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Does anyone else feel fuzzy and on edge all the time?

Community Member
i have been suffering these for at least 20 yrs and have been on medication since then they have helped but I am a worry wart and always thinking of the worst, I lost my mum/hubby within 6 mths and I suppose being on ur own doesn't help because u have to think. And u have no one to say hey it's ok. Just wondering if anyone else has the feelings which I get,head a little fuzzy and being on edge all the time.  Tittles
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tittles,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue forums. Sorry to hear about your mum and hubby, that would be very challenging to get through. I'm not sure about these feelings you are having, have you checked with your GP? Obviously medication can have side effects, perhaps it's time to get a check up and see how you are going?

Have you tried meditation? Meditation helps me a lot to feel calm and it might help you to feel less on edge. It helps me to focus on the positive and off the negative. 


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tittles,

Thanks for reaching out to BB. I'm sorry that you are going through such a tough time and especially for the loss of your mum and hubby.  

Medication definitely can help with feeling fuzzy and on edge but sometimes like Jacko777 said, it could be the side effects or even the dosage/type of medication.  It's a funny balance trying to get it right sometimes.

I can understand being a worry wart; sometimes therapy can really help with that. I know I did CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) which is all about challenging your thoughts and seeing what thoughts are helping you and what might not be.  It can also help with thinking patterns like when we get depressed or sad sometimes our thinking can be a little bit out of whack with black and white thinking, so it might help to find a support network.  I definately applaud you for reaching out here though but I do believe a good strong support system will help you a lot.  If you aren't too comfortable with a psychologist, maybe you could reach-out to some family, friends or a GP/Mental health nurse.

Good luck - and yes, it will be okay.  You're brave for reaching out and you can get the tools to fight this.
