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I just finished my first counselling session.

Community Member

I just got out of my first ever counselling session. It was really hard to explain my feelings and what was going on in my mind to her but I think she understood somewhat of what I was getting at. I feel so bad though, I feel worse I know she said that it's normal to feel worse after your first session but I just want to burst into tears, I feel on edge and uneasy and feel like there is significant stuff I forgot to tell her. She was really nice and understanding but I'm really anxious now and nervous and I can't understand it.

I have to go back to my doctor tomorrow as well and I can't stop thinking about that. Like what if she says my depression isn't as bad as I think or am overreacting. I hope I feel better soon.

I just need to get this feeling out. Thanks for letting me share.

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Plutonicmermaid Thank you for your post. It is a great post for some of us who are about to go through it ourselves for the first time. Like myself, we all have our own problems it's postslike this help us get more confedince to tackel the jobs we need to face.


Community Member

Hey Platonicmermaid,

i had two starts at therapy. The first one was after I just backed myself into a corner with poor behaviour and bad coping skills. Those sessions were pretty dry and involved a lot of diagrams on white boards.

a couple of years later I had my second stint of counselling, this time with a different professional. This revolved around burnout at work and the simultaneous cancer diagnosis of two family members and my best friend. For the first four sessions I pretty much just bawled ( I think they charged me more for all the tissues) and the counsellor just listened and rationalised how I was feeling.

a good therapist will never undermine what you are going through, they'll never say you're over reacting.