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Covid-19's Impact on YOUR well being....Help us help others!
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Hi Everyone
This is a difficult and unprecedented time we are all going through. Out of 10 how has Covid-19 impacted your well being?
Just for myself...I come in at about 8....A brief post will help us help others more effectively!
- 0 to 5 .......... Low impact...................Coping well and not really worried about Covid-19
- 5 to 7 ...........Medium Impact.............Concerned about Covid-19 yet is doesnt effect me
- 8 ................. Frequent Impact........... Very concerned and checking media/news reports
- 9 ................. High Impact..................Frequently concerned and experience some difficulty functioning daily
- 10................Very High Impact...........Difficulty sleeping...increased anxiety...loss of concentration and/or feelings of helplessness
The forums are a rock solid safe and non judgemental place for anyone to post 🙂
my kind thoughts always
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Today I started out at an 8 but quickly escalated to a 9.5 when I had to phone my GP's clinic for an appointment. I have had a minor health concern since April that I would like to get checked out by a doctor, however my GP has only been doing over the phone appointments since March. When I first had the symptoms I called to make an appointment and was told by reception that I could only come in for an in person appointment if it is absolutely necessary - so I put it off until today as my discomfort has gradually increased. I called again to make an appointment and was advised by the receptionist that she could book me in for a phone consult and then I could have a follow up in person appointment if the GP deems it necessary. While she sounded happy to book this in for me she asked me if I thought that the in person appointment was absolutely necessary as it could potentially be putting the GP and clinic staff at risk by coming in. I didn't end up making the appointment 😞
I am having a hard time figuring out if an appointment is necessary or am I just being selfish putting my own needs above the needs of the medical staff at the clinic? I am so confused! I know that part of my OCD is worrying about unintentionally hurting others - part of my concern about Covid has been in case I get it and spread it to other people. If my health concern turns out to be nothing or something minor then no, an in person appointment is not necessary or urgent, however I don't know - which is why I want the appointment. I don't think that I am a hypochondriac. I haven't had many GP appointments in recent years that weren't regarding my mental health, aside from check ups, yet I have this nagging feeling that maybe I somehow have made this possible health concern into something more than it actually is. I am so frustrated with Covid - it is definitely impacting my mental health today.
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Fred I'd like to share a few recent experiences
My daughter has been in isolation since receiving a call from the DHHS to say she was a close contact of +ve case. She is a health professional & was told she had very high chance of getting the virus as she had been in close contact for over 30 min when her client was very infectious. My daughter's test yesterday was -ve so she is back to work tomorrow (14 days after the contact) My daughter wears a mask & eye protection & carries out all the hand sanitation & cleaning between clients required by health professionals. I share this to reassure anyone needing to see a health professional that the current control measures do work so providing you wear a mask & the GP follows the required infection control you are very unlikely to infect the GP.
I had an appointment today to follow up on a care plan my GP recommended. Because of covid I hadn't seen the health professional I was referred to. Initially waited for end of 1st lockdown then meant to arrange it but was caught up with my husband;'s needs. Before I had the chance to see the health professional we were locked down again. I explained this to the practise nurse over the phone. Shortly after my GP rang double checking what the nurse had reported then told me to book an appointment ASAP with the health professional. My suggestion I wait for end of stage 4 lockdown was met with a stern NO.
My recommendation is to ring back & book the phone appointment with your GP then you can explain what is happening. The GP can then work out what you need. The receptionist cannot make that call. Something increasing over that length of time needs being seen.
Good luck
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Hi dear fred4761
I echo ElizabethCPs advice.
Book the in person appt even if you have to do the telehealth first.
As with ElizabethCPs health concerns, yours are valid concerns also, that's why you needed to your GP to SEE you in person.
Do this for yourself.
Love EM
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I'm saddened that Guest_5432 decided to leave the forums. I hope your path is Blessed with love and healing!
This is a difficult time and everyone needs supporting.
I've been doing alot of reading and listening to an amazing book available free online.
As a result of this and exiting from my psych after having no PTSD triggers for months, plus other stuff resolving... my mind has become far clearer.
I'm about a 1.5 today.
Reactions to preparations around me at work and at my children's schools and workplaces are being handled really well by us at least.
Our friends and colleagues are being more attuned, understanding and compassionate to each other's feelings of anxiety so that's a welcomed change to see.
