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Does hypnosis help

Community Member

I have been reading that hypnosis can help those with depression and anxiety. Has anyone experienced this?

My son refuses any other help so I am looking for anything that could possibly help. I would like to hear about others opinions on this. Thank you

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Nelie, a good question to ask, but I've not had this experience myself and can't actually say but if you can copy and paste this does hypnosis help those with depression and anxiety, and search it in your browser, which you may have already, and it may help person A but not person B.

I've known people who have paid someone to hypnotise them so they will stop smoking and it has worked for a couple of weeks but then they took smoking up again.

I'm not a doctor to say, but perhaps it might work if the person lives in another area, away from where the reason why they needed to be hypnotised, just a suggestion.

Can I ask you if your son will accept this rather than seeing a doctor first, only answer if you want to.
