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Physiologist Frequency

Community Member

I have social anxiety disorder and was first diagnosed a number of years ago and since then I have made some progress in fits and starts and with medication. When I was first diagnosed a saw a psychologist weekly for nearly a year doing CBT without much effect.

I have decided to try seeing a psychologist again and have recently had my second session. We were pretty busy in the past two sessions and towards the end the psychologist mentioned I should see him again in two weeks and that we should decide whether we would be seeing each other weekly or fortnightly.

I have been looking at the costs and that Medicare rebate only goes for ten sessions and wanted to suggest once a month. As I believe I will need to see him longer than 10 sessions and was hoping to use the psychologist more as a resource to direct myself, bounce ideas off and keep myself motivated to try to speed up my progress which up till now I have been doing on my own mostly?

So if I want to see benefit is once a month enough? And is it all right to tell a psychologist the above?

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mr Positive

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post too!

Once a month is fine and will help you heal. You have a great attitude MrP.

I 'cheated' and saw a community mental health care worker through my local council weekly for 6 months he was the best therapist I have ever had.(there was no charge)

I have also seen my regular psychologist as well when my community mental health care worker wasnt available

Just out respect for you (and the strength you have to have posted) I have had anxiety from 1983 to 1996 followed by depression till now. I have taken an SSRI every day for 21 years to provide me with a solid platform on which I could heal more effectively.

There are many people here that do a screenshot of their post and take it to their counselor to save some valuable time so yes its a great idea if you let your psychologist know or show them this printout as well if you wish.


you are not alone here MrP in any way

You have a proactive attitude! Great Stuff MrP

my kind thoughts for you......I hope you can stick around the forums...time allowing of course..


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi mr_positive,

Thanks for your post.

Completely agree with Paul/blondguy here in that weekly, fortnightly and monthly is great.

The aim of a psychologist varies a lot, but mostly they are there to help give you tools and techniques so you can go out and conquer things on your own. It sounds like things have been going really well in that you feel very confident in not needing them as much;- which is a good thing.

You are absolutely free to tell your psychologist you'd like to see them monthly. You may find that this is enough for you or that you want to see them less or more. The key thing is communication; so that you both feel comfortable enough to say how you're feeling and what you're needing from them.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Mr Positive, any of these times are suitable, it will only depend on how you are feeling, you shouldn't wait until a month if you are feeling worse than before, and there could be a chance that your doctor could extend your free visits but under certain circumstances, as they may have to answer to the authorities why it has to be extended, if they are asked, but I know it be done. Geoff.

Thanks, I think I will write something out and will try to say it to my psychologist but failing that will just hand it to them.