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When what you worry will happen in a social event, comes true: Sounding stupid in social gatherings!

Community Member

Anti-anxiety advice states things like you are imagining everyone else thinks you're saying silly things. So, had to go to the airport to farewell school group, did my usual minimal speaking to avoid judgement. Then, school group has to do count off and they muck it up. I make a comment' you had one number to remember' in humour. I did repeat it 3 times as others joined my area. Seemed innane enough. But, NO, woman in front of me swung around and glared at me for saying it.

So- there you go - I believe that what I say will be ridiculed and here's the proof!

Please don't say ' what others think of you is not your business' because it really is, isn't it? How others see you is so influential on your own life.

I just can't see how to do this social thing without agony.

4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi and welcome to beyond blue. You made a statement after your question about not worrying about what others think. Yes it is true that what others say can influence your own life - it depends on how much you let it define you. And if you have anxiety it can difficult to overcome. Yet if you are able to reframe your thoughts or try grounding or mindfulness based exercises can make things easier. I hope you stay around the forums and hear more from you.


Thank you for replying.

I like your point about not letting others' views define me. I am too sensitive about that, I know.

Hi From little things

Welcome too and thankyou for being a part of the Beyond Blue forums 🙂

I would never mention 'what others think of you is not your business' There is no judgement on the forums. I agree with you as what others think of me can have an effect on my life....especially in a social environment

I understand exactly what you mean and have been in similar circumstances. I have had some social anxiety for a while now and it used to bother me a lot...Its a pain! I have always been sensitive about what people think too.

Smallwolf (Tim) made a great point above about 'grounding ourselves' when we are 'stuck'.

It would be great if you could stick around the forums.....only if and when you wish that is 🙂

Thankyou for the excellent post too!

my kind thoughts



One of the things my psychologist got me to do was to rock the boat. Rather than just accepting what I was told, rather than speaking my mind I was challenged to do something different. For me this also helped me in dealing with sensitivity as I was being a little more assertive. It can take time and I feel nervous when I am saying what I think. Please don't think negatively about how you act - it is just part of you based on your experiences and change is possible
