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Family Pressures

Community Member



I am a 30 yr old Male. I am on the Disability Support Pension for Schizophrenia and Autism and I am also registered on the NDIS. I do not work due to my disabilities however I volunteer one day a week at an Op Shop. I live at home with parents but I pay board every week. My problem is that I am facing constant nagging and harassment from my mother and sister to get a job. I have told both of them that I am happy volunteering but they don't seem to understand. For my mental health I don't want a stressful paid occupation. How do I make them understand and listen so that I am free to live my own life without persecution? 

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Panda_Bear~

Welcome to the Forum, a good place to be. I'm afraid that some people do not have enough life experience or imagination to understand the effects of Schizophrenia and Autism and are locked into the very conventional thinking that a job is a must for everyone.


I don't know your family of course or what they may take notice of. Do you have a member of your medical team who is capable of explaining that your situation is one of maintaining a balance, and to put too much pressure on, taxing your abilities too far, can lead to most unpleasant consequences.


If so why not get them to come to an appointment and have that explained? The fact you are working voluntarily - and pay board - shows a lot about your determination to do what you can, a most positive thing


What do you think?



Community Member

Thanks for your reply Croix. I will try to do what you said. My mother is hard to communicate with on these matters and I don't think she cares about my choice regarding mental illness and work. I try to avoid her most of the time, but she inevitably chews my ear off whenever I am around her. 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Panda_Bear~

I guss the main thing she has to get to understand is that it is not a choice. Plus you are making the best of things. You deserve encouragement and praise, not being nagged.


If you can find a medical person to explain that it will probably have more authority than you saying this, I do hope it works out well


We would like to know how you go if you get the chance

