
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Laurie08 Anxiety attack? Suddenly increase in anxiety
  • replies: 3

Sorry this Is a long one. I assume I have anxiety, though I've never been to a mental health doctor about it. Its usually manageable or to be realistic, ignorable; but I recently (Aug 2019) started having I guess heart palpitations and shortness of b... View more

Sorry this Is a long one. I assume I have anxiety, though I've never been to a mental health doctor about it. Its usually manageable or to be realistic, ignorable; but I recently (Aug 2019) started having I guess heart palpitations and shortness of breath when there is a build up. It started when I had to do a job application and interview for a position higher than mine. Change is hard and I had just been getting comfortable after 6 months in a different position, but felt the pressure(encouragement) from work and parents to apply. I didnt get the position which I'm kind of relieved about; but now there is the expectation for me to up skill at work through a Diploma education. I dont mind so much it will be good for my resume but It is inducing some stress to think about. I went to the doctors and found out I'm very iron deficient and B12 deficient, which I've researched can increase symptoms too. I also started having heart palpitations and shortness of breath if i drink too much coffee or have it in the afternoon. This is strange for me because up until August I found coffee relaxing and would drink multiple a day. Now it feels like I crash hard and my mind notices when my body is falling asleep which let's off adrenaline and keeps me awake. Just yesterday I was feeling jittery at 3pm. I had 2 coffees that day before 9:30am but overall had had a nice fun family day relaxing decorating cookies and watching movies. I noted I felt jittery before my drive home and was provided some relaxation lavender oil. I ended up heading off home which involved driving down a freeway at 110km/h. I started zoning out, sweating palms and feet and my heart was going crazy so I had to pull over. Luckily there were no cars immediately behind me and I was able to stop safely. I calmed myself down with breathing turned the music down and aircon up and continued, but was still in my thoughts about what if it happened naturally it did. I had reached a part where there was no where to pull over, heart beating madly, sweating, trying to control my breath, pins and needles throughout my whole body... I managed to take an exolit, put on my hazards And drive long enough to find a parking area. I was absoloutely shaking when I stopped. I called my parents and my brother came an picked me up so I'm all fine now besides exhausted and my chest still aches.

Hamada Terrified of Serotonin Syndrome but can't find enough information on it.
  • replies: 4

Hey all, I only just made this account because I honestly feel out of options so I thought I'd ask here if anyone had any information that specifically relates to what i'm going through. Iv'e been my usual AD for about 6-7 years now however after com... View more

Hey all, I only just made this account because I honestly feel out of options so I thought I'd ask here if anyone had any information that specifically relates to what i'm going through. Iv'e been my usual AD for about 6-7 years now however after completely shredding my body with caffeine over a year (extremely high doses) iv'e developed a panic disorder that is entirely crippling, I am getting better slowly however after a visit to my psychiatrist he placed me on another AD for sleeping while I'm being weaned off my old ones, i'm not entirely sure of the T&C's here but i'm told we aren't meant to name medication names but I honestly have nowhere else to turn, I'm being weaned off medication and taking new medication (for 4 days) when someone mentioned Serotonin Syndrome, I'm hopefully presenting this in a way that isn't discussing medication. In anxiety fuelled rage I've researched myself into a mess and am now terrified of taking my meds which are effectively giving back my life because im terrified of this thing happening, I was wondering if anyone has any information on if I can develop it after 24 hours or if once I've taken it for a while I'm kind of in the "clear". Again, I may be breaking some forum rules but I honestly have nowhere else to turn and a very very long sleepless night ahead of me if someone can't point me in the proper direction. Thank you.

alexis123 feel like i am a burden to everyone
  • replies: 2

my anxiety is so constant and controls my life, i can barely do anything social anymore which as a result of that i’ve lost a lot of friends from me bailing all the time, i just think if i don’t go places i won’t be a burden because if i do i’ll ruin... View more

my anxiety is so constant and controls my life, i can barely do anything social anymore which as a result of that i’ve lost a lot of friends from me bailing all the time, i just think if i don’t go places i won’t be a burden because if i do i’ll ruin it

