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What has worked successfully?

Community Member

I'm new to posting in a forum about anxiety, didn't even know it was a thing tbh, but it's great to have this available. I was wondering what people have found to be successful in managing their anxiety? Whether it's therapy or a book? Are there any online programmes that people are part of? Would just like a push in the right direction. Thanks
7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello anxiousdude

Welcome to Beyond Blue and to getting some support and some comfort at this time. Anxiety is a funny old thing, it effects so many people, and in very different ways. I think the fact you are reaching out for some tips on how to manage this is wonderful as you will get some support in what others do to manage times when their anxiety is at it's peak.

I think distraction is a really great tool, anything that can break the cycle of the brain and give it something else to do. Typically that is what anxiety is, thoughts, that are not truths, and if you can have a few things at hand that you do love doing to reach out during these times, you might even have some things that you have always wanted to do and never had the time to, we sure have some time now. I have just started painting during these isolation times and while I am not particularly good at it, it totally consumes me and I find hours have past and I have actually come up with something that I am proud of.

Music, dance some puzzles are also great tools, but you need to dig deep to find something that work for you.

Can I also suggest a trip to your GP to have a chat and to see if you need some extra support at this time. This will really give you a good starting point as the earlier the intervention the better the journey to wellness and managing the anxiety.

Another great idea too is to have a look around on the Beyond Blue website as there are some really great resources and tools to help you through this time too, there is also the K10 test which I have put a link to here:


It has been great chatting to you and I hope that we can do that some more.

Huge hugs to you anxiousdude

Sarah xx


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi anxiousdude,

I think it's really great that you are wanting to learn more and target your anxiety. I can relate, anxiety can be all-consuming! Here are a few helpful things that I have learnt in my journey:

  • Being aware of what kind of thoughts you are having - we can have negative automatic thoughts which then trigger -> certain emotions (like anxiety) -> and then certain behaviours (for example worrying). It can be very helpful to realise what kind of negative automatic thoughts you are thinking, it can be a very eye opening experience.
  • Meditation - with anxiety we can be very 'go, go, go' so meditation really helps to slow everything down to the basics. I even find that my breathing in general is quite quick so meditation can help to slow it down. I really like guided meditation videos on Youtube!
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - There are many great books on this, a really good one is 'The Happiness Trap - Russ Harris'

Also, as Aaronsis has said, it can also be very helpful to speak to your GP for support. Seeking a mental health professional may also be a good idea as they may guide you and help you by teaching you new techniques and being there for you in a non-judgemental way.

I hope you find any of these tips useful!

These are all such great suggestions.

What has also helped me is reading books about mindfulness.

Some that I really enjoyed and would recommend are:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (a fiction book relating to taking charge of matters in your control and letting go what you can't control).

Hope this helps!

Hi zguenzl,

I have never read 'The Alchemist'! I didn't know that it would be about that. I really want to read it now 🙂

It's really good!

It's clever because it presents as fiction but its full of life lessons disguised as a story 🙂 It made me smile a lot

Zoe 🙂

Community Member
Thanks guys for all the tips, there's definitely things that I see value in and will give it a try. I have to say, there's a couple of books you mentioned there that I've read and have also taken away some help for my anxiety, even if they are not directly related. thanks again i look forward to keeping in touch

Community Member
The Anxious dude,

I just shared a post on another topic. I really feel like people who have a mental illness or disability need to follow a line of work within their passion.

Write down what you enjoy doing.
Then look at what kind of work you may be able to do that you will enjoy.

If you find something you will enjoy waking up to every day and going to work for it you will have even more success.

But dont forget to look outside the square :)

You've got this and most importantly, do therapy! And keep reaching out the way you are.