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Coming off antidepressants: 28/f/Melbourne

Community Member

I'm about to start coming off my antidepressants, and I'm not looking forward to the coming weeks of brain zaps. Now that it's been a couple of years on antidepressants, I'd like to know how I cope without them, and if they'll be a long-term solution.

Has anyone here come off antidepressants successfully, or have tips on how to cope with the process?

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Doonacloud,

If you don't mind me asking, are you coming off the tablets yourself or has your Dr or health professional suggested that is what you need to do?

If you are doing it yourself, I would like to recommend you chat to your Dr about this and ask for his or her thoughts and suggestions. The chemist may be able to advise you as well.

People will no doubt have ideas and suggestions for you, I just want to know if this is your decision or your Drs. We may not like take the medication, it does have a purpose though.

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools.

I'm only 2 weeks in from starting meds, but I would also like to know about this when/if the times comes.



Community Member

Hi guys,

I am tapering off my meds at the moment as I'm doing much better, so I thought I would share the little amount of tips that I have in case it helps someone else.

Of course I want to issue a disclaimer that you should do this with supervision of a medical professional and everyone's experience could be different.

Firstly make sure you go off medications SLOWLY. I have had bad experiences going cold turkey and if you search online for others experiences doing the same you will learn quickly that it can be a nightmare and potentially dangerous. I have been on my meds for about 10 years so am tapering off mine over a period of a couple of months, very slowly reducing my dosage so my body has time to keep up and balance itself out. This doesn't seem to stop withdrawals for everyone but is meant to reduce them/make them more manageable.

Personally my withdrawal symptoms so far are some level of brain zap and dizziness, nausea, feeling chills and headaches.

I find having a nice long hot bath in the evening with some essential oils really helpful (I like lavender or peppermint). For me I think this sort of thing is more of a comforting action where I get to take some time out and I remember that I am detoxifying and that I need to take care of myself. The scents and the warmth of the bath really helps me cope with my symptoms. Sometimes you get flu like symptoms (not sure if I have that or just a cold but a hot bath helps both). Also rubbing a little oil on your temples is really good for just calming some of the tension you might be feeling and the headaches.

For the chills, I am just making myself rug up and using my little heater. I'm happy to trade a small spike in my electricity bill for a bit of extra comfort at this time. For headaches, just good old panadol. You may want to try something more natural. For me part of going off my medication is to be more drug free but I figure it's a little trade off for a short time to manage discomfort. The nausea is the most uncomfortable aspect personally and I remembered I have some 'ENO' in my medical box for when I get a stomach upset and gave it a go. I found it so helpful in relieving my nausea. Also Miso soup is great! super comforting and hydrating and packed with good things. Drink lots of water too! you will need to stay really hydrated.

Hope that helps a little. I would love to hear other tips from people as well.

Good luck and remember to be kind to yourself throughout the process.