Stanlee14 Anxiety Managment Your Tips
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone! I wanted to create this thread to talk about tips and tricks to manage your anxiety. Recently I’ve been suffering from quite bad health anxiety. Just another chapter in my own mental health story, a plot twist I didn’t see coming. Pun... View more

Hello everyone! I wanted to create this thread to talk about tips and tricks to manage your anxiety. Recently I’ve been suffering from quite bad health anxiety. Just another chapter in my own mental health story, a plot twist I didn’t see coming. Puns aside, I wanted some coping tips from others. For me personally I find keeping myself busy with things and hobbies to do very useful for combating negative feelings. This is a bit difficult for me at the moment as I’m out of work. Another thing I do to combat negative thinkingis to have a set of positive phrases which I repeat to myself through out the day, like you are safe, you are loved, you can do this ect. Another strange one that I’m sure many with health anxiety can relate to is the nagging urge to google symptoms and illnesses every 5 mins. Every time I get this urge now, instead of googling I get on forum and spend that time reading and contributing to posts on here. A strange one but I feel it’s more positive than than the latter and felt I should share it. But I want to hear some other coping strategies that others use. Cheers in advance, Stan.

Zac32 Anxiety and can't breathe
  • replies: 3

Hey everyone I'm new to this kind of thing and don't no what else to do I'm a 26 year old male quit smoking after 4 years about 4 weeks ago (and no i do not crave a ciggarette) and I have anxiety the doctor has put me on anti-depressants but can take... View more

Hey everyone I'm new to this kind of thing and don't no what else to do I'm a 26 year old male quit smoking after 4 years about 4 weeks ago (and no i do not crave a ciggarette) and I have anxiety the doctor has put me on anti-depressants but can take weeks to work i need a imediate fix and have alot of thoughts but the main thing I'm stressing and panicking over is that I can't breath,my throat feels like it's closing and my breaths are shallow and when I take a deep breathe it feels like I can't fill my lungs up to the right capacity if thag makes sense it makes me panic alot and this has been going on for 3 days now I wake up in the middle of the night at lime 3am and instantly panic and can't breathe and I stay up the rest of the night worrying! I constantly stay inside all the time and hate even going to my leter box I hate where I live and will moving place help with the anxiety do you think? Will excersise help? Just really want to know what helps Sorry if this has been covered alot Thanks so much everyone Zac

nht anxiety attack as you fall asleep
  • replies: 5

Hi, has anyone experienced anxiety/panic attack as soon as you fall asleep. I get this quite often during the day when I take a nap. I also get it in the morning after I wake up from some short perid of sleep, then try to fall sleep again. It makes y... View more

Hi, has anyone experienced anxiety/panic attack as soon as you fall asleep. I get this quite often during the day when I take a nap. I also get it in the morning after I wake up from some short perid of sleep, then try to fall sleep again. It makes you very scared of trying to sleep then you give up trying to sleep. You lose more and more sleep because of that. If someone has been through this how do you cope or prevent it from happening

From_little_things When what you worry will happen in a social event, comes true: Sounding stupid in social gatherings!
  • replies: 4

Anti-anxiety advice states things like you are imagining everyone else thinks you're saying silly things. So, had to go to the airport to farewell school group, did my usual minimal speaking to avoid judgement. Then, school group has to do count off ... View more

Anti-anxiety advice states things like you are imagining everyone else thinks you're saying silly things. So, had to go to the airport to farewell school group, did my usual minimal speaking to avoid judgement. Then, school group has to do count off and they muck it up. I make a comment' you had one number to remember' in humour. I did repeat it 3 times as others joined my area. Seemed innane enough. But, NO, woman in front of me swung around and glared at me for saying it. So- there you go - I believe that what I say will be ridiculed and here's the proof! Please don't say ' what others think of you is not your business' because it really is, isn't it? How others see you is so influential on your own life. I just can't see how to do this social thing without agony.

