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Changing to a new GP and finding a good one

Community Member

I have been with the same GP for nearly 15 years as they were located near my work. I have now retired and looking for one closer to home. I have looked at a few in the area and their reviews.

I asked a few local ones about getting an appointment to see a GP before I really need to see one. Three said I can have an initial appointment and the GP will decide if they want me as a patient. Went to first GP appointment said can't take me as a patient too many health problems! Second one said same, but I third one said will give me trial to see how often I need to attend.

Is it the case nowadays where GPs only want easy patients with no complex problems. I can always go to after hours clinic but want a GP who I don't have to explain my health to each time.

Anyone else had a problem with finding a new GP if they have complex health problems

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Contrarymary, in my area the doctors aren't taking on new patients, that's not good if you need someone immediately and even if you are a current patient, you won't be able to see them until next week, not a good set up at all and the staff say 'go to the hospital', which means having to wait all day, not the ideal situation.

Finding a doctor means whether they understand what you're talking about and really want to help you, because they all have interests in some particular field and this is where you have to find this doctor and who is taking on new patients.

Going to 'after hours' you are treated with different doctors, but this may enable you to ask that doctor, if you like them, whether they want to see you at their practice, unfortunately, it may be at inconvenient times, but a possibility.
