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Dark Day

Community Member


Im just writing to calm me down as today Im really worked up and really battling with my depression, it started the minute I woke up my moods very black and nothing I seem to do works, Ive tried mindfulness not working, the only relief I seem to get is writing in my journal which Ive done alot of today. Im unsettled, restless and frustrated, Im now doing controlled breathing exercises, and I just know that Ive got a bad night ahead of me, not sleeping it looks like a night of foxtel sitting in my favourite chair. All I can hope for is tomorrow will be a better day.

Thank you for letting me vent


9 Replies 9

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Happyannie

It is good you have posted here. I too find journalling a great outlet to explore what I am thinking and feeling. It is something that I use regularly to manage my thought processes, understand and help map out clear thinking on issues.

Do you feel safe enough to go for a long walk, or maybe take a cup of herbal tea, to relax. I find fresh air is often a good antidote when you are facing a long night ahead.

Keep posting and see if we can support and share with you more

Hi quiettall, i really like your positive response. I am feeling the same tonight

I tried journalling for a bit but felt embarrassed by what i wrote, but my psychologist today told me it's ok to write in a journal and never reread it. He said some people even rip the pages out after and throw them away. A great idea if you think your exaggerating or sensationalising.

Happieannie, try giving it a go... i know i will too x x x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi annie and welcome im sorry u have been struggling today im venessa nice to meet you xx if it helps im sitting in the loungeroom with a almost 4 yrold who has autism and we r listening to missy elliott lol yes he had a nap earlier today fell asleep to sounds of silence by disturbed beautiful melodyxx he loves music just like me he does hip hop classes lol ao cute. Journalling is great i used to do this alot very therapeutic. I find long drives and even taking my little one in the pram for my daily walk helps clear fresh air nothing better to help calm and clear the mind xx im happy to keep u company sleep is never my best friend im a shocking sleeper tomorrow is always a better day ot a fresh start xx keep in touch with us xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks Supachez.

I used to write my notes and very rarely refer back to them. I now keep them on a computer file which is password protected so no-one except me can see them. I had some notes from a time last year which today I wanted to refer back to, to see how I had progressed. It was somewhat heart warming to see how far I had come on the issue I was concerned about.

Take care both of you and feel free to keep posting

Thank you Quiettall

For your reply and your advise ,I take on board all the help that is offered I could go for a walk except another one of my problems is my fear of leaving the house I will have to get some herbal tea to try that.

My husband is very supportive but I tend to push him away when Im in this mood, I will try to remain positive, tomorrow is a new day

Thanx for your support


Hi Annie

If your husband is supportive, why not suggest to him you both go for a walk. I understand your fear of leaving the house, but with your husband by your side and holding your hand, even just walking down the street and back again is better than sitting and stewing. It is good psychologically as well as physically as walking often does good chemical things for the brain when you feel bogged down or anxious...

Anyway, hang in there and hope we can help through your postings and our responses.

Its nice to meet you Vanessa and thank you for your support, your lottle boy sounds awesome hip hop dancing thats really cool.Thanx for your support,and the offer of if Im not sleeping but I will try not to disturb you, but your offer is really appreciated

Once again thanx for your support

Take Care


Anytime lovely that's what we are all here for xx

Community Member


Just thought I would write to say Im severely depressed and today like many others is hard to cope with. Im having some really bad thoughts and am not thinking too clearly. Everything just seems to be getting the better of me lately.

Ive got medical support and my husband and daughter are great supports but it just doesnt stop me from wanting to crawl up into a ball and cry all the time, life just seems really difficult at the moment. I take my meds all the time and never miss a day and sometimes I wonder how Id be without medication.

Anyway Im going to go sit out in the sun and see if that cheers me up, I can only hope so

