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Croix Parler
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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere
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Hey Croix...just a quick note to say I got away...and back again. all went well despite my weeks of fear and imaginings. It was great to see my son especially and see for myself what a good man and successful in his career he has become...despite a mother who was barely functioning when my kids' father left...they were only little boys.....how did they turn out so well? My grandkids are turning into good people too...amazing to see how quickly they develop from "little girls and boys"into their own people. I have so much to be grateful for and hoping I can remember..now that I am home...or will a lonely depression settle upon me once more.
Cat survived....I think very glad to see me and it was amusing to watch his gradual realisation when I carried him in...he tentatively walked around sniffing of course..."yes this is my space, yes I recognise that person,she is my person, yes I think I can feel safe here again...
{ can't help wishing I had "my person" back again to feel safe. Sorry to still go on with this...but I miss him so very much Croix. Are we meant to be alone in this perilous life?.........love from MoonS and thanks for your encouragement re my trip..}
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Dear Moon
I"m delighted you are back safe and have had a good time, there is no substitute for family visits. It's not 'going on' about the one you miss, it is a natural human way of expressing greif, and just fine for you to talk about.
As for giving you encouragement, I simply told the truth - you are very capable despite your doubts.
I think I better give you a homing penguin 🚌💨🐧 in case history repeats itself.
With the image, our whole system has changed since last Xmas, I hope they identify the problem in time for you to make the changes.
I did not know cats (little red or otherwise) ever went fishing, I thought their staff simply served them on a platter (which is how Sumo Cat dines)
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Hi Moon. So good to see you & hear how well your trip to see your family had gone. Oh, & "Happy Birthday", if I neglected to say that before. May I suggest, to help you remember how good this trip away turned out to be, you could memorialise it, maybe by writing about the journey & being with the family, & 'oh, my, how the kids have grown!', expressing your feelings about that. I mean, go into detail, describe what you saw, heard, touched, & maybe even smelled & tasted, while you were with your family.
Or if you have some other way of expressing how you exprerienced the visit with your family, then do that.
As Croix says, grief is something you can talk about. It's okay to feel the loss of someone even many years later. I know I do, for someone & for my cat. Not sure about the person, but I feel sure I will always miss my cat.
Yeah, Croix, you ought to know by now, this LRC does some very unexpected & non-stereotypical cattish things.
Homing Penguin? Really, what I need are Messenger Penguins, carrying reminders. maps, lists of things to shop for, to do, people to phone, appointment times, what I wanted to say, even, & if I get distracted & need a nudge to remind me I have a meal awaiting my culinary expertise! Oh, & what time is it now? & where did I put that ... (whatever, thins & thoughts)? I'm not lost myself; it's everything around me that I lose track of!
Ah, fish - the fresher the better - 'Seaside Sashimi' [Lrc Grinning with the most pleasurable thought in a thought bubble above furry head.]
Hugzies to you, Moon, Sumo, & everyone
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OK, I'll see if I can find a P.A. Penguin -no that's not passive aggressive, that's personal assistant.
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Thanks Croix. Now I gotta train Pengi to not eat all my fish!
On another topic, the problem with the character count here being inaccurate has been going on since the new update of this website. Before it was annoying but otherwise, fine. Now it is annoying as ever, with more inconvenience, (time taken to rite, then edit, & edit, &...), causing frustration & the inaccuracy brings an insecurity about whether or not the post will be posted or not.
Late, late mmMekitty, now... snooze Time!
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Hi mmMekitty....I've had trouble with character count too..mainly because I couldn't find it!! Didn't know till the end I had gone over...so chopped some out...no clue how many I was down to then...there seemed nothing to follow ...I had to guess I had deleted enough characters. Do you know where its located so we can see how we are progressing?? e.g I haven't a clue how many characters I have written here!! What should I click on? Croix will know....Croix knows everything!! "the time has come" the Walrus said "to speak of many things".... { such as character count perhaps?).....
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Hi Moon.
That part, about the fact we don't know the character count as we are writing is one thing, very frustrating in itself, but B;s character counter, which does it business in the background, is not accurate.
I've been copying my text & using a word document & having my PC's counter tell me how many characters, including spaces, I've written, & try to edit fhere, then paste into BB's text field. I get worried my post may not get posted if, according to my word document, I'm nearing 2400 characters including spaces, that it may not get posted & I will still be advised its over BB's limit.
Sometimes I edit as much as I think is possible & if I do more, parts of what I write lose clarity or meaning. So, yeah, it's very frustrating.
This site changed, was it, June? & I'm still waiting for this character count bug to be fixed.
Trying to be concise when writing is good for the writing, so long as it does not become blunt, without nuance, & it reads like a bullet list, or some such. Ugh! I don't want my writing like that. I admit, I can find some words which can be easily dropped without losing any of what I want to say.
In other words, I'm trying to take BB's inaccurate character count as a challenge to be more concise, but, I hope, still readable.
How have you been, otherwise, Moon? & Croix, how are you?
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Dear All~
I'm afraid I've been ill again and am back, but sound a bit like a frog if I try to talk (ribbit)
I see that the ugly specter of character count has raised it's head again.
First off, at least at this time, there is nothing on the Forum to count characters as one would like
True "ABC" is 3 characters (excluding the quote marks)
😯is stored as 13 characters ie "hushed_face" plus two
Unfortunatly there are also invisible characters stored as well.
As a result you won't get the right number by using Word, which counts character sensibly.
I normally write in Word and stop at around 2,000 characters with spaces, and nine times out of ten will not exceed the Forum character count. If I use an emoji I have correspondingly less characters again
Dunno if that helps
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Hi Croix.Sorrry you had been unwell again, but very glad to hear your lovely 'ribbet'er is working.
I found 'A Muppet Christmas Carol' on Microsoft Store. I bought it, & had become frustrated trying to figure out how to watch it, when I want. Eventually, figuring out I had to download it first from the app on my PC, then another button appears - 'PLAY'! Why douldn't they simply have explained what a first-time user needs to do? Anyway, I have it now.
Inconvenient as it is, my bank thought something suspicious was going on with my account & blocked the account. They were onto it quick, which is good, but it's not so good taking forty minutes to talk to someone & be able to thell them this time it was me making the purchase.
You know what, I think I see a little Festive Penguin sitting up atop your mantlepiece - a shimmery little penguin, which may or may not be really there. You may speak & listen for replies, which sound like 'What ho?' or 'Whatever more' or 'What have we got here?' or more often, 'Why?' & 'Why not?' & 'Penguin wants a polly'. What's more, it doesn't even matter what you say, you'll have a reply from this Festive Penguin, who doesn't even look out of place out of season - so, will it ever leave you? 'Nevermore'!
Hmmm, I think you have the Pesky Festive Penguin' - believe it or not, there really is only one of them!
Goodnight, with hugzies,
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Dear mmMekitty and all~
Well I'm glad you got a Muppet's Christmas Carol, it is fun, and has enough in it to bear watching more than once, it is also a refreshing change from Jimmy Stewart in It's A Wonderful Life and Lauri Wylie's classic Dinner for One which used to be trotted out every Xmas.
I almost approve of that festive penguin as it has one endearing character trait, it hides and stays hidden, in fact nobody would ever know it was there:)
We did get off to a false start in that it thought my mantel clock might be good retreat, however I noticed time had stood still and persuaded it that it was a penguin (festive variety), not a pendulum, and it now resides elswhere.
If it was not for the litter of opened sardine cans I find of a morning I'd suspect it had gone elsewhere
BTW Sumo is not impressed to have his stash of delicacies raided every evening