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Community Member
For those who have seen my previous threads, I've been told a lot to talk to a GP and things like that.
I've done the K10 test and it told me to aswell (I scored high)
But that doesn't feel like an option to me...
Does anyone have alternative ways of coping? I do sometimes use the kids help line webchat, and I'm thinking I should use it more regularly.

Thank you
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni


It's good you have completed the K10 checklist and acknowledged you need some help.

What is it about face to face therapy that bothers you? I am inclined to believe it works better than telephone counselling because both of you can interact more easily seeing each other. Having said that I know phone help lines can be great. They are certainly good in an emergency when you need immediate help. I think the face to face works because both people make a commit to be there at the specified time and to engage for a set time.

You cannot set up a time to talk about your difficulties with phone calls, and neither can you be sure you will speak to the same person every time. This means telling your story many times which is time consuming and hard work, and makes very slow progress.

Writing here on beyondblue is an option that can help. You will receive comments and suggestions from several people and probably settle down to a conversation with a few people. Often there is input from others who offer their stories and suggestions but do not stay with your thread. In this way you gather a lot of information, ideas and advice. It's usually good stuff.

What is missing I feel is the commitment to actually doing anything. Yes, many people do decide to work out a plan of action and stick to it and it's often successful. What's missing is the expertise of a professional MH person when you are in a sticky situation. This is not to say no one else has the skills required. You cannot rely on someone to be posting at the time you are in desperate need. We do our best.

Talking to your GP or other MH expert does give you a consistent place to explore your needs and make progress. Even when they go on holiday etc there is usually someone in place to help you in bad times.

Please understand all you wonderful people who post in here and offer such amazing support. I think many people have profited by your contributions, I know I have. As it says at the top of the page, Please note that immediate support is not available through these forums. BB does a fantastic job and by that I include everyone who offers help and support but the regular support cannot be guaranteed.

I hope these comments are useful. I will be away for a week from Tuesday so not able to respond.


Hello and thank you for responding Mary
I do think face to face therapy would be beneficial but I have a problem with being able to express myself. There is no way I am able to tell my parents why I need a therapist and if I can, talk to one.
It's a problem I feel I first need to over come

I'm also not sure my parents would want to pay for a therapist and I for sure don't have the money 😕

A quick post. See your GP and ask for a mental health plan. This allows you Medicare benefits just like seeing any other doctor. Your GP can refer you to a psychologist that will bulk bill you so no need to worry about fees.
