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Paranoid Schizophrenia

Community Member
Hey Everyone, looking for someone to talk to. I believe my partner is struggling with paranoid schizophrenia ... he has been hearing things for a number of months now and believes we are being secretly recorded in our home by our family (whom he is estranged from now). I love him dearly but I am at a point where it is really impacting on my own mental health and I do not know how to deal with him as I am constantly afraid of saying the wrong thing as I know it’s not his fault and he is unwell. He has started to have angry outbursts that can sometimes last for hours (I’m not afraid and I know he won’t harm me, but hearing him shout distresses me). He went to a psychiatrist today and he told me he said he has psychosis ... but I think it is something other than this because surely if it is psychosis it wouldn’t have gone on for so long. For some background he is a recovering heroin addict (clean for 2 years), but he does take stimulants about once a month. I’m really struggling, I love him but I need someone to look after me too.. all my family live in the UK and I relocated to a regional area to be able to be closer to him.
7 Replies 7

Hi Mas123567
We’re so grateful to have you reach out to our community tonight, and are so sorry to hear about what you and your partner have been going through. We hope that you find our forums to be a safe and supportive space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. Our community is here for you. It is good to hear that your partner is seeking support from a mental health professional. It might be an idea to get as much information you can on psychosis, to help with educating yourself on this matter, and working though what appears to be process and change in your relationship. It must be very hard right now, especially without having your family here. With the right support thangs can get better for you and your patner.

Keep checking in to let us know how you’re going, whenever you feel up to it.

Thanks Sophie, I’m trying so hard to not be angry at him... but I’ve told him time and time again to stop drinking and taking drugs as it is making him so much worse.. the expression I say to him (which I know may not be fair given his mental health)... “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink it”. When he drinks now he will scream and shout and it’s impossible to calm him down... every time, I cannot believe the neighbours do not call the police

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Mas123567~

I'd like to join Sophie_M in welcoming you here. Trying to live with a partner who has delusions is terribly hard. They can start as semi-reasonable suspicions and develop to the point where anyone can see they are nothing like reality. Trying to deal with that is fruitless, as your partner realy believes the matters concerned and no amout of logic or reassurances is going to work.

It can make one feel very lonely at times wiht the person you love so far off track and you alone, particularly if he is at odds with his family due to his beliefs and behavior.

Now you have the additional worry that something you say might start an angry extended outburst, stress for you all the time and deeply upsetting when the outburst comes and keeps on going.

Holding yourself in check and trying not to be angry , making allowances for is conditon, is not something that can go on for ever. If he drinks and takes drugs he is in all probability making his conditon worse, and if he has been given medication the combined effects can render the medication useless, and the result very unpredictable.

Irrespective of the actual diagnosis his behavior seems to have reached the stage where I think you need medical advice. You need to see the doctor yourself anyway as your own stress levels will be though the roof, and if that goes on for too long you can become ill.

I'd suggest saying how you feel, what is happening and about his drinking and drugs too. It will take an extended consultation. See where you go from there.

In many states there is a Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team you can call when he is obviously raging and in distress

A list for each state is here:


Some states have a better service than others, but it may be worth a try when his illusions become too far out and he has these outbursts.

You can do is go visit his psychiatrist. You can't ask questions but can give your own detailed account. That way the psychiatrist will at least know there might be some doubts about your partner's story.

Another problem is to ensure he takes his meds. In the right circumstances they can work well. Here however you have drug and alcohol in the mix.

The links Sophie gave you are good ones. Use them. In addition if you have nobody to lean on can you be in contact with your parents or family in the UK? Being so isolated is very hard.

You are not alone here and always welcome


Community Member
Thank you for your kind and supportive words Croix, I truely do appreciate it. He does still take his meds but at the moment he’s mood and behaviour only keeps escalating. I do have support but those I would normally lean on do not know the situation, as I do not want to worry them by being honest about what is really going on. He actually ended up reaching out to his brother tonight and he came to see him but it ended up badly and aggressive. I feel I want to leave but I’m pretty certain if I do he will take his life which hurts me so deeply to say. I feel he needs a more thorough diagnosis as the psychiatrist only spoke to him for 30 mins and he has a lot of history especially with mental health. Thank you again for your support

Hi Mas123567,

You sound like a deeply caring and compassionate person.

I think it's great you want to help your partner but it's also distressing you and he's not helping himself with the drink and drugs. I imagine his mental illness would be distressing for him also and he's escaping or coping through drink and drugs.

I think he needs further help. I'm thinking of maybe a drug/ alcohol councillor or rehab.

But his mental health has deteriorated so that might be tricky?

I feel that it's too much for you to take on by yourself.

I understand there's mental health wards. I've personally had too bad of an experience to recommend them but I've heard there are some better than others out there?

You need to take some time out for self care and indulge in things you like so you are not totally consumed by what's going on.

It must be really hard for you. I'm sorry to hear of what you are dealing with.

Hello Mas123567

I feel your pain and anguish with your partners symptoms. I have been a carer for my brother who was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and friends who had similar symptoms through using heroin and crystal meth

I understand the love you have for your partner and this would be a very difficult for you

Your health is paramount Mas. Without being cold, all other considerations are sometimes secondary

You mentioned 'feel I want to leave' This may be a healthy decision considering what you have /are going through

I am sorry that you have been through so much Mas

any questions are always welcome

my kind thoughts for you


Community Member

Hi Mas,

I’m wondering how you’re doing after all this time? 
Has your partner been hospitalized/treated? Where is your family at with this? 