Chooky1209 Managing anxiety with insomnia
  • replies: 1

Hi guys I’m new to posting on here! i just wanted to get some advice I currently am suffering really bad insomnia it has just triggered and I can’t break the cycle I have mediation before bed but I can’t keep the thoughts of what’s going on in my hea... View more

Hi guys I’m new to posting on here! i just wanted to get some advice I currently am suffering really bad insomnia it has just triggered and I can’t break the cycle I have mediation before bed but I can’t keep the thoughts of what’s going on in my head to relax me. Has anyone even experience this and have any advice on what I can do to make it better?

dawnstudent Being alone for the first time
  • replies: 1

I have been suffering with severe social anxiety for my whole life, it makes every aspect of my life extremely difficult for me. I am in a long term relationship (10 years) and think it may be codependent in a lot of ways and as such I have not fully... View more

I have been suffering with severe social anxiety for my whole life, it makes every aspect of my life extremely difficult for me. I am in a long term relationship (10 years) and think it may be codependent in a lot of ways and as such I have not fully grown up like most people, if that makes sense. I depend on my partner for a lot of things. Next year my partner will be going on a family holiday overseas for a month. I am invited to this holiday, however I have decided to study nursing next year and can't afford to leave study for a whole month to go with them. My issue here is that I have never been alone by myself, my partner has never gone on a holiday without me, and the thought of my partner leaving me alone for a month is terrifying me. This is happening late next year and I am already developing anxiety about it. I think because it will be a combination of the new study + going to nursing clinicals, and then being alone for that month that is really getting to me. Just the thought of doing nursing is causing me extreme anxiety, so adding the fact that my emotional/support "lifeline" will not be there for me during that time is adding to it. I know it sounds ridiculous but I have never been left to deal with things by myself ever in my life. I'm not sure how to deal with it mentally, is there something I can do to prepare? or literally just push through it and get over it as it comes?

Sam2019 reality vs anxiety !
  • replies: 2

Hi all First time poster here. I wasn't really sure where else to go. I'm a long time stress head who's grown up with some form of anxiety or another . I've always managed to keep it in check and it hasn't really gotten in the way of my life too much... View more

Hi all First time poster here. I wasn't really sure where else to go. I'm a long time stress head who's grown up with some form of anxiety or another . I've always managed to keep it in check and it hasn't really gotten in the way of my life too much . My main issue has always bee health anxiety . Anyway back in August I planned a trip away with the family for the first time with my 2 little boys and the wife away from Australia to a South Pacific island. Ever since coming back from that tripmy life has not been the same . I was stressed the entire trip about the lack of medical facilities and what would happen if the kids got sick . Then I got myself all wound up about catching something auwfull while I was there . Spent half the trip indoors cause I was worried about being bitten by mosquitoes and catching dengue fever . Then my luck I got bitten on the last day ! On my return home I spent days waiting for symptoms to pop up and spent countless hours on Google. I started feeling tired all the time and sleepy and though that was signs of infections . Went to the doc who ran a blood test and found high markers of inflamation and some low iron levels . That sent me into a spiral ! Which last about 2 month maybe 10 or 12 blood test with some numbers getting better and some getting worse. I ended up at multiple gps that kept saying forget the numbers they weren't that far out of range . But I couldn't get them out of my head ! I ended up having at least 12 blood tests, a ct scan and multiple other tests which kept coming back with nothing. My life became a misery of spending countless hours on Google at home and at work to the point where my.wife is getting sick of it . Then recently I started getting ectopic heart beats. So off I go to the go again who cooked to a Holter monitor. They found lots of ectopic beats which sent me into another spiral dove into Google ! Went and did a stress echo which showed up normal and the cardiologist said just forget about them . U would think that's the end of it . But no.. more google and now I'm convinced I have heart inflamation from an infection I must have cought whilst overseas ! I'm breathless, tired and just over life ! Can anxiety really do all this ? Actually cause heart issues and manifest itself physically ? The lines between reality and anxiety have been blurred for me and I can't tell the difference anymore ! Any help would be appreciated !