people like yourself, as opposed to mental health professionals.

Your best option would be to discuss all this with your GP and they can tell you your options.

All the best.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Kelz and welcome

Taurus hit the nail on the head. Great adivce given 🙂 I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure how old you are? If you are under 25 there is a service called headspace. They have an online chat there as well called eHeadspace. You can also talk to a counsellor online. I do agree with Taurus that going in person is better. I have tried the chats myself and they have been beneficial when I just need a to vent or to get some help right now, however it is not a long term solution. Talking in person they see your emotions and they can then know when to keep pushing a topic and when to stop and resume later.

Let us know if you have any other questions

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Kelz, I can't anymore than what Taurus and MsPurple have said, but online counselling can be slightly difficult because you may want to talk to someone you have connected with, however they maybe offline and when they decide to log in it's possible they could miss your comment as it maybe on page 3 or 4.
If however people go through their 'My Treads' section they will find your reply much easier, but people don't do this, as I hardly check any replies on 'My Treads'.
Talking face to face with a counsellor is probably the best option, but then some people get frightened to do this until they are able to feel confident with their therapist.
So it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Geoff.

Thanks everyone ive been to a GP she got me to do a mood chart and put me on medication which helps a bit, i didn't know about the medicare funded visits so i will look into that! thanks heaps! MS purple i am 34, im not confident in talking to someone in person i know they are there to help guess im worried about making a big deal out of it ....once again thankyou all for you great advice and options! 🙂