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Wondering if anyone else has had this happen?

Community Member

Hi, Not sure this is the right place to post this but its the closest fit.

I've been struggling with what I call "dream things"- They can happen at any time during the day or at night but are more common at night. During these "dream things," I get dizzy, The room starts spinning, Everything feels misshapen and its almost as if my vision has a dream-like blur to it, Everything feels like its a dream. These normally happen after a stressful day and started in 2016 after someone close to me was hospitalized, recently they have been getting worse and last longer.

Has anyone else experienced this?

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

No, not really although I’ve had a couple of psychotic events many years ago while under severe stress.

The side effects of some medical symptoms like what you describe can change your life for the worse if left unattended. Eg possible loss of drivers licence.

So, I encourage a HP visit. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi DreamAwake,

It's great that you have reached out and posted about what you have been going through. I haven't experienced this but may I ask, have you spoken to a GP about this? I can imagine that must be very challenging to go through!

Please keep us updated!

Community Member
I have feelings like this, through talking with counsellors in the past and speaking to other people I have been assured that it is an effect of anxiety, I think it has something to do with the cortisol released into the blood when anxiety is triggered. I've learnt a couple coping strategies for anxiety and in turn when i do experience this, rarely these days, I can utilise what I've learnt and it puts me at ease and eventually ground myself back to "reality" and also diet has a big effect on this. with me coffee and gluten containing foods will heighten this. hope this gives you some ideas to work with to speak to a GP with