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Difference between anxiety and med side effects

Community Member
So I know you guys aren't health care professionals but I just thought I would write in for a vent and see if anyone has felt similar. I've recently started medication (4 days in) for health anxiety, anxiety, ocd and I have also suffered from panic attacks. My anxiety seems to be manageable for a few days then I have a random bad day thrown in which is annoying. So I had a pretty good weekend but last night I hardly slept, which caused a headache and lightheadedness this morning which then caused anxiety and other symptoms which caused a day of panic in general. I calmed myself down over lunch a bit but at school pick up all of a sudden my breathing felt really shallow and I really started noticing it and it felt like I couldn't breathe and I thought I might need to call 000! I did some breathing modules on the headspace app and wound the car window down and settled my breathing down and I managed to finish my day somewhat normal. But the possible med side effects are- anxiety, light headed ness and shallow hard to breath but they are also symptoms of my anxiety. Have called the hospital and health direct and both think if it was a reaction it would be getting worse and wouldn't have settled itself. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow. Has anyone ever experienced anxiety over the possibility of it not being anxiety and a reaction to meds?
6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello KMTE,

That's a great question and a wonderful explanation of what's happening.

4 days in, it could still be the side effects of the medication. I can't say exactly how you could distinguish between the two - I suspect it's just about whether the "regular" anxiety patterns change - but something my doctors warned me about, and which I definitely did get, was more irregular and sometimes very strong anxiety symptoms.

For me, it actually went on for about 2 weeks. I'd get sick and my breathing would be all out of whack at times.

I think it's great that you've got that appointment today with your doctor. Good on you for keeping that dialogue open. It's super important because they can monitor and, if necessary, work with you to change medication.

Also nice work on those coping mechanisms. The app and breathing exercises are great ways of managing that kind of reaction.

I hope the appointment goes well and if you want to tell us how it went, we're here for you 🙂


Community Member
Thankyou James I will post a response once I have been to the doctors 🙂

Community Member


Firstly , I think you are doing an amazing job of being MINDFUL. What I mean is that you are able to
1. take stock of what you thinking is doing and
2. be a bit kind to yourself.

What I am referring to is your ability to do a “scan” of what is going on with your body and notice that your breathing is off and that there is a part of your mind that wants to panic and call 000 but then there is another part that is able to take control and do some breathing apps, and hey presto! you got through your day.

Seriously this is just incredible control and you should be super proud of your self for bring able to do that. Some people need years of practise to be able to manage that one - so go you!

Re the meds thing … you will find that the meds can throw you for about 2 weeks but then they usually settle in . They don’t necessarily help everyone , but if they are going to be of value , you usually can tell within 4-6 weeks. The side effects such as restlessness and lightheadedness etc don’t happen to everyone , but if they do occur , they tend to be maximal in the first week and fade in the second week or so. It can mimic anxiety which is confusing.

Keep in contact with your GP and make any decisions about your medications after consultation with them as they prescribe them all the time and know them really well.

I have the feeling you are going to be ok and I think you should really use that wonderful mind of yours as it is certainly powerful !

Maybe look at the chapters in on anxiety in the book by Sarah Edelman called “ Change Your Thinking” as you might find that really helpful.

Good luck!

Community Member
Thankyou for responding! Sometimes it doesn't feel like I'm doing a great job with this anxiety journey so it's nice to hear some encouraging feedback 🙂

Community Member
Hi so I went to the doctors and he wasn't happy with the severity and amount of symptoms presenting so he's told me to stop taking them (shouldn't be a problem as I've only taken 4 tablets) and to come back next week and look at other options. He's also taking some more bloods to reassure my health anxious mind. So looking forward to trying to move forward again next week!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello KMTE,

That's wonderful that you got to a result with a plan for the future. I hope that helps reassure you that it wasn't your anxiety going haywire on its own, but rather just a byproduct of the medication.

Hopefully the blood tests come back good and the next medication goes a bit better. It can be a bit of trial and error, but you're doing the right thing by giving it a go!

Good on you 🙂
