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Introducing me ;)

Community Member
Hi everyone, This is my first post ever. I want to share my story of recovery from anxiety and depression. That is why I joined the forum.I am 47 I suffered anxiety from a childhood experience, around the age of 6. I lived with it all thru my life. Flight or fight was a constant. Around the age of 18 I was diagnosed with depression.The combination of anxiety and depression stopped me from believing that I was capable of anything. I had dreams but I just drifted really. A life of frustration. Knowing things could be better but not knowing how to change it. Recreational drugs and alcohol have been a constant in my life, as they temporarily filled a void that had always been there. I have been on anti-depressants on and off since I was 18. I never had any self-worth. I have been suicidal in the past. The turning point? - A week ago I had conversations with a friend, 5 days to myself and i stopped drinking (partner and kids were camping). I desperately wanted things to change. My relationship with my partner has been strained for some time. I watched 2 documentaries on Netflix that I believe played a massive role in the change in me 3 days ago. The documentaries are 'Brene Brown - The Call to Courage' and 'Heal'. The day after I watched them, I sat down and said out loud to myself - 'I'm not that girl anymore. She did what she did for survival at the time. I'm not that person anymore. I release her. I am not ashamed of who I am. i am not that girl anymore. I give myself the right to be who I want to be and be my authentic self'. I cried, I released, and I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders that had been there for decades. I felt like a whole person for the first time in my adult life. I honoured myself by doing 3 things that I wanted to do, clipped my hair, I painted my nails black and I had my eyeliner tattoed on. Since that day I feel like me for the first time. I am no longer subscribing to anyone else's script of how I should look and how I should live my life. I am happy. It is an odd feeling at times because I have never felt this before. I hope my story inspires others not to give up. The bandaid effect of anti-depressants and psychology sessions was not enough for me. I had to get to the root cause and release it, and that I did. It's been a rough old road but I didn't give up and I'm so glad for that.When I look in the mirror now I love what I see. I am so grateful for what has happened to me 😉
4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hi Qua,

First of all welcome to BB! It sounds like you have made a real positive change in the way you feel about yourself which is terrific. I hope you get to know your way around the BB site, it takes a while to learn to navigate it all.

I think you haven't had anyone come on to talk is that you've posted here and posting in the Welcome and Orientation section is often best if you're new as it's where everyone looks for new members. However I'm sure others will find you and come on to talk.

I'm just one of the people who uses BB because like others here I've had problems. So welcome to a very supportive place and congratulations on making such a change in your thinking about yourself to a much more positive one. Well done!

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Qua

Welcome to bb and thank you for sharing your remarkable story.

I am so pleased that you are now in a better place, as you have endured so much.

I hope you find being part of this community helpful and trust you will enjoy meeting others and sharing your insights.

Kind thoughts to you

Community Member

Thanks Hanna 3 😉

I'll post my story in the welcome and orientation section as well. Thanks for the tip and the lovely welcome message.

Kind thoughts to you too!

Community Member

Thanks Summer Rose 😉

It's good to be here and sharing my story. 😉