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Keeping Well

Community Member

Hi all,

I have managed to keep myself reasonably well by doing some voluntary work in the op-shop at church, getting regular exercise (also a good way to lose some weight), eating a healthy diet and thinking positive.  I also take my medications correctly and regularly, listen to my favourite music and play with my cats.  When I do feel anxious and agitated, I do something to take my mind off whatever is the problem and distract myself which works really well.

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear !, well how can I call you your user name after your post, which is lovely to hear, and rather inspiring that you have now learnt on how to control what ever you had been suffering from.

It's not one step forward that you have taken, but more, and what you have said proves that there is light at the end.

I am so pleased for you, but would also like to know how your social life is going, and please only answer if you want to. Geoff.

Hi Geoff.  Thanks for the positive response.  I suffer from severe anxiety, panic disorder and P.T.S.D.  I don't have much of a social life these days.   I'm happy just going to the gym and chatting with my friends there, working at the op-shop at my church and chatting with my friends and customers there.  I catch up with some friends who live across from my unit regularly and we have a few drinks and a few laughs.  I'm really into watching documentaries on television and researching topics of interest on the internet.  I have a couple of very close friends who I catch up with when time permits (one friend works full time and has a busy lifestyle and the other friend goes for dialysis due to kidney failure 3 times a week and they both live a fair distance away from me).  I become quite agitated around people I don't know and large groups of people now so it's very difficult to go places.  Usually my brother who lives with me and is my carer comes with me when I have medical appointments.  You see, I am still recovering from major brain surgery which happened in November last year and it had a profound effect on my mental health so as far as a social life is concerned it is not a priority at the moment.  

dear !, I am really sorry about your brain surgery, and can I ask if it was caused by an accident, but I know that this would definitely cause you many problems, because I can relate to this as I was assaulted and suffered brain damage back in '83, but it certainly doesn't sound nearly as serious as what you have been through.

There are so many repercussions from any brain injury that always seems to put us two steps behind everyone else, and since you had the operation almost a year ago, there is so much for you to overcome and try and learn on how to cope with this operation.

I really would like you to get back to me. L Geoff. x

Community Member


It it so helpful to read a post like that which gives hope for recovery. I am in the depths of anxiety and depression at the moment and am trying to find as many strategies as possible to stay afloat. Thank you and good luck!

Hi Geoff.  I had a benign tumor in the right medial temporal lobe of my brain.  It was growing in the hippocampus and amygdala.  Due to this tumor, I developed temporal lobe epilepsy, mental health issues and personality issues.  This was an issue for me for most of my life and unfortunately medications did not help so I decided to have surgery to remove the tumor.  The tumor was remove along with half of my hippocampus and half of my amygdala.  I no longer suffer from epilepsy but the mental health issues did become worse due to the surgery.  I am now feeling much better.