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Hi 👋

I have been reading through some posts and it helps to know that I’m not alone.

I consider myself a pretty chilled out sort of person but 3 months ago I started with major breathing issues where I and ended up twice in the ER. I felt like I couldn’t get a full breath in. This went on for about a week with the GP office doing all sorts of tests checking my heart, iron levels, I did a lung scan and all the tests and it came back fine except my heart was racing which they put down to panic attack/anxiety. I honestly thought I had an asthma attack or something. The dr prescribed me medication which I took, and that gave me relief where I haven’t needed to take it very much at all. Thinking back to where it started and have no idea what the trigger was.

Fast forward to now and it’s happening again. I’m trying all sorts of breathing exercises and nothing seems to work. I try and leave the pill until the last resort, and so tonight after 2 days of not getting full breaths in, I took it and felt quite relaxed. But now 4am i feel like it’s starting.

I’m just confused why it’s starting now in my life where I feel things aren’t too bad, I’m 32 and I’ve had other stuff happen in the past and never responded this way. I don’t know the trigger. I know it’s weird times at the moment, maybe it’s that. Can it just come out of the blue?

Any advice or comments would be appreciated.

2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Lanibanani,

The past few months sound as though they have been very rough on you. Your breathing issues must have been very frightening & worrying...

I feel it would be so unsettling & stressful that it seems to be coming back. I would gently suggest making a new appointment with your GP to touch base, discuss your ongoing breathing issues & any mental health issues. If possible, I would also suggest asking if s/he can do a Skype or FaceTime appointment with you.

It’s just that a lot of GPs are now opting for virtual appointments at the moment (where possible) as a COVID-19 precaution. But depending on your needs, that may or may not be suitable. Your GP would be able to advise, either way....

I’m not sure if it was discussed during your last GP appointment. But if not, I would recommend asking your GP about the Mental Health Care Plan during the appointment.

If your GP deems it appropriate, the care plan would entitle you to a number of Medicare rebatable psychologist visits where s/he could help you learn coping strategies that could help with your breathing. For example, mindfulness, grounding activities, etc.

I really feel for you. Thank you for bravely opening up. I know it’s hard...

kindness and care,


Community Member

Hi Lani

I don’t know that I’m much help as I have had anxiety issues for as long as I can remember but I do know it can be such a fright when it hits out of nowhere. My partner has never had anxiety but a few years ago we rushed him to hospital thinking he was having a heart attack. He couldn’t breathe properly & had severe chest pain. Turned out it was a panic attack. We don’t know what triggered it and it hasn’t happened since. It can be so odd sometimes when it decides to hit.

Did it all start around the same time as all the uncertainty with covid? Have you had to make any big changes due to that? Do you find yourself having any anxiety over it possibly happening again? I wonder if the stress of another attack could bring on the attack?

I don’t know if this would help when it’s due to anxiety but one thing I’ve noticed when I have trouble breathing due to my asthma is that the more I focus on the actual breath the harder it is. I need something like meditation music etc. to put me in a calm space so that the breathing comes naturally. Maybe it would be worth a go finding something that takes your mind off the actual breathing?