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What helps with automatic intrusive negative thoughts?

Community Member

Hi all

I have trouble with automatic thoughts constantly flooding my brain and they're usually hard to deal with and get me down. Sometimes I don't let them get me down but I'm going through a patch where it's hard to do that.

My psychologist asked me to think of ways that help me with those thoughts and what makes them better. But I can't think of much.

Can you please share some ideas?

Thank you

11 Replies 11

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Tgirll, I think the first thing that comes to mind for me is more a question. You mention that you sometimes "don't let" the thoughts get you down. Can you think about what was happening at those times and what you might have been doing that is different to what is happening for you now? It sometimes can be more helpful to start with what has worked for you in the past, as suggestions we make have worked for us but might not work for you.

My own suggestion would be to think about all the "noise" you have to filter out in your daily life. Television or radio going in the next room, other people's conversations if you're out in public, traffic sounds, all that kind of thing. Try and see the intrusive thoughts as just another piece of "noise" in your day, an overheard conversation that is happening between two people as you walk past. It's there, but you don't have to pay attention to it.

Community Member

Hi JessF,

Thank you for your response. That's the thing, I'm not sure what I was doing differently that was helping. Just some days I felt I was able to do it better than others and not pay as much attention to those thoughts. I really wish that i knew.

Thank you for your suggestion. Maybe today is just one of those real bad days where even just getting up off the couch is going to be difficult. I guess I have to ride it put and hope that tomorrow will be better.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Tgirll,

I have stages that I go through with automatic negative thoughts running constantly through my thoughts..

I will distract myself from those thoughts, I try to find something I like doing to keep my mind on other things, is: I will put a favourite music group/singer with earphones in and playing it loudish or if that didn't work, but it usually does because I'll start singing along with the music..but just in case.I'll try doing mind challenging games...ie: crosswords,, checkers, Alphabetty, all these are free downloads...Your mind can have only one thought at at time, which means by distracting your negative thoughts onto something you like to do, one thought is on what your doing..

Night time I use Guided meditation,followed by an instrumental, and follow one instrument throughout the song...that makes me relaxed and tired..I hope you might give these a try..but only if you want to..

Some days are worse then other days, and getting out of bed is so really hard..we can only do our best tgirll, and we can only keep trying..

Please feel free to use this thread anytime you feel up to it..looking forward to hearing back from you and how you're feeling..

Kind and warm thoughts,


Community Member
Hello everyone I have just been diagnosed as bipolar 11 from induced hypomania from ssris I don’t think I am bipolar has anyone has the same Diagnosis from induced hypomania ? Cheers

Community Member

Hello Gandy,

Thank you so much for that kind response. Even just seeing how kind people can be reminds me just how nice life can be 🙂 those are really great suggestions. I have tried running with real loud music which can help but sometimes it doesn't completely block it out. Trying to follow one instrument sounds like a great idea! I think I on those days where no distraction works and those thoughts keep coming that I have to remind myself that it's just the depression speaking. That I don't have to fight those thoughts but I have a choice. I can choose to believe them or not. And I know it's gonna be hard on some days to not think about them and believe them. All I can do is try my best. I was always such a positive person so why can't I get back to that.

All I managed today was sitting on the couch and moved to the dining table for most of the day and couldn't eat. Eventually though I ate then was actually able to go do some grocery shopping And cook a meal. I also called and organised a few things for work and spoke to a friend over the phone to try and be a bit social. Not a lot but at least I ended up doing a little bit of something with my day. I still feel like my brain is fried and a bit dark but I'm not as bothered by how I feel like I was earlier. So Gandy, I thank once again. Kind and warm thoughts right back to you.

Hi jDavid,

I can't say that it has happened to me personally but have you spoken to your therapist as to why that diagnosis had been given? Have you been seeing this therapist for a while? You can always get a second opinion from another practitioner that may know your history. Not saying that this is your case but I have a friend that was using implanon contraception which is a rod they put in your arm and lasts for 2 years. A couple of days later she actually had bipolar symptoms and was taking medication for it for a couple of months. It clicked to her that it started around when the rod was put in. They took it out and within a week she was 80% better. In a month she was back to her old self. This was years ago and she has never had symptoms like that since. I think its best you chat to your health care professionals about it. Keep posting on here for support also. All the best to you jdavid

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Jdavid, can I suggest that you start your own thread because what you have said may get lost and those with BP can then help you.

Hello Tgirll, I am very sorry that you have these intrusive thoughts, it's not something anybody would wish for, I wonder whether your psychologist has diagnosed you.

I appreciate that someday these thoughts are as bad as other days, that means your not as anxious and/or stressed out, or your mind has been attracted to something else that is taking this stress away from you.

Try and convince your mind that there is something else that's more important to think about.

Try to force this distraction.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Tgirll,

I sent a post earlier today. I'll give ie a little longer to land, then if not I'll repost..

i hope you are doing okay today.

Kind thoughts,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Tgirll,

I'm just doing a check in to see how you are.

It doesn't look like my other post will land...probably the cyber bugs got to it...I cant remember exactly what I said before..

Thank you for your kind post,

It is really hard to block out the chatty mind, I think it takes lots of practice..and practice...

Depression makes us so down on ourselves..and tired, I'm o pleased to hear you say that you remind yourself that depression speaking..by saying those words you understand that your depression is a phase that passes eventually..

My day today If from the bed to the lounge...but that's okay some days because some days are worse then others..

The most important things I think to beat depression is..Eating good healthy meals, drinking plenty of water..and sleep at least 8 hours a night...Depression imo stops us from doing these 3 important healthy habits first..then because our strength is sapped from lack of these, we tend to go deeper into our depression...Its most impoyto live and eat healthy..

I hope you are okay today.

Warm thoughts,


Community Member

Hi Geoff,

Thank you for your response. I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder a few years ago and depression this time around. I had OCD as a child and teenager but sort of grew out of it in some ways. I do think that I began obsessively analysing and thinking about how I feel with this anxiety episode that now I just get these thoughts automatically. It is truly hard to distract myself from them now so I think best thing for me to do is to try not react to them and try not get anxious and upset about them so they lose their power. Some days are easier than others to do that. I will keep at it though.

Gandy hello thank you for the response again. I do agree I think it does take a lot of practice. Like I said to Geoff I think I have to not try and react to these thoughts and get upset about them as hard as it is and just focus on other stuff. It's hard to not think about them if they evoke a strong emotional reaction such as anxiety or sadness. If they dont, they may be easier to ignore. Or maybe I have it wrong?

Yes I do have to remember that this isn't a permanent state and that I will get better.

Thanks again and hope you both are having a nice day 🙂