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Hi Everyone....and thankyou heaps for your contribution...Since the bulk of the people read the forums you are helping more people than you know
Hey Quirky....no worries at all and thankyou for your unswerving support across the forums too!
Hey ElizabethCP....great to have your life experience and input as always...I am still an '8' yet feeling better after Victoria's Covid rate has decreased and showing signs of improvement. Thankyou for sharing Covid's impact...That takes serious strength to do and for the caring support for Fred4761 too!
Hey Guest_5432....Geoff...EM....I cant even keep up with my own thread....
Hey Fred4761....always good to see you and thankyou for being a part of the forum family as always!...You mentioned ' part of my concern about Covid has been in case I get it and spread it to other people'....This shows you have a super caring heart Fred....I feel the same without OCD. As EM and Elizabeth mentioned above...Its our decision if we want a face to face appointment with our GP...not the clinic's receptionist. As long as we arent experiencing cold/flu symptoms we can see our doc:-)
my kindest
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This is a difficult time and we need to be patient that everyone copes in their own unique way.
Elizabeth I have enormous respect for what you have to cope with. the fact you keep posting gives hope to others reading who are struggling too.
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Paul you're doing great with keeping up! Thankyou for being so positive and supportive of all BB forum members. How are you doing?
Quirky it doesn't escape most of our attentions that you are also doing it tough. You show definite strengths of character in your kind support of others even though it's tough for you too! How are things going for you?
ElizabethCP thankyou for keeping up with posting, your honesty about the situation you're in really helps others.
I hope it helps you too!
Have any of the support services been able to return to help you and your H yet?
The stresses of our situations can really play havoc with any MH progress we've made.
I try really hard to stay positive, certainly a challenge at times. I'm choosing not to look at the scarcity of things rather whatever we have instead. My youngest daughter is no longer appearing suicidal, she's doing alot better, not out of the woods yet. Most of my children are doing okay.
I woke, felt gratitude. We have a roof over our heads. Food. Running water. Sun is shining.
I hope you can find moments of peace in your day. You deserve it.
Love EM
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Thanks Paul & EM for your kind comments.
I'm having counselling via phone at the moment but that is helping a bit but the advice they can give is limited because of the restrictions. I was supposed to have a phone sessin with the exposure therapist on Wed but it was cancellled at the last minute. The last session was also cancelled last minute. so haven't seen him for 2 months One session was cancelled as my husband had to go to hospital & I needed to be available to pick him up as soon as he finished.
My husband has a support worker twice a week but we had to change what they did to comply with the restrictions so things which would be more helpful are now against the law!!!. Group sessions my husband used to attend & enjoy are unlikely to restart this year because of the risk to clients. Now even physio is online which means more work for me setting everything up watching the physio demonstrate what is required & then I have to assist my husband do it. Carer supports are all online which means I don't get to talk to others about what we're going through. The informal chats & sharing ideas I used to find more helpful than the activity itself but that is all not allowed with the restrictions & even afterwards will be a long time before it is deemed safe to meet in person. I find some of the restrictions particularly difficult sometimes impossible to comply with.
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Hi new posters/members and everyone!
Hey Quirky...thankyou for providing the 'balance' on so many thread topics!
Quirky mentioned 'This is a difficult time and we need to be patient that everyone copes in their own unique way' I think thats an excellent point for people that are experiencing 'stress' during this tough time. I hope that people with an existing MH related health issue to seek help from a GP/counsellor to avoid any increase in symptoms!
Hey EM...thankyou for taking the time to read my post....and for your super complimentary reply too! What book were you reading that was helpful?
Thankyou for mentioning that you are a 1.5....Excellent! I am getting better and down to a '7' now...yay!
Hey ElizabethCP...Thankyou for your kind ongoing support...You mentioned ' I find some of the restrictions particularly difficult sometimes impossible to comply with' I hear you loud and clear Elizabeth...Im in stage 4 and its hard work for sure
my kindest always
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Hello Guest, I'm really sorry that mental and emotional exhaustion/burnout has taken hold but your ability to help others in voluntary work would have been much appreciated in more ways than one, but you are definitely entitled to take a step back.
To be able to talk and work without any pay does require the ability for any person to be able to adjust to so many different situations all at once, which may intermingle with each other.
You don't necessarily have to provide the answer required, because support if you are able to, is a fait people only want, to eventually find a friend.
Look after yourself and you'll be most welcome back when you know it'time.
Take care.